…or do DPS players just suck? Tired of hearing DPS players blame their role when they do absolutely nothing all game. Is support OP? Yes. Do supports have too much sustainability? Yes. But is that any excuse to finish matches with 1 elim and 7 deaths?
So tired of DPS that push down main, challenge a brawl tank like Orisa or Zarya head to head, then cry about their role being weak. Like dude, take a flank sometime. Try some high ground. There’s really no excuse to have an even or negative KD ratio in Overwatch
If you’re a tank/support who is repeatedly being teamed with “bad DPS”, then you’re not as good as you think you are. You’re playing with players around your skill level. Maybe think about what you can do better as a support/tank, i.e. roles which carry the majority of power and impact on the match.
Because theres no space for you to take advantage off for example I play a lot of echo but I’ve noticed if I get a sigma or something that just sits back.
I essentially have to hard flank their entire team and 1v5 backline as I’m the only one putting pressure from that angle and they keep healing eachother and no one takes advantasge on frontline.
Normally I’ll switch to widow or something if I notice my team is terrible for space but that could be reason why you get negative K.D teammates idk if you’re support or tank or whatever.
I won’t argue with you about support. But everyone turns and looks at the tank when it makes a play. DPS can be literally anywhere on the map (see Tracer, Sombra, Echo, Sojourn, etc.) and yet they always choose to go main. I don’t get this “DPS is weak” argument when so many players don’t even use the tools at their disposal
DPS isn’t weak, it’s more that tanks and supports are just DPS heroes with massively better utility and defensives. The joke is that most tank and support ultimates are more deadly than most DPS ultimates on average.
In OW2 the roles aren’t tank/healer/dps. The roles are tank-dps, healer-dps and then just plain old dps.
I do feel for players in situations like this. Im a fan of Echo too so I know the struggle. You made the opportunity to attack, and your tank/ team just didn’t take it. My frustration is with dmg players that say they have no agency to provide value, then mindlessly walk down main and get surprised when they lose the 1v1 to Orisa.
I think it’s frustrating for anyone when their team is too passive to make any impact. But I just can’t stand players that play passively, then whine when the enemy doesn’t just hand them the game. Like if you’re gonna complain, at least try to make something happen
Young, blind, deaf, old, bad, good, stupid etc can log in and play the game now
Not sure what else you expect from a free to play game .
Yes in ow1 there were also bad players but now it’s 100 times worse
since we have ow2 I’ve seen things I e never seen in ow1…
for example… I had a Ashe in my team…basic skin, basic icon, endorsement 1…
she ended 0 elims, 1 assist and 34!! deads
I was just watching her… she was trying to kill us as much as she tried to kill the enemy and we typed " blue names are in your team, can’t shoot them" but didn’t matter haha…
These types of people would likely not have spend 60 dollars like ow1 was…
The game is so much worse now it’s free to play.
We had already enough Bad players, already enough smurfs and cheaters but now they keep coming for absolutely free and nothing we can do about it…
these two games i loss as widow and i felt i didnt do too bad but yea my teammates died A LOT.
not gonna put the full blame on them since i shoulda made some shots that were crucial but really when im scoped in far away and watch what my team does i sometimes scratch my head
the game on rialto our d.va tank lol… going against zarya sure but dam. still people want to have fun just like me on their favorite hero and its quickplay so /shrug
games are … both losses while echienwelde was a stomp (whatever you call that map)
does dps suck on paper? yes absolutely.
is it still the highest impact role if you completely smurf? yes also true.
are the other roles easier to play and less frustrating if all players are in the same skill range? yes.
would there be 0 dps comps if the game was still open queue? yeah. why? bc supports and tanks can get kills too and are harder to kill. also they feature CC and utility cooldowns.
Most DPS just refuse to switch, even tho they have the biggest hero pool in the game on that role and an answer for everything. Its not because DPS heroes are bad and more because the picks are ineffective for that comp or against that type of enemy.
well its not quite as simple though. due to dps being the most mechanically intensive role, it makes more sense than on other roles to narrow down your hero pool to mechanically similiar heroes. like for example hitscan vs projectile or tracking vs flicking heroes.
that being said, sometimes it is better to play something that youre not that good on in a situation where it is a lot easier to play than your main heroes.
but the argument of “just swap lol” applies to tank (which is rock paper scissors incarnate) and support much more than on dps. id much rather have somebody on a dps they can play rather than feed on something that theoretically could get value in this specific situation.
There can be any number of reasons. The player is back from a 3 month hiatus. They got 3 hours of sleep. Bronze in a group with plats. They have eaten a tonne of bad food that degrades their mental capacity. Drunk. High. Younger sibling of the account owner. Trigger Rage queueing hoping to end on a win.
I totally am not speaking from experience. Not in the slightest >_>
None of that causes 1-7, I have been all the scenarios you say and sometimes combined.
The only real reasons are they are matchmaking put someone in a match way above their elo.
Or they are trolling to throw
Or they are a sombra main trying other heroes
Like i have gone like portions of a map were I’m bad kd, like from recent memory was when I was trying widow after 3 years and in one of the matches at starting I was diffes by enemy widow like 0-4 or something but i came back strong and we won, there are even matches were I’m out in horrible matchups it’s really rare for me to go negative kd, and even if I do it’s not marginal.
Like I’m not bragging or anything i do find it hard how people go 1-7 and stuff.
Sometimes they are actually good players too but get these stats.
Like at some point you get it together right even if it’s a gm or t500 you are against,.you don’t need to win but you definitely can do better.
I have noticed this with other dps a lot, though it’s something i rarely experience, I’m not bragging, I’m not good I’m a ordinary gamer, I don’t tryhard, I just don’t throw, I’m also a two trick who rarely swaps.
But i rarely ever have horrible stats even when we lose.
Btw I’m not shaming anyone for having negative kd, I’m surprised why this is so.
I have even made detailed posts to support people not to judge someone by kd
i get what you mean. due to me being a soldier main i also dont often have horrible stats. but thats not the point. stats can be deceiving and depend a lot on the hero youre playing. due to the very snowbally nature of the game and the dps role currently being a salvager of space and value i have a pretty good grasp on why the dps stats can vary drastically.
the dps role and the stats of dps players is unfluenced and magnified a lot by the state of a given game. if youre losing, your dps players feel it the hardest and any wasted cooldown or any positional advantage your team needs to take in order to have a promising setup for the fight will hit em hard. on the other hand, if dps get the space they need or make it themselves, the game feels like it plays itself.
on support, if my dps are outplaying or they have a favourable matchup, i can basically go afk and still win.
so yeah it is not impossible to carry on dps despite having bad circumstances. but often it feels like a very uphill battle.