Is Lucio’s heal canonic?

It also says “he is a byproduct of failed genetic alteration which forces his cells to simultaneously decay and regenerate at a hyper-accelerated rate.”

It also says “survivors have described”. It doesn’t mean that is the explanation, while his cells degenerating/regenerating is the given most likely explanation.

Also, can you please stop double posting.

ok so you just have a theory. thats not canon. your personal theory. if your gonna keep saying that hanzo’s and genji’s dragons are made of hardlight (despite that not being comfirmed canon) then i don’t know what to say to you.

ah yes their Blue that makes sense

the ghostly ability to become immune to damage, and the power to step between shadows make Reaper one of the deadliest beings on Earth. this is the first thing written in his lore page, and directly describes wraith form

That comes from his gameplay page. His lore page states:

Some speak of a black-robed terrorist known only as the Reaper. His identity and motives are a mystery. What is known is that where he appears, death follows.

It is not a certainty that the Shimada Dragons are hard light. We just know a few things.

  • They share an appearance and functionality with Symmetra’s orbs, as seen in A Better World
  • They share a colour scheme with the rest of the potential hard light tech we have seen, and everything related to it (Symemtra’s everything, barriers, Vishkar’s logo).
  • Magic isn’t real.

That isn’t his lore page, that’s his gameplay. Here’s Zenyatta’s:

Zenyatta calls upon orbs of harmony and discord to heal his teammates and weaken his opponents, all while pursuing a transcendent state of immunity to damage.

i guess if you just cherry pick bios while ignoring his overall page.

We are discussing lore, so I’m looking at the lore. You’re the one who is cherrypicking.

Genji’s dragons are green, so that right there makes no sense, and also “both being blue” isn’t enough to say there the same ability. and again according to your own logic “if the devs don’t confirm it then it isn’t canon”

it literally says shadow in his bio, thats more canon then your hard light theory.

Neither are Zarya’s barrier, and you ignored the other two points which are still valid.

You have been shown a source that shows not all gameplay is canon, you have been shown a source that shows not the “Overviews” are not lore, and you have been shown a source that proposes there is a more likely explanation than turning into shadows (which is what survivors describe they saw).

If you have an argument to make, can you support your speculation with evidence that has not yet been disproven or disregarded?

Zarya’s barriers haven’t been comfirmed to be made of hard light either. Hard light seems to be something excusive to viskar (and lucio since he stole their technology)

If your going to act like your theory is canon truth, then sorry i can’t believe anything you see

Picking one part of a point does not make the other points any less true. And I am not acting like it is the canon truth. As I said earlier:

So there isn’t a explained scientific reason to why the shimadas have dragons. So music healing shouldn’t be that shocking
Just because it hasn’t appeared lore yet doesn’t mean we should assume it’s non canon. Currently it’s neither canon or non-canon. So we can’t use “it doesn’t make sense” scientifically as proof for anything

I never made this claim

Its not a question of music healing being shocking or not. Its a question of whether or not it is canon.

  • Gameplay abilities are not necessarily canon
  • Lucio’s crossfade and healing powers have yet to be shown in the lore
  • Lucio’s crossfade and healing powers have no reference in the voice interactions
  • The best description we have is from the dubious and unreliable gamplay descriptions, which claims that he energizes allies
  • His gear has Vishkar roots, which has yet to be shown being related to healing. The extent we have seen was shielding but not anything medical.
  • The only medical technology we have seen in the lore is Mercy’s nanobiotic tech.

What do you have to support Lucio’s heal being canon, other than it is part of his gameplay kit, which as shown earlier with the Zenyatta example, is not a reliable source.

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We haven’t seen pharah’s rocket barrage yet, or mei’s cryfreeze, or doom fist meteor strike. It doesn’t mean those abilities aren’t canon.

Mission Statement, she lets the barrage missiles loose mid flight when the Omnics first strike and take out half her squad.

