Is it time to add a new rank to OW ? (bronze feedback wanted)

I recently watched a developer update for League of Legends where the team announced a new rank called “iron”…this tier is planned to sit below bronze. The team stated that it’s purpose is to make ranks more consistent and give the bronze players a sense of progression, while gaining more recognition for their rank.

I feel like overwatch could use another tier being that bronze is such a broad term. it’s the biggest rank at 1499SR variance as opposed to the usual 500SR and i feel like it could honestly use another rank below 1000SR called “cadet/apprentice”. maybe make it a black/white/orange rhombus or triangle ?

All the posts i’ve seen about bronze ranks have been filled with a bunch of hate around bronze players or people saying it’d be pointless, but if you think about it there are more players in bronze than there are in GM/T500 and no one really calls GM/T500 changes pointless (because they’re not, and neither would bronze changes be) , just feel like i’ve we’re giving our top ladder players QOL changes we should do the same for the bottom of the ladder.

Source: Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

Curious what bronze players would think about a new rank being added.


Wont happen… because it would make the bronze players who end up there feel bad, and blizzard would rather take the “lets for for icecream since you finished 11th in a 10 man foot race” mentality than the “were going to encourage you to better yourself the hard way” mentality


you could say that, but wouldn’t it also give bronze players a better sense of accomplishment ? AFAIK blizzard doesn’t/hasn’t revelaed stats about <500 players but i’d imagine there’d be notably less people below 1000SR than above. I think it’d also be more motivating to see a proper rank as opposed to something like <500 on your career profile too.

One could argue the same about T500 players not needing the extra emblem, not that i would but just pointing it out.

blizzard would rather leave it alone than risk a mass flood of people crying “i dont deserve this” and god knows they tend to be the ones that cry the loudest (excluding the mercy mains)

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Wow finally! I can’t believe someone finally did this. It’s been a problem in Heroes of the storm too. Most ranks have about 500 Sr difference in overwatch, in heroes its more or less 200 mmr between something like gold and plat.
In both games though, bronze has a MASSIVE gap, in overwatch there’s a gap of 1500 and in heroes also around 1600. I personally never had any issue as i got in bronze very shortly after playing comp with a friend i fell from plat to bronze and didnt stay there long, also not having too much trouble climbing through silver either but i have some friends who are in bronze and i’ve seen what they have to deal with and its pretty insane.

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We need a cardboard rank for below Bronze

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But yea this is true, as much as i praise Riot for their decision, i think Blizzard tends to side with the casuals. The whole 0 tolerance on toxic making saying “feces” (realize i couldnt even type that 4 letter word here without the censor kicking in) in game be enough reason to refuse an appeal, the whole hiding information from players so they keep basking in ignorance rather than seek tricks to get better. Those are the players they care about…well those and Pro players for their esport.

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I myself am particularly taken by Rubber league

news print rank since we all know how flimsy paper news print comes on is

I’m bronze. I feel like new players need someone to learn from, you can’t just have them intermingle with only other new players.

plenty of resources out there… especially on youtube. unfortionately most players at that level of play, make little to no attempt to better themselves as players. because they know how to play, and if you try to help them they either attack you or accuse you of being toxic

No, call it Wood and we’ll talk.

Why even bother playing, if you’re that bad?

Numbers wise it makes sense. each rank is 500sr and bronze is a 1500 range.

So why the large area at the bottom? tee hee

I think the only people below 500sr are dedicated derankers.
Making bronze 1000-1500 seems right.

Thar be smurfs and such meming around low bronze.

just feel like i’ve we’re giving our top ladder players QOL changes we should do the same for the bottom of the ladder.

I agree with you. but that would mean a whole SR OVERHAUL.
Maybe what can be done for the lower ranks is provide Divisions like how some other games do it or sub-ranks. Bronze5? ALSO maybe if Blizzard increased the SR range from 5000 to 10000 then that QoL would feel better because a bronze player could rank up low bronze to high bronze and feel good! but still stay within the same skill range therefore ranks are justifiable

i get where you’re going with this.

honestly i doubt they’d go back to anything relating to 10/100/etc. since it’s working rather well rn besides the broad end of 1-1499

I can’t remember what interview it was in but they shed some light on why they scrapped the 1-100 rating system, apparently since diamond (which was 60 back then) was top 10% they didn’t like it being attached to such a low associated number, like you getting a test graded 60/100 or 60% of something being done, just didn’t sound right to them and i agree for the most part.

Ranks should be logarithmic anyway with depreciating returns as you rank up. That’s to say the first few ranks should actually be easy to climb but as you get closer and closer to grand master it should also get harder and harder to climb up.

Think D&D and experience points. It takes almost twice as many xp’s to go up each time than it took to obtain the previous level. So too should be the ranks here.

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“bad” is really up to interpretation, T500 think master players are trash, master players think platinum players are trash, platinum players think silver players are trash, and gold players think bronze players are trash.

Some people just play for fun, i recently picked up LOL on the side and mainly play S3-G4 in casual modes while i’m unranked, and personally that’s good enough for me right now, maybe one day i’ll try ranked. This happens in every game and it’s no suprise some people would play overwatch and have no interest in ranked mode. Even if someone is “bad” they will still end up playing people their level being how the MM works, so they wouldn’t be destroying anyone or getting dumpstered often.

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I agree about relativity. I’m just not sure how anyone can be worse than bronze. Will we need a tier lower than Iron, too? And another below that?