Is it me or does mercy feel balanced

Help me out, I understand for most situations you’ll see Mercy and Zen probably (I’m believing that will still be the case). That said, I’m certain even in GM you have to run into a wonky team comp occasionally, or maybe someone has an oddball pick like Junkrat instead of Hanzo (cause reasons).

Depending on team comp, would the new lucio ult be worth it over zen ult, since he can block bursts of damage? I imagine that would also help somewhat against a good Widow if you’re fighting on the point.

With the Lucio buffs, I think for most players below master’s you could probably run him or zen, I’m just curious what your thoughts are towards lucio fitting in I suppose if that makes sense?

Lucio’s ultimate is better against some ults, while trans is better against others. For instance, Sound Barrier can cancel out a pulse bomb + grav combo while trans cannot. That said trans is better against certain ults, like a grav + dragon combo.

But… Trans is not the main reason Zenyatta is picked. It’s discord.

Edit: I don’t see anything changing with discord any time soon, so players in the top ranks will probably keep running Zen for that reason.

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Fair enough. Discord is extremely strong and great for just melting people when focus fired down. I figured Trans was the bigger reason in general, since there’s only really two defensive ults that work well, well. Defensively haha. But Lucio’s has a cast time and overall suffered from the value it brought that should hopefully be changed this patch.

Anyway, thanks for the insight. Appreciate it.

Yep, no problem.

Zenyatta’s discord just really helps teams single out targets and focus things down. It is an extremely valuable tool to have at your disposal, especially when you pair it with a Mercy damage boost. At the top ranks it’s all about focus fire, and Zenyatta enables a team to do that like nobody else.

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The change doesn’t feel great tbh, but I guess that’s the point of a nerf. In my mind, Mercy is supposed to be about heal prioritization, focusing on a target to pocket to keep alive when in danger, but it’s really tough to do that now. From what I’ve noticed, it’s almost impossible to keep a Zenyatta (or other immobile heroes) up against a good Tracer/Genji/D.Va. It seems like Mercy is changing from being the hero who was all about raw healing/damage boost output to being much more resurrect focused. I just don’t know why the developers felt the need to go in this direction when there were, in my opinion, much better options on the table to balance her and give the other supports a chance to shine. Even having said that, I’m not sure this nerf will take her out of the meta because of how strong resurrect is.

I really hate that because I play a lot of Mercy, any time I say that I’m not a fan of this nerf, I get people who disregard anything I say and just assume I want her to be OP for that sweet sweet SR. In reality, I’m just upset that the rest of Mercy’s kit is going to suffer because of a mechanic (in res) that no one seems to enjoy.

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