Is it only me that think Soldier is balanced now?

I am really sick of all people here calling Soldier overtuned.

He for sure feels strong, but he is nowhere close to being strong, frustrating at the same time… like some other DPS heroes.

I actually feel fine and actually outplayed when I die to a Soldier.

Whereas dying to oneshots like Hanzo, Widow, DF seem really cheap and unfun to deal with.

I played many games with (not as!) new Soldier and I never felt angry when I played against him.

(I play at high masters elo)

I wish we had more DPS characters like him.

Also… I feel really bad because I know he’s gonna be nerfed soon because popular characters always get nerfed, but for real…

Why can’t Soldier be non-trollpick with an actual skill expression for once? :disappointed:


I don’t think Soldier is broken. He’s good, but not overly meta-defining atm or anything.


The thing is that a bad S76 will almost never outright kill you. You might die to a bad situation if solo ult’d, but his time to kill and reliability of time to kill is kind of hard to pull off. The fastest you’d die is a direct helix rocket and 2 shots to the noggin’. That’s landing a direct projectile shot and multiple headshots. Most people will never do that on a random flick or fluke. Its even worse on 250 hp heroes where you have more health.

Unlike a bad hanzo who might miss more shots might still randomly get a head shot an completely change up the match dynamic for your team. Similar to doomfist. Many doomfist are likely to only ever gets KOs on punch and never his regular abilities.

This is for lower tier play mind you.


I absolutely agree with you. Not only is he less frustrating to play against, because the enemy soldier had to have consistently tracked you for 6-11 bullets to kill you, he is also less oppressive. If the enemies have a capable widow or pocketed ashe, you can’t move into sight lines even a fraction of a second or you will get deleted. With soldiers you can almost always react.

I don’t understand the fuzz, while he is obviously stronger before, he is in no way OP. He was made to be more skill based where you can get more value the better you aim and recoil control is. This is a fair design for everyone, soldier players and those who play against him.


Honestly think hes way worse now and needs a revert. I’m playing way more Mccree now.

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How is he way worse now?

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Well I play on console, and a lot of people there are saying it’s a lot harder to secure kills now. I know a few Solider players who are losing SR.

But it seems hes good on pc.

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His TTK is actually higher than it used to be, but his reliability went up massively.

Seriously, before the changes, a good soldier could 5-tap Helix you and you were dead. The problem was that if he missed any of the first 5 shots, he couldn’t finish and has to wait to reset. Now he doesn’t have to reset (but lower damage means certain characters need an extra shot), but he has to constantly manage his aim.

Against 200hp units, he’s the same. Against Pharah, he’s better. Against tanks, he got a sidegrade. He now deals less damage per shot, but he’s less likely to have to reload at a bad moment. He’s still completely useless against shields, though.

Also, his ult is still one of the worst in the game.


Yeah, Blizzard never balances for console though.

I really don’t like the recoil still so I’ve stopped playing S76. Yes, it’s a definite buff for many situations but I can’t contest an enemy marksman at longer ranges any more with the (console) sensitivity I use as it’s just not accurate enough anymore in those situations (helix poke is fine but vs a good Ashe or similar you’re toast).

Mid to close range however he’s a damn monster, even if it’s a lower skill floor than before as you now mash the primary fire and track. I just don’t find it engaging to play vs how the old spread worked. Sym mains should rejoice because he is like a higher damage primary that can headshot with even more range.

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OK, whether he’s OP or not, something being unfun to play against is subjective and has NOTHING to with balance.

I kinda think the -1 dmg per shot wasn’t really necessary :confused:

I don’t want to go into great detail whether those heroes are OP or balanced or if unfun to play against is justified reason.

soo…ABCDEFG. The convo is over

Not directly with balance, but with game design. Heroes ike doom and mei are extremely hard to balance, because their game design is crap. They are either broken or a throw pick while allways being unfun to play against.


I agree he feels fine. He has burst damage potential but not one shot ability and that is healthier in my opinion. I can understand widows one shot but Hanzo is so cheap with how inconsistent the hit box is. Plus fan the bow is such a cheap ability as well. Aside from that your success with soldier relies heavily on your ability to aim track.

Console player here. My accuracy shot up immensely after the changes, at pretty much all ranges. I’ve been significantly outperforming my average in pretty much every meaningful stat as a result.

That’s an opinion though. I have no issue playing against mei or doom, and don’t see them being unfun to play against.

I have a personal vendetta against hitscans but even I feel like Soldier is fair. You still have time to react to his damage, and ADAD spam is much more effective than it is against one shots.

Perhaps the helix cooldown reduction buff could be reverted because he doesn’t need it anymore. But other than that, he’s fine.

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He is overtuned.

He’s the 2nd most played DPS with a 58% winrate in GM.

Not really only you.

Majority of people have problem to deal with recoil, only in very high ranks players can make him to have a high winrate.

Only people i see saying isn’t balanced was always someone have some “grudge” against dps or have problem on killing him.

But even them are a little minority even in this forum.

Blizzard must only take the decision if want to make the overwatch gameplay competitive and keep this recoil or go back to casual gameplay.

For real is the third and the fourth is so far.

https : / / imgur .com/a/Bc3fxzU

But you forgotten to say who is the first, Phara with 63.95% winrate.

Seems Soldier in GM can’t really counter the too much good Phara even if Soldier is “overtune” so much /s

You seems even to forgotten from bronze to gold have under 50% winrate.

Really much op and easy to use hero /s

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