Is Genji"s dash too strong?

What? No more fantasy ranks?

How about just go back to explaining how the power creep started 2 months after game release instead of demonstrating your lack of creativity when it comes to insults? :man_shrugging:

So the fact the enemy team could run 4 flankers and walk all over a team with ease with barely any counterplay?

You know, the reason for supports to be able to defend themselves? IE Brig and Moira?

DPS started it all, don’t be bias now.

That was not power creep. That was how the game was at release. And 4 flanker comp wasn’t the dominating comp except on control maps. Payload/Hybrid was still deathball based.

And how did releasing Ana change the powercreep when she’s vulnerable to 4 flanker dive herself. Your claim makes no sense.

Nope, he can sneeze on people and as his team kills people he just focuses one target and spams dash on them. Completely stupid. Got dashed 3 times in 5 seconds in a fight as a support.

oh i know, i just think it’s stupid game design. Personal opinion.

Nek minnit…

I love these forums… :rofl:

Removing CC entirely from the game =/= Removing CC on one character.

Plus Mei still has CC on her primary fire.

They’re reducing it, not just randomly removing every single ounce of CC from anything that isnt a tank.

putting a damage threshold on the reset would prevent the character from doing the one thing he can do which is following up on kills. i honestly don’t care if you can’t deal with one of the worst heroes in the game.

No. It’s balanced accordingly even if the ability is strong. His dash reset passive with how good dash is occupies a lot of value in his kit and exponentially so when combined with other things. This is also why they can’t buff his damage or anything like that because it’ll cause an exponential increase in his value and make him busted as we already saw

20 character limit lol

In a vacuum it definitely is too good, like Ana’s bio nade it just does too many things. (dash = damage (multiple targets and thru shields), mobility, generous hitbox, reset on assist; i mean comeon guys, how much is too much?)

Genji’s entire kit is so stacked in this way that it’s really easy for Blizz to make him OP.


If damage buff didn’t change some breakpoint changes then it would be as useless as the shuriken ammo buff or the attack speed buff.

However, if you think changing breakpoints against some heroes will make him too good, you are definitely overreacting.

Look at what breakpoints are changed then look at how likely that happens in a real game.

As someone who can’t stand Genji (as/against) his dash is fine.

Im for removing dash reset and fixing the rest of his kit tbh. The dash reset is what is keeping genji from being decent, every time he gets decent buffs, the dash recent turns him into a monster and he gets nerfed.

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