Is it hard to acknowledge that Sombra is annoying?

Widow, Sombra and sometimes Mei are Those characters where when they’re on the field, The entire match has to play differently.

I definitely would. Absolute low skill plebs would go hog just because they didn’t know what to do in a losing situation and hope for some random oneshots. Good riddance.

I think the game has a huge hero pool, no?

no, how?

Mei is tolerable.

EVERYTHING is unfun to someone.

Delete the entire game! Delete ALL games! Delete LIFE!

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I see it from this perspective: Sombra is annoying, and that’s quite literally it. She has nothing going for her, so why hate versing her when she’s not good. She’s not oppressive or I feel like I can’t win versus her or that I have to pick a certain hero. She sucks so much that you just be aware of her and your team will probably win.

So no, I don’t understand the Sombra hate. She doesn’t do anything and tends to have the lowest damage of all tanks and DPS in the match because she’s that useless as a DPS. If anything, I can only understand hating having her on your team. And that’s about it.

Edit: wait, I can understand if you’re a Doom main or someone who relies on entering and escaping with mobility, because she does tend to hard focus hacking those targets. So for certain heroes, I get it also.

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Sombra currently exists to counter Widow. A nerf to Sombra is a buff to Widow, so both need to be nerfed at the same time.

… Support one tricks are the most likely targets?

Why are you all so crazy to start this dumb role war stuff?

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Because playing the game is supposed to be fun. Who cares if you get a win if you were not having fun the entire match?

Coincidentally that’s why I think she needs another rework. Away from stealth assassin to utility hacker.


Wouldn’t utility hacker make people hate her more…? People seem to really hate being hacked. 1s of ability loss is just too much, Ig.

I also don’t find versing her unfun. She can just be annoying. Like every single hero in the game. I still don’t get the PoV and never will because she’s so bad, it’s inconsequential what she does. Just play the game.

That’s exactly what I feel when I see a Wido :man_shrugging:

It depends on how she goes about it. She could buff her teammates/debuff enemies.

Because again, most people have fun through playing the game, not the few second screen at the end that says “Victory”

I never said anything about winning in that comment. I actually ended it with “just play the game” because she’s literally that inconsequential. There’s a very small amount of heroes she’s actually oppressive against, and none of the support cast are the oppressed. It’s primarily tanks.

If you just play the game normally without adjusting your playstyle and aren’t playing a counter you’ll just die. You need to adjust your playstyle and often picks.

I main Mercy, Ana, LW, and Illari as my biggest played cast and never feel a need to do anything versus a Sombra. Mercy being the only one, and that’s just for res.

She’s only hard on the cast if the enemy is diving really well with a Sombra.

Doom, Ball, occasionally monkey, Genji, and maybe a hero or two more are the only oppressed heroes. Genji is iffy, as she only kills his deflect. These heroes you have to make more major adjustments. Most of the rest of the cast couldn’t care too much less about her.

If the Sombra is bad, maybe. If they have any aim, no.

I’m a GM2 player… :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: they have aim there.

Xitter? Xeeter? Xlon Xusk?

But yes, Sombra is really exhausting. I spend more time watching out for her than playing the game itself.

I find that genuinely very hard to believe if you don’t think that Sombra has any kill potential.

reading this thread while sitting on the xitter

Yeah she’s annoying but if we removed every annoying thing in Overwatch we would be playing COD.

I think tracer is just as annoying and frustrating to deal with, as is genji with his ridiculous movement and deflect that seems to last forever, don’t want to remove him tho.

My account is open. Check it out. I haven’t played comp in a few seasons, but I played pretty heavily about 2 seasons ago?

I do think this is just a situation where we agree to disagree. I personally feel like she’s just an annoying hero and there’s nothing else to her. I do also play a lot of Sombra, so maybe there’s bias? But I’ve never once felt oppressed by her on any support. Not even Zen. If the Zen can aim, he kills her every single time before she does him, unless he can’t attack her at the time she assassinates.