Is it just me or sigma is straight up garbage?

I cant make him work.


he’s honestly the only tank I like playing love his lore personality and his abilities


he takes some getting used to. deploying his shields requires a bit of practice. and you need to know the range of his primary. also get familiar with the hitbox for his kinetic grasp.

i wouldn’t say straight up garbage, but definitely below the other shield tanks.


He’s not great. I wouldn’t say garbage (I reserve that title for Orisa), but he definitely isn’t going to do you any favors against a competent Rein or Winston. At least he can stand up in a fight a bit better than Orisa since he can combo Accretion still (just not for the OHKO)


He’s one of the tanks I enjoy playing a lot vs ai, because I honestly don’t picture him working very well vs aggressive players. He may work vs passive players, but in that situation, Orisa push out more damage and have halt to combo with or going Reinhardt and push in hard.

Bastion would like to have a word with you OP.

I wouldnt say he is complete garbage, but he is on the lower tier among the tanks


I play him in comp all the time. If they have one flanker/dive, i can hold my own. but 2+ and I need some help.

i like having a brig though, man she can pump out a tonne of healing with Sigma and helps with aggressive players.

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He’s got a weird playstyle. Learning how to use his shield and grasp together is important.

Also, don’t forget his shots bounce off the walls, also an important detail

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It depends on who you ask. There are two types of players: purist and pragmatists. The purist believe no hero is bad or over powered. In their view if you have problems playing with or against a certain hero, you just need to git gud. The pragmatists believe that Overwatch has balancing issues and that some heroes are so weak they aren’t a viable pick for ranked play, and that some heroes are so over tuned the only way to beat them is to mirror them.

yeah gotta rotate shields and grasp to stay alive.

by the way OP, you can drop shields while using kinetic grasp. i do this when the enemy is trying to spam my shields down. i’ll use grasp; drop shields; get a bunch of shield hp.


Important tip, you can recall the Shield while using Kinetic Grasp

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most of my pvp experience is in MH.

He’s really the tank I have most trouble carrying with, next to WB (since I have trouble mastering his wall jump piledriver tech). Playing an aggressive Reinhardt while knowing when to shield my team is far easier for me.

Not that I can’t use Sigma in MH, but his ult is harder to get value in the environment compare to the other tanks.

Def but the draw back is now you have no protection from the rock, any CC (not directs into the blackhole) or any dmg he is unable to block .

But if you see Sigma doing it, give him the rock.

Your view is so black/white. Why can’t i be somewhere in between?

I think all heroes are viable, except in OWL. I also believe Overwatch has balancing issues, but I also believe Overwatch will always have balancing issues.

With such a large roster, that will only get bigger, getting balance perfect is a fruitless and futile task.

his ult is just a zoning tool. I don’t try to get value, I try to get them to run away from the giant circle.

i treat it like’s ult. if i get a pick, great! if I delayed the enemy, i’m still happy.


interesting. thanks for the tip, I will try that out next time if I ever get sigma in MH.

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when i play against a sigma, the first person to use grasp is dead lol.

oddly, in my lowly gold rank i find most sigma will use grasp after I use it, instead of rock.

B-but all the shields that they could have lost. Tho, my rock aim is pretty shoddy so most times I miss.

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yeah it took some getting used to.

i had to open a custom game with 0 cooldown so I can spam rock and get muscle memory going. i’m not a god, but I can throw it pretty accurate now.

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