Is it time for Pharah to get a buff?

As a Mercy main I’d be okay with Pharmercy receiving changes because I feel like their synergy is what’s preventing Pharah from receiving any buffs (I think she needs some imo)

But how would you rework them without ruining either of their kits?

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𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

Pharmercy is a great combo and i think a buff could screw even more with the game. The problem are her counters that make it almost impossible to play her. With so many hitscan heroes in the game the pharmercy cant fight in an open area. If u play well with ur Mercy/Pharah together, u can create a lot of damage on the enemy team without having a lot of trouble, but that includes a lot of hiding and waiting for the right moment. I had to play against a lot of good pharmercys and i couldnt do much against them. I have to be honest here i hate the snipers in ow and they are clearly the number one choice if u want to counter a phara, but i already saw pharas playing with their counters by simply staying out of their sights always knowing where they are. This is the perspective of someone who plays in the higher ranks i dont know how it is in the lower ranks but i wanted to atleast tell the experience i made during all my time playing ow.

I hope this can help.

The suggestion I had was to put Mercy’s flight (GA and glide) on a resource meter that only charges on the ground. A big meter, but one that charges slowly.

So you can GA several times in a row or glide for a while but you can’t just fly continuously all the time. You have to be on the ground about half the time.

The pharah buff would be faster horizontal movement.

That and Pharah’s design in general.

I have a rework idea, but it might be considered ruining her kit so… :sweat_smile: :man_shrugging:

Cause it’s an actual rework not just some ability changes.

Here it is for those that are curious. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hover Jets (Passive)

  • Removed

Please continue reading before replying. :pleading_face: :sweat_smile:

Rocket Launcher

  • Self Damage from Rockets removed.
  • Increased self knock back from rockets.
  • Change spread angle of rockets from pinpoint to sporadic.
  • Decrease rate of fire from 1 rocket every 0.75 seconds to 1 every second.
  • Increase ammo from 6 to 10.
  • Decrease direct hit from 120 to 100
  • Increase max splash damage from 65 to 80.

~ Of course, removing Flight would mean her rocket launcher would have to have dramatic changes as pinpoint accuracy while now being grounded would be broken most likely.

Jump Jet

  • Now managed with resource meter.
  • Increased Height to 13 meters from 11.55
  • The Height is now dependent on how much fuel you currently have. Measured by Percentage.
    100% Gives full height of 13 meters.
    75% 10 meters
    50% 7 Meters
    25% 4 Meters.
    0% 1 Meter.
    Used at 0% twice or -1% = CD
  • CD 6 seconds.

~ The idea behind this, is while she would use her rockets to travel. Jump jets can still be a thing to give additional air time in combo with the rocket jumps. Just because Flight is being removed doesn’t mean her mobility needs to be scrapped


  • Increase rate of fire of Barrage from 30RPS to 40RPS (Rockets per second)
  • Decrease duration of Barrage from 3 to 2 seconds.
  • Make Barrage cancel-able.
  • Barrage depletes resource meter for Jump Jet.

~ For the type of play style I’m seeing in my head, barrage needs to be a lot more burst and less suicide. So more RPS and less time just sitting in the air.

Concussive Blast

  • Replaced with something…

~ I feel concussive blast wouldn’t work in this kit I’ve created. But I’m unsure what to replace it with. Any ideas?

What’s the idea behind this?

I’ve come to believe that Flight does not belong in this game. This is my attempt which, ideally would make her similar to TF2’s Soldier class, of being a mobile rocket user. Instead of flight she would be similar in mobility to Junkrat. Using her rockets & jump jet to travel around the map. Unfortunately this would make her prime sniper bait even more than she is now, but of course this is all hypothetical. Also this mentality of mine may be proven wrong as Echo can fly in the OW2 cinematic and got her Boosters CD reduced dramatically to the point of nearing flight capabilities.

You are a true trooper, I can’t count how many times youve dropped that link lol. I lost most of my energy a while back for campaigning to get Pharah buffs

Mobility buff will be nice since she hovers like a turtle in the air. Vertical mobility is what her excels at and she deserve that kind of buff or allow her to detonate her Concussive blast by pressing E again which was suggested before.

I dislike changing her hp to armor as this will make PharMercy more oppressive. Armored heroes become more durable when pocket-healed.

Slight buff on Barrage can be good, such as reduce the rocket spread or randomization or allow her to cancel.
Press Q is like a suicide button and Sigma himself hard-counters Pharah’s Barrage.
Unlike Mccree’s Deadeye, he can cancel and he won’t kill himself because of shields or Tanks when get in front of his face, but Genji’s deflect.

Well imagine if they buffed Bastion, and you had to deal with Soldier, Baptiste, Bastion, Orisa,, Ana.

I play her at gold, so my opinion is a little biased to the lower end of skill.

I would just like to be able to cancel Barrage similar to how McCree can cancel Deadeye, with a right click.

That and maybe changing 50 HP to Shields.