Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

If I recall the stat that was taken was based off a time frame when private profiles could have been of and those stats would have been tracked. I was asking to see if either claim for or against could be given foundation to hop off. Unless I am just wrong and the stat was taken at the thrust of the patch that brought in PP and then no one could be used in the sample as it should have zero data.

Also I guess as the villain of the thread [Everyone is treating you like MegaDoDo] apparently some of the post was emulation of the request for proof.

Okay so like a lot of that makes sense but the part of some people not being aware and some not caring doesn’t account for the people that removed it immediately who were aware and we’d need a pool or study done to account for them just lumping the people in who did indeed get it off early or before stats were gathered should be taken into account as it is valid data and it would be reflected in any stat tracker around that time or rather it should be.

But they aren’t irrelevant becasue we don’t know if they are unaccounted for becasue in anther unlikely scenario I don’t think data was gathered second one that we have access to and if you do I’m interested in seeing it not a call to action but disregarding data because of possibilities isn’t the making of a sound argument.

Should we count those or would they be considered anecdotal does the content of those threads matter? I’d be one to say so but if your arguing that the glut of threads had nothing meaningful to say to support she is in a good spot I think we disagree really hard with one another .

This we can look up I’d think you’d link or provide the evidence of the fact as the I am at the time of posting going over Mercy numbers across all ranks myself but what data your referring to would be nice to know. The pro play is indicative of her being in a good spot theoretically if her numbers rose and declined smoothly so at least on that one I’ll side with you sorta. (also what constitutes healthy and good win rate? is it 50/50 or does it skew down due to play time?)

Bonus: any idea what private profiles might do to her pick and win numbers?

That was mostly a joke but yeah I get ya

In the original post there was a call to be realistic about who kept private profiles and a claim to the tune of Mercy players welcomed the new profile system. I was asserting that forum post and aggregate sites didn’t provide real insight to who and who did not “welcome the profile changes” I was attempting to say that the only person or group of people who’d know how many people has a private profile realistically is Blizzard and I don’t think that is too far fetched.

It could also be unlikely

Also a joke but the context of those post really didn’t have much to do with each other it was mostly just pointing out an irrelevant inconsistency that I found humorous I am 100% sure I’ve done the same at some point but hey I just want people to stop making fun of one another.

Nah I hope they never change that it’s so much fun.

I dont even know about this hardly even care so long as the standard works and the most relevant to E-sport, which is 1920x1080 (Personally ofc). Unless it is actually some very used Resolutions and isn´t linked to FOV as well how relevant is it to fix.

I don´t know if you forgot, but you still get all of this for free, you are litterally crying about free content.

I mean 2 things,

  1. I dont like the switch thing, but it makes sense i will explain this in the second line.

  2. Overwatch 2 was said to be a PVE focussed game, that would expand OW, quite good if you ask me and also sought after by the community, i mean you just complained about lack of content/events right. Outside of that, because they are gonna release it, i bet that is why they are making OW avaiable and working on Switch since a PVE focused OW would be perfect for switch (Money wise), in my eyes.

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Basically it was taken over a longer stretch of time (different seasons if i remember correctly). And yes people do treat me kind of bad, i mean this one Mercy player is just so mad at the fact that i just mentioned private profile and mercy players in the same line.

Exactly, but as far as i am aware, no one really tracked player numbers during and after the PP and its effect and otherwise, so the only ones really having the info is Blizz. But in short, it is all one mess, that you really cannot make a conclusion out of, that “So many of x left or 50% of the people that left were x”.

You see i am not disregarding the data, it clearly shows a downwards trend in Mercy pickrate. Now why this is, is really unknown, (This is where i present the fact as well, that a huge sample is not there or accounted for “cause no one could track PP except blizz”, so the stat can´t even be gone for that soundly at least).

Now the reason i disregard it a lot more is, that it shows Mercy playrate falling, which it did. Why it did idk, did it have something to do with Mercy rework etc ? More than likely yes. But the data was meant to showcase, that these players left the game (Which is that data i sought), which it in no way does, neither picture even mentions the amount of individual players at the time so we can compare the percentages of players utilizing Mercy before and after, therefor we don´t know if they left or they went to play other things.

You can call em anecdotal if you want sure, i mean they really weren´t, when blizz confirmed her numbers of being overinflated though and we could see that in her stats as well, now if they had good things to say ? Some might have, but in the end, i am talking about the ones saying she would be gutted/bad/terrible even after the first nerfs came in (Before Moth meta), which was just factually wrong.

