Is it really a "bug"? or is it the truth?

It was a bug, take your aluminum foil hat off.

It’s toxic players like yourself that make this game bad.

How toxic of you

If you find that toxic I shudder to think what you think of others who are actually toxic

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I’ve been cackling at this post for a good five minutes now ty


I wonder what will they come up with this time to protect the above gold masters of Overwatch

Then why “Unranked to GM” players place always in low-mid plat? There had to be something that forced everyone besides said MMR reset to place in gold.

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They don’t always actually. If you go 10-0 on a fresh account you will place low master. I’ve done it myself and I’ve never hit GM so you don’t have to be a t500 to do it. I’m guessing with RQ since it’s only 5 games now it will cap out at diamond though.


But I could tell that something was seriously wrong. Every game was a steamroll. Most players placing gold isn’t a surprise considering that most of them are already in gold.

My friend, you are thinking for yourself. Asking question that people should be asking. The truth is this matchmaker is such a disaster and they are trying to cover up how bad it is.

Soon they will distract us with a big new skin with skimpy clothing on Mei because it make these kids go wild and they will forget about what is happening here.

We must all suffer at the hands of this stinkfest.

I was in diamond and I got placed in gold after winning 4 of my 5 matches on most every role. So no I can confirm this seems to be very true.

Your experience does not make those true. Even if your experience is true.

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It’s not likely at all.

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Congrats on being a hanzo one trick. And no I never said I gave up. Stop assuming things.

seems like giving up to me no one is assuming things u legit said you will never reach plat ever again

No one ever ranks out of silver Bloops, its a cesspool. Once the matchmaker decides to put you in silver, start a new account. Its done.

i was silver im high masters now lol didnt spend more than my first season in silver got plat in my 2nd season and was climbing career high every season dont tell someone to buy new account just because u were stuck in silver and u couldnt carry yourself out

Wow talk about rigging .

How so? What do you mean?

You where placed in master with a new account

It wasn’t just GMs that were placed in gold. Players historically even at SR <500 placed in gold. Literally the entire playerbase placed in gold. Now, do you really think that the entire playerbase is actually as good as each other?