(Sty) Overwatch 2 Launch Date CONFIRMED

More info coming soon.

(see starlord beat me: OW2 Early Build comes in April 2022! OWL S5 starts with it)

adding another link: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/yep-this-is-why-we-cant-have-nice-things/631373

YouTube thumbnails are one of the most miserable things on the internet


I would highlight what Wyoming did in my thread OW2 itself has no launch date. Its just an early build where OWL will play.

Flashbacks of when my recommendations were filled with Markipliers and PewDiePieā€™s screaming head thumbnails


I hope this means we will have access to OW2 PvP around that time as well. If we donā€™t then they would have to set up some private servers for the pros to practice on I guess.

Itā€™s not really the thumbnails themselves, but the people who make them; I really dislike those ā€œOMG! MEGA CONTENT! VIDEO GONE WRONG, GONE FUNNY! MUST WATCH!ā€ it just screams desperate for viewership, but then again, Iā€™m not really adept in video-making or being a YouTuber, but still.

Itā€™s why I like YouTubers like Sir Swag or Sir Jeppy: thumbnails are straight to the point, and only have a picture with a few words to summarize the video.


We still have little else to bounce around.

Gonna be really bummed if there is no lore content when the death map goes live.

If they are going to be competing on OW2 in April, does that mean OWL Pros get to scrim on it in February or January?

Ironically pretty sure they playing it already.

Unless they are one of the Chinese teamsā€¦. Because current events.


I would assume that is the implication and considering that they have to know there is no way they can give access to THAT many people (even if its in Feb/March) and not have it leak that we would be looking at a beta if not then, then a few weeks after they get to use it, because at that point the cat is out of the bag and you might as well get as much testing as you can.

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naw shut up I like sty heā€™s nice

If heā€™s so nice, then he wouldnā€™t want to see you telling people to shut up :pensive:

I said it nicely tho :<

Donā€™t hate the player, hate the game.

Click-through-rate (CTR) is a real-thing and sadly people are more likely to click certain types of thumbnails. :upside_down_face:


Chinese teams play it too, but only for 3 hours a week :frowning:

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I really think promoting someoneā€™s YT channel on these forums shouldnā€™t be allowed. Anyone on the forums has always seen the mega thread with a blue tag on it. Why do we need to watch this guyā€™s YT channel to learn the same thing exactly?

Nothing against this guy personally.


Only for under-18s, and you have to be 18 or over to play in OWL anyway.

Pretty sure if we are treating video games like beer. There is even more restrictions we just donā€™t know about yet.

Aka just repeating the 1940s

  1. Itā€™s because it works, sure thereā€™s people like you that hate it but most people donā€™t consciously notice it. Blame the fact that it works.
  2. OBVIOUSLY the point is to get views, if the video doesnā€™t get views, whatā€™s the point? Youā€™d just be yelling at the void. The quality of the video doesnā€™t matter if people donā€™t actually click it.

He forgot to put ā€œhugeā€ and ā€œinsaneā€ in it this time.

can some tl:dr with the source and dates?