Is it possible to nerf Genji even more?

For the sake of a healthier game (he is still meta and oppressive).
Just reduce the dash max range to 10 meters instead of 15 and add 5 sec cooldown on wallclimb.


Let’s see where his rates go. Considering he was in a good spot before a slate of uber-buffs, he’s still likely to be OP and in need more nerfs. However, it would be wise to see where the problem areas lie now and adjust those.


You are right. The fact that he can just get to places where most of the heroes can’t reach and spam damage from there and keep doing that over and over (while receiving heal from behind) is really bs.
But lets wait more and see

It’s been less than 2 days since the changes got added, wait for the stats, genji feels really bad to play at the moment, they quite possibly overnerfed his damage if anything.
He is weaker (damage-wise) than he was before the giga buff.


Take it easy and sit back for a bit, we won’t know with any clarity just yet how well the last balance change will turn out.

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From my personal experiences so far, Genji is no longer opressive to play against. I will not jump to conclusions and say he is no longer meta until I see what happens in GM the following weeks, but in my games he doesn’t seem oppressive anymore

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No. Not until we get more data on him and his pickrates. No need to dumpster the character


He really should not be trashed like that.

He is pretty fine as he is right now. Stronger than pre buff yet not op.

Probably one of the rather balanced DPS right now. I can’t believe I am praising Genji, but he is really no issue now.


Maybe but his ult still needs more counter play, especially now that his base damage is stronger

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It’s kinda arguably he is pretty fine
His dash and wallclimb spam are still problematic, making his TTK higher than any other hero in the game.

is base damage is actually less than before he recieved the last batch of buffs

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Really? It sure doesn’t feel like it , I guess due to the reduced spread

Id probably be fine if he kept all his buffs as long as they increased his ult cost…


i did the maths…


Other characters are dumpstered for months, why should he be so powerful for years though

That’s true but it doesn’t mean we need to dumpster others. Maybe the lighthanded way genji was dealt with will become the new way to deal with OP characters

Wallclimb isn’t used in a fight, not sure why you want it to have a cooldown. You’re proposing nerfs for non issues


I totally agree! As a Sage player he feels very oppressive

Let’s not forget that the first two should read “the second half of his buffs”.

The fire rate increase only goes back as far as April.

Is pickrate all people in this community cares about? The character feels like trash but no one cares because his “pickrate” is okay

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