Is it last chance for gold guns?

If OW2 is gonna be released in april 2022, it´s probably our last chance to get some golden guns till than, right? (I still don´t know, if we could keep those, that we collected, in OW2)

I’m pretty sure our current Gold guns will transfer over, idk if we might still be able to get them in OW2

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Scott Mercer answering BroYouWack

Question: I know Jeff Kaplan was against the idea of Gold Guns from the beginning, however is there any plans to add more competitive rewards in OW2? (Example: Diamond Weapons)

Answer: Are there going to be additional rewards in the style of Golden Weapons for Overwatch 2? At this point I have to say they’re unlikely. Kaplan and I discussed this quite extensively, and we both agree that they aren’t really necessary going forward. People play competitively for a lot of reasons. They might enjoy the game mode, the “serious” nature of comp, or want to play and improve their skill to become better players. Golden Guns are pretty far down the list. I say all that, but there might be some other systems that act as “rewards” for playing competitively in OW2, but we’re not ready to discuss those as they’re all still in development.

I know about this, but there is no word about keeping those, we already got. Also I was wandering, if “beta in april” means - no more golden guns.

I would actually argue that Overwatch League team skins are more likely to be changed, so if you collect those better start buying some more OWL tokens. However that is pure speculation on my part.

I care only about OWL legendary skins like all star or Goat Brig - and only for heroes I play. You mean those will change?

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No the traditional team skins.

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Who says OW2 will be launched in april? Maybe it is just for OWL and we will get the beta later (may - june) with a beta twitch drop system like valorant

Idk…lot of people?

pretty sure I´ve seen more topics about it here on forum…
I personaly care just about the collectable items and how much time I got left… :woman_shrugging:

I don’t think they’ll move to Twitch because they have deal with YouTube (if we’re talking about OWL)

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Well, I rather wait until Blizzard confirms the launch date.
They could make us wait more and give the beta with youtube drops so we will see

Yup, sorry, youtube drops

Yeah, I don´t really care - point of my topic is, how much time I have, to get what I want. Beta version of the game can also mean - no more gold weapons.

They could just put the golden guns as a normal cosmetic with higher price, so people who really like a hero and don’t play comp can get them and people who have all unlocked have something to buy with it. Then release other versions of weapons just because golden weapons don’t look good on every skin. I’d love to have more options besides golden.