Is it just me or sigma is straight up garbage?

His rock throw is very similar to using Mei’s right click. It’s essentially a slightly slower version of it. You essentially get use to it.

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Him & Orisa are both fine, double shield is still a very viable strategy on maps that allow it like Junkertown.

Sounds like a better plan than to play Sigma dodgeball.
So, how good is your rock throwing skills on people that ult like hog, moira, etc.

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i can hit a hog that is pushing me back, as long as its open space.

i can’t hit moira because she is too damn fast. I have hit her once during coal, but it was more fluke.

i can hit a doomfist that tries to punch/slam in, but ball is impossible to hit when he is pile driving

Same, I’ll try to hit her and it works sometimes but most times it doesn’t. But it’s satisfying to watch.

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Recently got bored of DPS queues and decided to try playing tank.

Picked Sigma cuz his ballistics are the most similar to my main DPS (Junkrat main, 600 hours, ~4050 SR peak).

Guess what? I had 3 gold medals in almost every match. As a freaking tank!

So no, Sigma is not weak – you are using him wrong. He has quite a lot of damage, can absorb enemy damage and has an awesome ultimate. His only weakness is lack of mobility.

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He is fairly weak, and getting the dmg from him its not particularly hard due to his Ultimate

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I think he’s still very strong. It just sucks playing him as a main tank when you’ve got a team that expects you to have high shield uptime. You really have to flash your shield a lot with sigma. Against Reinhardt, you pretty much can’t deploy it for extended periods of time. You’ll get shattered every time unless you keep your shield on standby when you know he has shatter.

He… is not in great spot, but not completly useless.
But at the same time winston is counter pick to him so take it as you like.

You can also cancel your shield during ult, and cancel grasp to use the rock

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it’s actually really easy to get gold damage with sigma, especially on defense.

but his weakness is very much abusable.


Yeah, the fact that you can pretty much rush him is too much of a weakness for him, Orisa has an easier time dealing with it due to her dmg being better (At killing) and having Halt and a self defensive Buff

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Highest skill floor Tank in the game, for sure. Learning to play him right is an investment of your time. Does it pay off? That might highly depend on your rank.

Overbuff rankings are always open to interpretation, but from this plebe’s quick interpretation it looks like he is disappointing at low ranks but gets better along the way…

yeah he is kind of niche tank. run him with double shield and you’ll do ok. Put him with an offtank, and the skill level required to win just went up a few decibels.


And due to the shape of Orisa’s shield, it’s easier to shield dance since you have more shield room to work with.

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The 1 second deployment time really killed him.

I say his still usable but your putting in a lot more work to make him work then you would another tank.

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it’s not that high. i’d say Ball is harder to pick up then Sigma.

But ball’s skill ceiling is much higher than sigma. once you get used to shield deployment and throwing rocks, your good. Ball you gotta learn the maps, angles to swing in, good piledriver, all sorts of stuff for ball.


not to mention sometimes your shield can be halfway through the floor. good luck trying to shield dance when your head is above the shield lol.

Orisa is easy. look down, throw shield, and you’re good to dance. oh and you can halt someone on the other side of your shield too.

This is probably why I just swap to using Zarya mostly. If I’m going to die to shatter it better be to my face when I have bubble up. Try and hit me now old man >:D

Overall, I still think he’s a good tank, especially in the right settings. But it is just like how everyone has pointed out, his flaw is easily exploitable without teammates to help keep the enemy from getting too close to him.

PS: I really enjoy using his ricochet primary fire. It is actually the only reason why I enjoy Scatter Arrow on Hanzo. Ricochet are fun to use.