Is it me or does mercy feel balanced

My bad, probably haha

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It’s your fault for giving her the space to rez.
[Off topic: Oh God, someone is going to get banned so hard :joy:]

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It’s cool dude. No worries.

we are just tired of all this crap hahahh. just wanna get it over with.

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I feel you. It’s frustrating wanting to make a neutral opinion regarding Mercy on the forums and have people jump down my throat. Or there’s people constantly berating mercy mains because their hero is strong right now.

I just want to see the hero in a good spot that people enjoy.

Man you are one salty son of a gun.

Also a Plat telling a masters player they are garbage.

That’s a DAMN first.

Dive’s are alot easier to do now that mercy can’t heal through the damage. also meaning that other healers have some space to be played in the meta game.

As it is not anylonger, Pocket through all the damage and always save the widow hanzo.

I think a plat could not understand this after all. No wonder.

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It’s just because it’s a new patch. Give it a couple of weeks, we’ll be back to “NERF MERCY MORE PLZ” in no time.

Just remember how she got her res nerfed to not be instant and suddenly everyone was like “Yeah she won’t be a must pick anymore yay!”. Yeah just remember that moment before saying how mercy is balanced now.

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ahh ikr? feels bad that people dont see the actual problem but then hate on mercy mains because blizz doesnt know how to balance her so the hate just goes towards them. just what did WE do to get that sort of hate lmaooo. mercy mains hate the fact that she’s OP. non mercy mains hate the fact that she’s OP. some mercy mains are still taking in the changes and complain about the nerfs, some actually read the situation and complain about how they are done incorrect, but what non mercy mains see is that “mercy mains are just complaining” like, can you at least LOOK at what they are complaining about before talking crap? xD jeez it just takes a brain to kind of see what’s going on around you but looks like everyone is too lazy to even think :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry about me ranting but all this hate here and there getting lame at this point ahah


I don’t get your point.
You mean that double sniper meta is dead? Fine by me.
You mean dive is coming back at full force? Fine by me also, Mercy was top notch back when everyone and their grandma played dive.

you actually believe her rez is balanced? even mercy mains disagree with you

It’s unbalanced, but not because it’s too hard to counter. It also doesn’t and never has made the fight a 7v6, it brings a player back into the fight (which isn’t the same thing).

Nope, she feels terrible and its all thanks to the cry babies on these forums

Good job

It’s just you. I played 15 comp games after the patch went live today and lost all the games with a Mercy on my team. Her healing output is actually laughable now. I outhealed Mercies as LUCIO in almost every game. You may say that’s the point of the game but a dedicated healer with no damage is supposed to be able to heal the most.

Still, resurrect is useful but with how bad her heals are a lot more teammembers will be dying and she can’t res them all lol.

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Her username is Lia, it’s obvious as hell.
As I told the other guy, using those insults doesn’t work. Find other ones.

Even if they are a woman you still have some unhealthy opinions about women that I hope for everyone else’s sake you can resolve one day.

For example, someone in the thread was being a decent human being and you accused them of white knighting. It’s worrying that you insult others for, you know, not being sexist pricks.

He called me a garbage human being, I went easy on him.

Whoever commented that was justified considering how prejudiced you are. Funny how you were going on about women being unable to face facts yet you keep derailing.

Trashtalking and insults are never justified. So either everyone who is involved in this is guilty or none is. Take your pick. To think otherwise, is hypocrisy and double standards.



I haven’t played the nerfed mercy yet since I’ve been playing Ana but if memory serves me correctly 50hp/s gets depressing to use after a while.

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