We have not seen it, but we have had something similar described. Mei’s Journal supplies us with this quote:

I’ve recovered from some early “issues” (my arm still hurts from being frozen solid a few days ago… so embarrassing!), and everything is in good working order. Look on the bright side: now that I’ve tested the equipment on myself, I’m not worried about using it on all the cute animals I want to study!

This tells us that her freezing technology works in some capacity, but it is unclear as to what it is. Whether its referring to her primary fire or cryofreeze. We have a precedent that Mei can freeze things, and that she has used this freezing tech on herself, but we do not know whether she can freeze her whole body solid, then break free at will. She only says her arm hurts, so it is unknown just how much of herself she froze. Overall, debateable.

We have seen the upwards portion of it in his anime, but not the landing strike. Although the strike he makes before his leap is more powerful than that of his landing, and he is shown to descend straight down after he punches Genji across the city. Overall, less debateable than Cryofreeze but still debateable.

In the case of Rocket Barrage, we have seen her fire those missiles in the lore. They are explicitly canon.

In the case of cryofreeze, it is in a debateable place, based on the source being a first person text article that leaves out details.

In the case of Meteor Strike, we have not seen him perform that exact motion, but we have seen him perform the upswing, and a downswing of greater output with less input. This one is less debateable, as there is stuff to support that he can perform this in the lore.

Where in lore? Your gonna have to be more specific.

As for that latter two you’ve said that mei’s is debatable but we haven’t seen her do anything in lore. We haven’t seen blizzard or ice wall (her short had her shoot out an ice structure but it doesn’t look the same as ice wall)

So by that logic none of me I’d abilities are canon.
Currently we don’t have enough lore to say weather or not any of lucio’s abilitys are canon. So this “not canon until in lore” thing would mess up a good amount of heroes in the game

Currently his healing is neither canon or non-canon, and saying it’s non-canon would honestly limit him alot and I don’t think the devs would want that

Reread my post and try again. It was the first thing I addressed. I felt it would be redundant to resupply my sources in my conclusion.

We have seen her make an ice hand hold, but that is not part of her gameplay kit. And I also addressed this already. Reread my post and try again.


It is non-canon until proven otherwise, because there is nothing to suggest it does exist. Saying it is “maybe canon, maybe not canon” means that it can possibly be canon in the future, but cannot be argued with the same certainty that it can be canon in the present. I’m not saying it can never be canon. I am saying, as of now, it is not known to be canon.

I enjoy a healthy debate as much as the next person, it allows one to make full use of the discussion board to find error in your own thinking, as well as discover new theories. However, if you have nothing further to support your argument beyond Lucio’s heal existing in game, I am never going to agree with you. If that is the case we should end this discussion. No point going forward if neither of us are going to concede to the other. At the end, it seems the heart of this is different interpretations of “non-canon until proven otherwise”.

i personally think “non canon until proven canon” because that would mean that abilites like ice wall, cryofreeze, transcendence, nano boost etc, aren’t canon at all, which i think would be very strange. and i feel like having entire abilites not exist would be bad writing. like yeah stuff like hacking and steel trap, work differently because they have to in order for it to be fair, but an entire ability especally one thats important to ones kit not existing would be too much. you said on another forum how “zenyatta’s discord isn’t supported by lore” but that doesn’t seem like it means “not canon at all” just “they don’t have a reason yet because he doesn’t have lore”

i think the problem is just that you and i have very different interpataions on how canon works and i don’t think thats gonna change. if you think its non-canon i guess thats your choice. i won’t argue anymore.

Ive made the assumption that his music does not physically heal based on other things in game such as reaper collecting souls not being canon to the lore.

Im not here to prove or disprove a theory I’m just stating what I think. I just think Lucio being the kind of character he is- if his music could physically heal he would be better based at a hospital and since thats not the case its my natural assumption that it doesnt heal wounds, youre free to disagree all you want all anyone here is trying to do is make their own sense of it.

All people are doing is showing you their evidence to support their own veiw. The fact is that we do not know the exact sciences (So far it should be a science since that seems to be the nature of Overwatch) unless a dev outright says there are magical elements of Overwatch we should treat it as scifi as such.

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