Is Hanzo balanced?

Hey, at least it’s not scatter one shot. In this 1v1 situation, of course its tough, but with a team behind you and if he misses a lot of his shots like this then, you would most likely survive.

I’d really like to see McCree get some buffs. Combat roll and FTH are very weak abilities that do not fit into modern OW at all.

Yes. Don’t hate him. “I get killed by hanzo meh!” “Hanzo is killing me to much meh” did you ever think about using a counter. Like whoa… that’s just crazy enough to work!! If none of those work then sure he’s in balanced… broken even. But he is in mind balanced

No he isn’t balanced because he has no weaknesses end of the story.
And stop taking stats from 3rd party sites because their stats are super inaccurate since private profiles begin to exist

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Needs reverse falloff damage on Storm Arrow.

He has no weakness and hella great strengths.

To allow for someone like Winston to jump him again, he needs reverse falloff damage on Storm Arrow. They start off weak but build up dps as they gain distance.

Gives him a nerf without removing the skill.

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storm arrow is to powerfull shreds tanks like nothing and he didnt need that stupid jump he got. snipers dont need moblitiy they lost that privalage the moment they got 1 shot capabilities


The problem with Storm Arrow is that it made him stronger against dive heroes.

Winston or Dva diving him? Just use Storm Arrow.
I get he could do the same thing Scatter Arrow, but Scatter Arrow was all or nothing. Now he has an ability that allows him to spam arrows. And if he couldn’t deal with them could he always rely on his lunge and wall climb.

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Hanzo isn’t the problem, its that a lot of the dps being underpowered has forced Hanzo to fill a vacuum. Hanzo wouldn’t be so dominant at close range if junkrat and reaper were good; and he wouldn’t be so scary at midrange if mccree and soldier 76 were good.

So we should buff multiple heroes to be on par with 1 hero?
Why not just tone down that 1 hero to be on par with other heroes?
(This is a serious question btw.)

But I agree that Reaper isn’t good and I’m always in for buffing that little edge lord.

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Because these four heroes are bad, and need buffs regardless of Hanzo (technically Junkrat needs bug fixes). I’m not trying to powe creep the dps, I’m a tank main anyway, but I’ve noticed that a lot of generalist dps heroes are struggling and suddenly it’s no wonder that it’s raining Hanzos.

The real question is why is his average damage per game almost as high as Junkrat, the hero who intentionally spams grenades? Bursty heroes like Hanzo usually have less overall damage stats like Widow for example but are much stronger at securing elims, but for whatever reasons he not only has very high damage output but also high elims.

Pretty much what happens when you give a sniper style character too much consistency.

I understand what you mean. Heroes like McCree and Reaper has always been in a bad spot and being overshadowed by other heroes. They do need to become more on par with other DPS’ers.

My issue is that we should never try buffing other heroes so they could be on par with the stronger hero of that class. I saw players asking for the same thing for Mercy and I have always disagreed with them. If 1 hero is the problem then that 1 hero needs to be addressed and not every other character.

But is Hanzo a problem?
Is he balanced?
(Well, his stats says he is.)

That’s what I’m curious at. I want to know what other players think about Hanzo’s current state. (You think that Hanzo isn’t the problem, but that the other heroes are the problems.)

Then let me ask you another question.
What is Hanzo’s role in the game and does his kit fit that role?

Speaking of Genji, he completely destroys Hanzo.
I love playing him into any kind of sniper, but Hanzo is even easier to dive than Ana or Widow because he has no CC nor a good escape ability.

Anytime a Hanzo is on the enemy team, dashing him before pulling out blade for a quick slice into dash is an easy way to start a big play.

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Hanzo’s role is a more consistent version of what it used to do. He’s always been anti-tank, whose best range is midrange and where he has a combination of safety and reliability, although he can do well far away and up close as well.

Hanzo’s kit does that, he has high damage and the tools to stay in midrange with his mobility. We can see that he is good at a distance but he loses reliability and Widowmaker does long range better.

This is why I think that those other dps need buffs: reaper and junkrat would do close range better and have their own tank busting power. Likewise, soldier 76 and McCree would challenge hanzo at midrange, forcing him to put more effort into keeping his favored positioning.

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The labels should be, by now. Ignored completely. Symmetra was a support yet she never once had a “main” supportive ability for example.

Oh and his storm arrows does not shred barriers. I don’t know where you got that one from but I play Hanzo a lot and my storm arrows NEVER destroy shields as fast as people claims it does. And I’d rather go by actual in-game evidence than the word of people.

Hanzo’s winrate is 51.14 percent currently in grandmaster. His pickrate at GM is 4.17. That’s now fourth in terms of being picked as the new third place is tracer which has supplanted him. Tracer also has a higher winrate at 53.28 percent. Any nerfs at this point will tip him over the edge into full throw pick category mode.

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As someone who’s played Hanzo even when he was terrible, if you’re playing him up close you’re playing him wrong. Even with his buffs he still is best played mid-range.

He is much more consistent now, and the only Nerf I could see is maybe making his leap cd a second more than Winston’s jump or Dvas jets. Since they’re supposed to counter him. On that note though, Winston can still counter him if the Winston is as skilled as the Hanzo is. Proper shield dancing is still very effective, and Winston is better off than he was when scatter was around. Dva does go down pretty quick, but she’s always done so due to her enormous crit box.

I’ve also noticed Reapers doing very well against Hanzo. He has enough health to take a shot or two of storm, turn to smoke and wait out the rest before head shotting. While Hanzo can of course still get a head shot off, I woild say it’s a good balance. Furthermore, an equally skilled Genji or Tracer can still tear Hanzo a new one. Their faster movement, and high dps can punish a missed shot with death often.

Is Hanzo more powerful now? Of course. Is he an unstoppable killing machine? Not at all.

He’s not balanced.

He’s good at range, mid-range and close range. He can kill any squishy with a headshot. He can kill anyone with Storm Arrows, that were supposed to be a spam ability, but noooooo he can also headshot with it. Aaaaaand he has a evade ability. The dragon is fine tho

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Pretty much. His worst enemy is his own brother. Genji has far more mobility than Hanzo, and can therefor spam him with shurikens from all corners. Even a Wraxu sometimes has a really tough time with a GM Genji.

Tracer can eliminate him as well, as long as she plays on Dafran level.


And where’s the proof? Where is the data that supports this? You’re just listing out things he can do. That ultimately means nothing because the value of these things can only be expressed in terms of winning games, and he’s not winning that many games lately.

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