Is Hanzo balanced?

If I look at his stats on sites like Overbuff do I see nothing wrong. His pickrate and win rate are healthy.

But I don’t think he’s balanced. I think Hanzo has a questionable role in the game. Like he has an identity crisis.

He was labeled as a sniper, but is being played like a generic DPS’er now (like McCree), but still has the damage output of a sniper. He can shred barriers (with his Storm Arrow), snipe and deal with enemies close to midrange. Not to mention his ability to one shot most heroes.

I don’t think this is right.

I don’t think Hanzo is balanced but his stats says otherwise.

I’m curious what you think.

  • Do you consider Hanzo balanced in his current state?
  • Do you think he still need to have the damage output of a sniper even though he is no longer labaled as a sniper?

He isn’t even labeled as a sniper in-game anymore.


Well, I guess he became a generic DPS’er then.

Then my next question would be, does he still need to have a high damage output?

He never was a sniper to begin with. Ana had that same label.

Exactly,he is a close range 1 shotter,medium range shield breaker,and long range sniper,he is like reaper,junkrat and widow in 1 hero.


Well, if he has it and doesn’t have an unreasonable winrate, yes. Or if he lost it he’d need something else buffed to replace it.

I used to want to nerf his damage but I did not think it was possible to level out his stats without doing it, but it seems that did occur.

The thing is, which hero, that we currently have in their current state, can actually break shields effectively and not get their faces melted off by getting too close?


His stats is balanced and I don’t want to see him drop lower. I would hate to see him become F-tier again.

But in the other hand do I think Hanzo isn’t balanced.

Thats why I’m curious what other players think about Hanzo’s current state.


Reaper and Symmetra are close range heroes so I guess Junkrat, and hitscan heroes, are the best picks to deal with barriers in long range.

S76 is reasonable at breaking shields long range, too.

I for one feel Hanzo does too much, he excels at too many ranges.

Take Genji for example, he is great at close range, but is mediocre but CAN be ok at far range.

Hanzo on the other hand, great at far range, and has a great close range ability.


Reaper and Symmetra are close range, meaning exactly what I mean: their faces will be melted off by a really well coordinated team. In lower ranks Reaper might be able to handle it alone, but the poor guy is F-tier and awful against armor.

Junkrat? Junkrat can spam, but even he isn’t reliable enough. Soldier? Soldier will stand hours and hours shooting at a shield. By that time Orisa has it back up again.

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picking any of those heroes is basically throwing

Genji may be hated on the forums, but he’s actually one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

He has a clear role and clear counters.

Something I think Hanzo lacks, but according to his stats is he balanced.

One person just can’t break Orisa’s shield at long range. Even Hanzo can’t do it alone.

No. Hanzo is incredibly unbalanced and far too powerful.

I kept tracking him for the longest I could. I did roughly 60 damage. He missed 75% of his shots. Because he hit two shots, he dealt 210 damage.

That doesn’t exactly seem ‘fair’ to me.

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Statistically he goes under the category of “Balanced” but that doesn’t necessarily fill the other two pieces of the balance triangle.

The community doesn’t really think fondly of his balance, and the Dev team we don’t really know.

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Hanzo can bring it down faster (with help). Even if Soldier got help, that would still take awhile.

No. He’s not. He’s to effective for the effort put in, and he’s far too efficient at killing tanks and breaking barriers.

Here you go:

Hanzo does feel unbalanced and dying to him feels cheap, but is he really unbalanced? His stats says otherwise.

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