Is it me or does mercy feel balanced

That basically just makes Mercy how old Hanzo was. One overpowered ability in an otherwise useless kit.


As have I. Typically people who dislike Mercy call her balanced when a lot of people suspect that she’s been overnerfed. Then when it turns out that Mercy is still powerful the very same people come to the forum and cries for more nerfs to Mercy because she’s ruining the game.

After January 31 when the sledgehammer nerf happened to Mercy there were plenty of Mercy haters who would post “She’s balanced now” and a few weeks later they were back to their “Nerf Mercy, she’s OP”. It’ll happen again… Her healing wasn’t the main problem, her rez on cooldown is. Blizzard just made Mercy even less fun to play because there’s less target switching now since you need to spend more time healing the same target.


Genuinely probably the best advice you could give. Sadly it doesn’t seem to have been taken:

Aha, the “I’m a garbage human being” card. Classic coming from a garbage human being.


I said it would be a bad place for Mercy to be in. My point was just that other healers aren’t automatically worse than Mercy with rez on E.


It looked that way after the last slegehammer nerfs for about a month, trust me it’s just you

And my point is that her base kit needs to be drastically worse for them to be as good as rez on E, which isn’t a healthy direction. The better solution is to not have rez on E.

Just you I believe. Healing wasn’t the real problem. The problems that need to be addressed are an effectively good ultimate ability which is a standard ability freely given every 30 seconds (Resurrect), while her current ultimate ability (Valkyrie) is expensive and weak for what potential impact it offers.

I also think it’s a little better. It’s hard to tell since a lot of people are just trying out all the newly buffed supports. I mean the ana thing is actually a little underrated, seeing as she has the potential to basically insta Rez an ally back.

We’ll know she’s balanced when switching off of her midgame doesn’t make your whole team angry

Get your white knighting elsewhere, it doesn’t work.

Nah I just thought it was a funny line you set me up for.


Get a better sense of humor.

Will do! Go get laid.

contenders looks really varied atm
lots of lucio and ana, and also some hammond and sombra

this is presupport patch too

There are other meta changes going on; Mercy and Zen aren’t great in or against 0/3/3 or GOATS comp variants. Contenders is veeeery interesting atm.

These insults don’t work on me, I’m not from the US. We don’t value people based on how much sex they have where I’m from.

Oh interesting. Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?

EU, that’s all you need to know.

in the Rock’s voice circa 1999

It does, the world isn’t only your little US bubble.

You know. The initial insults were already pathetic. But now it’s just derailing the thread.