Is it hard to acknowledge that Sombra is annoying?

I just read these [quote=“Badfish-11546, post:1, topic:916050”]
I know how to deal with her, I just quite simply do not want to anymore. Dealing with her kit successfully means also not having any fun playing Overwatch 2.

And I don’t want to start another topic about if sombra is op or strong or not, I just want to explain a simple truth. It’s just unfun.

We all know how to handle her, we know how to deal with her, but we don’t want to. You think people see sombra and go, “oh yes, finally, now I will shine with my outsmarting techniques with my amazing hero swaps and positioning”? No, absolutely not. People see sombra and think, “ah… here we go again…” It’s draining. People come back from work, or just want to relax a bit, maybe they want to play a certain hero, but no, the elitists decided that sombra has a certain way to counter, and people play for counters. I swear, it’s like Ion Hazakostas designs Sombra.

The reality is, we play overwatch because we want pew pew. Most of the people play overwatch and overwatch like games for that. Nobody wants to play 5d chess.

I know you will come with your amazing analysis and excuses and the wiki page of amazing techniques about how to counter sombra, I know it all exists. It’s just nobody wants to do that. People want to play the cool ninja guy, not solve mathematical mind games in the middle of the match.

If you are unable to comprehend this, means you are very detached from the reality. That’s why you love to agree with devs so much. Cuz people explain normal, human, natural feelings like annoyance and disdain towards sombra gameplay, and the dev response is, “Sombra’s gun damage is reduced from 9 to 8 now.” Like holy cow, what kind of bubble are you all living in?


This is illegal justification on the forums. Because apparently every part of the game is equally important despite the fact that they provably aren’t. And any variation on them is despised by people who don’t play the heroes and ‘don’t like vsing them’.

Like the people who argued that it would be Overwatch without Life Grip. Despite the game existing for how many years without it?

If something isn’t liked, or fun, that’s on the something to change, not the playerbase.

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Maybe make an X account and see if you can get devs’ attention because they don’t visit this place to our knowledge (they perhaps do)

It’s just us yelling back and forth with each other here. We make 3 Sombra threads per day here

I am not trying to talk to devs here. I am trying to talk to the same 4 people on this forum who will sacrifice their family to see more sombra buffs.


nah i agree, It’s really easy to understand. it’s just the support/sombra one tricks, and the ppl that’s desperate to flex how gUd they are at any chance they get that pretend to disagree about “x” character being obnoxious.

She’s obnoxious to deal with , she’s not fun to play with or against, she’s the in-game embodiment of doing chores around the house .


ok i misunderstood. Hoping they show up

People unironically say X?

Don’t tell me you say Xeets too

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I didn’t know if to say “tweet at them” lol

Sombra is annoying, but I find other characters more annoying. In particular, Widow. If I have to deal with Sombra to know that Widow has a hard counter, that’s a trade I’m willing to make.

What they need is a third annoying character that hard counters Sombra and who is in turn hard countered by Widow. Then, all the players who enjoy the annoying characters can just kill each other and let the rest of us have fun.

You can only pick one at the beginning of your journey, but they will evolve as you grow as a trainer.

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And even playing her is unfun. Her design of hit and run, her gun sound, her kit. Even just playing her is boring. She is the most boring dps, even more boring than the soldier.

oh they will. and trust me, like Arthur took the sword from the rock, they will take out their amazing arguments about how everyone is wrong and stupid about sombra, and that she is easy to counter it’s just we are all bad bronze, git gud scrubs.

X has been always associated with corn for me.

Sure, let’s address them too.

Widow is the reason why I don’t want to play in high ranks anymore cuz people can’t even imagine how anti-fun it is to play against strong widow. All 9 players are held hostage in the game.

You know what good devs of good games do? They make the game fun and remove what’s unfun.

Sombra works differently from the rest of the cast, same as Pharah, same as Ball, same as Moira. People don’t like different. That disdain for different fuels wars.

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I hear you, I really do, but I worry about what happens if the game starts down the path of removing the annoying characters. And if the current top tier annoying characters (Widow, Moira, Ball, Sombra) are removed, then what happens to the marginally less annoying characters (Genji, Lucio, Doom, Mei) that inherit the title of most annoying?

My issue is not with people complaining she’s annoying. She is. She is not fun to go against.

My issue is that they act like she’s the only one, and that she needs to be reworked or nerfed solely on that. If that’s the case, I’ll start advocating for the rework of any hero I find annoying, and the list is never going to end. You read some of their suggestions on what they consider fair, and you realize you can’t trust a word they say to be impartial.

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IMO, allow Torb turret to once again break Sombra hacks. She just hacks it from stealth at the moment; IIRC that was a change coming in to OW2.

It’d give an option to make Sombra’s life harder that isn’t as tedious as spychecking is.

Yea I think listening to your player base has to be very calculated and deliberate. Yes, it’s “the players’ game” to an extent, but also not. Devs of any game can’t (or, might not want to) set a precedent of making large changes because of some vocal players.

Is it hard to to acknowledge that Sombra is annoying?

You main hanzo of course your kind will be filled with whiny baby players. :baby:

Then why have something that people don’t like?

The game becomes healthier. It’s a game, at the end of the game. It’s supposed to be fun. Make widow a soldier, and make sombra a support. Nobody cares.

In cs go, many years ago they added a gun that was oneshotting people and functioning like AWP. People said, “we don’t like it.” You know what devs did? They removed the oneshot. Yes, some people said the gun became useless and bad, but you know what’s worse? Having a bad game.

You know what would OW devs do in this case? They would increase the price of that gun from 800 to 900 and call it a nerf.

Also, genji, lucio, doom, mei, yes these are annoying to play against, but it’s a much much much lower degree of annoyance. Not even close to widow and sombra. It’s like comparing staying in a line for 10 minutes vs staying in a line for 2 hours.

I do understand your concern, but remember how people lose their minds when hog lost oneshot and mei lost freeze? What happened to the game? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It still has a huge hero pool that is able to answer to almost any gameplay issue.

I can definitely see why. Because most of the players are from bronze to gold, statistically. So they will very rarely see good widow or a good mei. In order to be good mei or good widow, you have to be good. And again, statistically, 70% of the players are bronze to gold. But you don’t have to be good sombra to be annoying. Only sombra is annoying by default.

People had the same concerns with Hog, people lost their minds when hog lost oneshot, and the game became a better place now. Hog has a rework now that makes it easier to balance. The current sombra design is impossible to balance. She is either going to be strong and annoying or weak and annoying.

Same category of “weapon damage is nerfed from 9 to 8.” It’s a fundamental issue. The head of the fish is rotten already. The fish needs to be completely replaced.

I will edit the title, thanks for your kind remark.

I would…not venture so far as to say that the game has become better because of his rework lol.

Because then there would be no choices in the game. Every game would be tailored to one person specifically if you got your way.