Is it only me that think Soldier is balanced now?

I don’t know really, because I’ve never played Ashe nor Widow enough to be great with them, I could only compare the kill efficiency with Mccree, and ngl it’s probably double as good, especially when I’ve mained Mccree a lot longer yet never had gotten THIS consistent at 100-0%ing targets.

I’m just saying I’d absolutely not be surprised if he gets a nerf or at least a minor one, I expect it at this point.

If i control the recoil i’m using my skill to reduce it.

So is skill based and i’m actively doing something to control it.

This is what i’m showing to you, recoil is very strong and noticeable and only skill can lower/reduce to 0.

This is how a competitive game must work.

A nerf depend all on Blizzard if she want to doing a competitive game or not.

Recoil is completely controlled by players skill, something really adapt to competitive game.

So Blizzard must decide if keep it in this way and make the hero skill based or make the game more casual nerfing it.

I agree but disagree with snipers being frustrating to play against

Soldier can be very strong if people understand that you’re not supposed to hold fire like a mad man, I don’t think he’ll be nerfed though, he’s not that dominant, if anything perhaps helix rockets are a tad too strong but that’s it

As for snipers and such, look, they have to account for their own weaknesses but sadly those weaknesses aren’t too prominent nowadays, the ideal scenario would be for a charged shot to deal just as much dmg as soldier’s barrage of bullets but I suspect that’s not the case and snipers do more dmg for some reason, even though they aren’t exactly more vulnerable

hopefully the widow nerf is the first step to balance them out even though I don’t think that one in specific is going through

the bigger mag size makes up for the lower damage, you get 70 extra damage per mag which sometimes is enough to decide whether the shield breaks or not.

This is in my elo, could differ elsewhere though

people are used to “soldier is bad kekw” so while before you could still get rolled by a very good one its was significantly less often and you could usually roll soldier instead now when you go up against one his consistency allows for more long range plays and people dont expect that from the hero then die to him and then say “wow soldier must be OP”.

I do think he is over tuned, personally. The removal of weapon spread makes aiming on him a lot easier. You can track targets so much better, especially when you learn how to pull down on the crosshair to counter-act the upward drift of his shots.

He’s going to be really good in high ranks. I think we’ll see him a lot in OWL if no other balance patches are done for him.

Yeah, Soldier has been tearing people up in my masters and diamond games on console. That recoil is super easy to control.

How is accounting for recoil on moving targets “a lot easier” than having no spread and no recoil on the first 6 bullets? That makes no sense. We will absolutely not see in owl unless there are some Meta defining changes until April, which may be possible.

You people overestimate the impact soldier has on the Meta, in reality however that impact is very low. Burst dps are still superior in every way. Soldier has gotten better at the job he was always meant to do - consistent damage. That’s about it.

I think he’s slightly overtuned. Maybe he could use a charge nerf on Visor. I don’t think he’s far off, but I also think it’s fairly obvious he’s not totally balanced now.

I personally am doing better with him now than before. I think his aim style is a bit different now, and some people are gonna be better at the new one and some worse. For me personally, I am doing better. And I am on ps4

I’m with you. (20 chars)

I myself feel annoyed if I get one tapped by df or hanzo, but I respect widow one taps :confused:

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I think soldier’s in a good spot, but the overall effectiveness of hitscanners has left most projectile heroes in the dust. I’d like to see something done about that before we think about Nerfing 76.

There’s no use arguing with him. He just pops in Soldier threads and claims stats say he’s bad and when you point out the stats showing Soldier doing well after the changes he says how they are wrong stats and he has the real ones (which he can’t show for some reason) and claims that the Soldiers stats from before the changes matter and mean he’s bad now too after the changes. Then he claims himself the winner and says he’s done. Even arguing with a wall is more fruitful.

Just like here Soldier 76 recoil - feeling deezy and strong headache - #196 by Hyphen-21921

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I thought that broken heroes are nerfed…

because even with ana’s ult and is aimbot it feels like to takes forever to kill people compared to others makeing its only use to kill a flying valk mercy, but thats my oppinion.

He’s overall a bigger threat now and people are still underestimating him then running off to the forums to scream that he’s OP.

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Even if he was balanced making him less enjoyable to play for that balance is not good

Its a classic flawed comparison.
Before the changes you could even get trashed for not picking Ashe, Widow or even Mcree instead pretty much in any rank … even the enemies would say “LUL soldier in 2020”.

Now if you can hit your shots they get a bit scared … for a few minutes till they realise they can dive him and blast him with mobility heroes as always.

Cool :sunglasses: