Is it me or does mercy feel balanced

Especially at higher play. Ana and Moira are competing a lot more efficiently, often outhealing Mercy. Even Lúcio has been seeing some screen time in place of Zen and the results aren’t too shabby either. All the top streamers matches seem to be resembling this also.


It’s just you.

Her healing isn’t the issue, it never was.

Rez on E is still making her ungodly more useful than any of the others (sans Zen).


It’s day one of the patch. I don’t think we rightly know where things are settling for now, especially because people are trying out the new changes.


Isn’t it a bit early to tell? Like, we are jsut a few hours in.


I spent 7 minutes in a game with 2 deaths and I valk twice and did a overall healing of 6000. I was solo healing. Mercy feels trash to play so no I understand why I’ve seen so many ana and moira around.


as long as mercy makes team fights 7v6 every 30 seconds, she will always be better

i don’t understand why she needs rez at all, why don’t we just remove it and buff her in other areas

A little uncalled for over an unpopular opinion. I’d hardly argue anyone in masters+ is bad.


I have heard shes balanced 10 times before…


-The Platinum Mercy with 55 hours on her this season


She bases her opinion on the fact that she sees other supports being played.
Has she actually played Mercy in different situations, for example solo healing or in combination with other support characters? Probably not because she didn’t even mention it.
“Hey I’m seeing other heroes being played, must be balanced”.
By that logic, Hammond is overpowered because I see him being played a lot lately.

EDIT: She’s also a gold border, that means she has probably played Mercy with 50 hps before, she must be able to tell the difference.

Get out of gold pal.

Then address that rather than just saying they are bad? Calling them bad doesn’t help a discussion when you might have some legitimate criticisms.

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If you’re Masters and can’t tell that kind of huge difference, then you’re actually bad at the game and probably got boosted.

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It’s because they were buffed and she was nerfed now you’ll see a lot more Lúcios and Moiras all around and even Ana.

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lmao if it was that easy.

I mean the general consensus was that the nerf would hardly change anything, but that’s because the heals wasn’t the problem in the first place.

Because getting to plat holding mouse1 and pressing E every 30 seconds is really impressive

On behalf of women everywhere, please don’t tell him to get laid. We will have no part in it.


Then you can get out of gold easily since you don’t play braindead heroes. Let’s see you do it.

30 second rez on E wouldn’t be enough for a hero on it’s own, would it? If you are always effectively fighting a 5v6, it doesn’t matter if you can make it 5v6 again when someone dies because you will always be down.
If you nerf the rest of the kit, eventually the value of ability rez can be balanced by the relative uselessness of the hero otherwise. That probably isn’t where any of us want Mercy to be, but saying current rez can never be balanced is false.

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I am out healing Mercy with Ana much more in Quick Play now. Lucio still hard for me to do with Ana vs Lucio unless I focus on healing the tanks more.