Is doomfist a flanker?

If he is a flanker why he is very strong against tanks???

Tracer was nerfed for this the same reason. She was strong against tanks.

She still is strong against tanks. Her ult was basically a free pick on them which is why it’s the only thing that was nerfed.

Nothing about being a flanker says you can’t do anything to tanks, nor is every hero specifically tied to one role only.


Tracer wasn’t nerfed because she was too good against tanks. She was nerfed because the devs want Tracer players to think more tactically about their sticks instead of just “oh look there’s a nice big target I’m definitely not going to miss my pulse bomb to.” But moving towards the Doomfist point. He can be considered a flanker. But he can also frontline very well and tank bust.

Orisa Hog and laughing at this you know.

Don’t forget Zarya!!

I wanted to mentioned her, but her CD on the shield is so damn punishable and that’s her only way to safe herself.
So i can’t really call her good against DF unless her player is good at her.

Weren’t you responding to the OP saying Doomfist is “very strong” against tanks? Zarya isn’t that good against Doomfist, but Doomfist definitely isn’t good against Zarya either.

Well he can still very likely oneshot her if she dosen’t have her bubble and her gun ain’t that much relible against him.

I was refering to Orisa Hog and simply because unless they wastes all their abilities into nothing like idiots he can’t do anything against them at all and can be killed in just 2-3sec, Zarya unfortunately can’t have that luxury .