If people are constantly saying “She is in a good spot, she is gonna be terrible, unplayable, weak” yet after this she becomes a 100% must pick in the game and was for long time, receiving a plethora of nerfs before finally now landing on some healthy and balanced stats, i would say those threads didn´t have anything to say in terms of her being in a good spot balance wise.

Well seeing as she is at a 50%+ winrate for all ranks in general, the 4th most picked hero in the game overall, has had a like 20%+ pickrate in pro and is sitting at 15-11.5% right now, that is quite good. Let me specify even more, she has a middle or above middle of all characters winrate in all most all ranks (this is without excluding all the low pickrate/high winrate champs, or the ones that have hyper inflated winrates (If you are familiar with this statistical anomaly, due to how wins and losses are calculated)) while as stated earlier having a quite high pickrate in all most all the tiers as well, that is what i call very good in terms of being in a balanced state, compared to all the heroes in the game right now.

Still don´t know about this, i would guess it would more or less even out at this point in time (1+ year since PP release i think), but i still have a feeling, that certain roles and OTP/people, are inclined to go private more than others (This is my opinion based on the observation around the problems that seemed to surface the need for PP to begin with, and might actually become a bit better now with the release of 2x2x2 as well).

Alright i see, couldn´t be sure though, i mean if i think people were joking in here, they would still wanna roll my head.

Nope you are absolutely correct, the only ones really aware of the amount of PP and who did it more than others is Blizzard. My speculation, which i guess extends to quite a bit of others (Referring to the whole PP rant that went on back , when it was released) was that it was a system made to prevent people from getting harassment aimed at them for their choices in heroes and the playtime/rank. Now at that same time, certain demographics were already complaining about those exact things, so people were inclined (Some what me as well) to believe they would be more susceptible to keep the feature on them (At least back then, today i don´t know anymore really).

Indeed, it is to uncertain to really conclude.

Well indeed, i actually found it funny as well, seeing as it was a give it would happen (OFC), but with these people you know. You are really enjoyable to discuss with indeed.

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Sadly i have been to busy getting, what would you call it barraged ? To know the extent or contents of your discussion, but it seems that it would have been an enjoyable read from this quote and comment.

thank you sir :slight_smile:

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I’ll never have to buy lootboxes again (though I gladly would). I have enough coins saved up because the lack of content. Lol.

Fortnite made 3 billion in 2018. Overwatch made 1 billion in 2017 and that was at its peak.

Because Fortnite shoves content down your throat and people pay for it. Extra money they made from skin purchases etc went back into improving/adding content to the base game so… That’s all technically free as well.

You never HAVE to spend money but they have a fair relationship w/ their playerbase. Keep playerbase happy and they’ll keep throwing money at you. And if you use that money to … improve + add content to the game? Sick!

They should have tried to keep the momentum they had.

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If Mercy players left the game, then they stopped playing Mercy.

Again, basic logic should explain this to you, if you weren’t trying extra hard to be obtuse.

More pointless tantrums.

You make zero sense. I said that you didn’t say something. So, again, the evidence is that there IS no quote.

Again, I probably know more about what a “statement”, “argument” and “opinion” are than you ever will, child.

You keep trying to backpedal as if repeatedly saying that “Mercy players use private profiles”, “Most Mercy players use private profiles” and “people who use private profiles (Mercy mains)” isn’t trying to imply that Mercy players use them more than other players. Because if that WASN’T what you meant, you had the perfect chance to say so after I called it a myth.

But instead, you asked for evidence and once you got it, you changed your argument into the saddest backpedal-fest in human history.

At this point, you’ve dug yourself into such a


Yes well i can see how by your definition of doing well means only getting a positive winrate from plat and above - excellant stats for the lower tiers.


3 billion for Fortnite is good, for its size and playerbase compared to OW ?

Also, with that amount of money, what has Epic games given fortnite outside of skins, i mean the map changed once right and otherwise they added some cool one off events. OW has added a lot of new heroes and new maps all for free in that span of time as well.

Even if that was true, that would still be good yes, now her winrate in masters and GM is 53%, sooooo, you are lying why exactly ? Mind you she is top percentage of hero picks at the same time.

