Is Doomfist one of the easiest heroes in the game right now?

I noticed that Doomfist is significantly easier to play than before because of his multiple buffs - I’d put him in the same difficulty tier as Brigitte and Mercy right now. His bounces take a bit of practice, but they’re not necessary to have high impact with him.


I wish they would make him easier and have his slam ground reticle be a thing you can toggle on and off in the options mode. I can’t land that thing for the life of me.

THIS IS LUDICROUS. Sombra is underpowered beyond relief and still gets nerfed with every patch, while consistently requiring inhuman skill. Meanwhile Doomfist just presses right click and teamwipes instantly with no skill required.


No, my friend he’s not easy to play. His buffs didn’t make him easier to play too. It was his bug fixes that made him better because his bugs was holding him back.


I only ever play him in mystery heroes and i usually take 2 people down with me before i die. ult is a free kill on anyone with no movement.

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If fixing his bugs made him better wouldn’t you consider them to be buffs?

I do think he is slightly too strong, however he is probably one of, if not the hardest hero in the game to get value out of. I think they should make him slightly easier, but lower his overall effectiveness.


The sad part isn’t I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

Seeing that OP has 1.8 average elims per life with ye old doomfist- I’m going to assume yes.


Not sure how that’s relevant - most of my play time on Doomfist was before he got all his buffs. After his buffs I got 59% winrate with him.


My only issues with doomfist is that his basic combo of E->Shift->left click is too easy to pull of against anything that has 200hp and no escape option. His right click is whatever, it’s primary used as an escape tool anyway.

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Against potatoes and plat-low diamond yes, he is very nice if you know how to play it decently good with no more than 5 deads per game.

As far I remember he only got his shotgun recharge faster like a year a go and a lot of QOL fixes and only 1 significant buff for Meteor Strike (Speed ),

On high tiers you need hard coordination and a team that will play around you because you are not facing bad Mcree’s or Roadhog’s. I face a lot of good Mcree in Master/GM and they never let me do anything because they already know how to counter DF by just keeping him on LOS all the game.

Easy to play.
Hmm. Think I’m going to mosey on out of here. Just for future reference: Play Doomfist for an extended amount of time and let everybody see your winrate and elimination rate p/life. Let’s see how easy he is to play.


My profile is public - I have 59% winrate on him over 17 hours. Wouldn’t you consider that an extended amount of time? Don’t know how to check eliminations per life, but that’s not really relevant if I’m able to have high impact with him.

In a way, yes but in the other way they were not intended to be there to begin with and getting rid of them is just making it as is should of been.

:rofl: Thanks for the good laugh, I needed it.


He is definitely not easy to play, but hell it does feel better to play him now.

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On a scale of 1-10 how punch drunk are you?


No, bug fixes are bug fixes. The bugs are NOT features that are meant to be in the game.


Nope not easy at all

9-10 depending on how underpowered Sombra is at the moment. In case you didn’t know, she takes massive skill.