Is doom the hero who has gone longest without a buff?

Doomfist is a VERY complicated subject to talk about.

Nobody likes getting punched and 1 shotted out of nowhere. That’s all i’m going to say…

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But I do though…

Your not on the receiving end.


I am when I face other doomfist’s and I really don’t mind it, even when I’m on support I’d rather be one shot by doom than widow.

The Overwatch wiki is your friend, it shows all the balance changes made to the characters over the game’s lifetime. Doomfist got a buff in May 2020, making Seismic Slam easier to use.

So several heroes haven’t received a buff for much longer. Lucio, for example, hasn’t gotten ANY balance changes since 2019. The world isn’t out to get Doomfist mains. You want to see that kind of persecution, look at Brig’s history, haha.


Not really a buff, literally just lets you hold down e instead of spamming it…
I never do this as well so it’s kinda pointless to me :frowning:

Even better:

I forgot those buffs even existed; they were extremely minor. Although I suppose they do count. Not counting minor QoL buffs, I think he would have gone the longest without a buff.

Shhh, I was always vibecheck! :wink:

For a good reason. He was soft/hard meta for over a year with double shield. He’s now soft meta again.

I checked the Wiki and the hero who has gone the longest without a buff is Ana. Her last buff was in Aug 2018.

You love him deep down

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you know me too well… but i simp for genji more gosh

does anyone notice the time seems to be off? it says you posted that an hour ago…

Like many of the new characters since release, Doomfist was just poorly designed making it harder to balance without tipping the scales in one direction.


Simp for genji’s behind and dooms clearly not natty muscles :weary:

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But still, I wish they would TRY some sort of power shift or rework for him

Doomfist? Ah, that hero that made them gut Roadhog right before his release so he wouldn’t get rekt by him?

Yeah, no need for any buffs there

Idk but that is actually pretty cool.
Doom is fine

Wasn’t the Ana nade passing through allies a buff?

It’s more of a QoL change.

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