Yeah, I lost my Level 3 for not replying and posting as much, but there’s nothing to reply to. What, am I going to keep talking about Doomfist? Symmetra? 2-2-2?

Nah. Hard pass. I’m bored.

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If players left the game, amaterasu was a goat, -Amaterasu 2019

You know what also happens, when players leave the game ? No you dont, seeing as you have no evidence on the amount of if Mercy players actually left the game, only that some say they did and that her playrate fell, when 2.0 was released. I mean, the fact you are still to unintelligent to understand, that those two aren´t the same (correlation does not imply causation, especially without any evidence on the numbers).

You dense ? If i didn´t say it, the quote pertaining the “Not spoken words” would still be there, how would you otherwise know i didn´t say it, i mean come one this is trivial logic…

Strawman argument, argued as being my go to argument cause you couldnt understand it and misinterpret it, nicely done “child”.

Funny i see loads of people aware of it not being a back peddle, agreeing with me it isn´t and starting a logical debate on PP, yet here you are thinking that the long graph you point out was evidence or that player pickrate is indicative of players leaving (Clear answer is it isn´t, quite simply). Your sad little graph showed downwards trends in pickrate around the implementation of PP introduction and that was only for the two ranks Masters and GM that you link, you didn´t even bother to look at it across all ranks or the others as well seperately.

Quite the opposite and anyone willing to follow the debate can quite easily see you lying, pulling numbers and litterally making logical fallacies and strawman arguments, all because your little head cannot understand the debate was only about Mercy players and therefor nobody else…

At this point it is trivial to keep it going, i mean i have all the evidence of your straw manning right here on the page, anyone can see, that the conclusion you have made is a direct lie to something that wasn´t said or uttered by me.

TLDR: Amaterasu took the OP will to heart and wanted to replicate the old no sense Mercy main whines himself, if you would like to see it just scroll through his post with ctrl-F, i bet you will laugh.

They wont remove superjump

  • ‘’ frustrating to play aginst’’ argument is silly
    Bc every hero is ‘‘frustrating to play aginst’’
    Imagine if a tracer kills u and u say
    ‘‘That is soo fun omg!!! im gonna let her kill me’’

That’s why the sentence literally starts with “IF”. If Mercy players did NOT leave the game, then the statement doesn’t apply.

Again, basic logic should tell you this, but I guess not when you’re eager to throw out ridiculous insults.

I literally quoted it already in a previous response. Seriously, what the hell are yo on about?

Not what a strawman is.

This isn’t a popularity contest.

Nah, pretty sure the entirety of this thread has been multiple people calling you out for that stuff.

Not lying, if you check overbuff for this week - pc - competitive - she has a negative winrate all the way up to plat. For a supposedly 1 star difficulty hero that’s bad. As for GM that’s great when your team actualy knows the fundementals of positioning, cover, aiming, character abilities, cooldowns, ult economy, maps teamwork but in the lower tiers that siply isn’t their and mercy is one of those characters that is heavily dependant on teamwork, she’s an enabler and if your team is doing poorly their is little you can do in terms of plays to remedy that.

3 billion for Fortnite is good, yes? It’s good for any game? Considering that is the highest annual revenue of any game in history

I don’t know why you want to “be right” so badly that you’ll just straight up lie but I’m bored now.

look at it in comparison, you are clearly unaware of below average winrates being the norm at lower ranks, just how above 50% winrate is the norm in masters+, cause you couldn´t get to that rank without climbing, aka winning more. Still “This week” is not substantial evidence alone and the overall in all ranks is 50%+ as the 4th most played hero in the game in fact, so you are indeed lying.

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How is asking a lie ? Great argument, see all the ?

That depends, you clearly are unaware of the question, is it good if the game was 100x the size of OW and died severely over the following years afterwards ? No then it wouldn´t be. That is why i asked, seeing as i know for a fact, that Fortnite was quite a bit bigger than OW has ever even been, so their revenue would be higher, but question is, who has the higher revenue compared to players in the game ?

Of course mercy was in an utterly busted state. Plenty of people who didn’t even play mercy where playing her at the time. But even then many mercy player principally disargeed with her changes. It wasn’t until the nerf hammer hit her repeatedly that people felt underwhelmed by her kit however. When it became clear how weak the rest of her kit needed to be to accommodate rez alot of mercys gave up because any attempt at bringing back her fluidity was met with. YOU JUST WANT HER OP AGAIN