Is doom the hero who has gone longest without a buff?

He was also meta after GOATS when Sigma was released during double shields.

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Well yeah, he wasn’t an F-tier pick, and he was also the only hero besides reaper/mei who could get value with a 900 hp shield and 1500 hp shield on cooldowns

After the shield nerfs he dropped like a fly and mei hanzo became hard meta

Personally, the Widow one shot is worse to deal with than the Doomfist one shot.

They both require a high level of positioning skill, one from a safe long distance that compensates for requiring more accurate aiming, while the other in close range that requires less accurate aiming but is compensated by the danger of being in close range.

When Doomfist is trying to one shot, either through punching or ulting, it’s easier to mess him up, since he in a close proximity for abilities to be effective.
When Widow is trying to one shot from far away, sure we can walk away behind cover to avoid line of sight, but that doesn’t help in being able to force her back. You would have to purposefully change heroes that can reach in long ranges or quickly close the distance to keep her away.

They are both effective only in 1v1 situations until the moment they are outnumbered because that’s how their one shot abilities work. That being said, Doom has to come close to you & your team, making it easier to target him with more teammates, while Widow will only be targeted by 1 or 2 teammates if there is someone with long range attacks or high mobility on the team already.


Actually, I’d rather say Widow.
Doom’s last buff was May 19th, 2020 with the improvement of the Seismic Slam. Even if you see it as a QoL buff. Also the CD reduction from March 19, 2019 are younger than the last Widow Buff.

03/19/2019 Infra-Sight:

  • reveals enemy health bars but is canceled with death is more of a nerf than a buff, since the HP display for Widow does not matter anyway.

09/11/2018 Grappling hook:

  • Now retains momentum when used on environments or structures without a ledge (e.g. walls).

08/29/2017 Grappling Hook:

  • CD from 12s down to 8s.

A lot of heroes would be in contention with this title if you counted buffs with counternerfs, or buffs that were acutally partial nerf reverts

Like Pharah.
She gets slightly faster hover speed but nerf to Barrage damage

Then she gets nerfed fuel. Then “buffed” fuel AKA partial revert to the nerf, the fuel is now still lower than before (the 2-3 year period where she had full flight)

that’s such a bad way to look at it. He’s mostly useless. His changes never needed to happen. It was an l2p issue across the board. Same thing happened to hanzo with scatter shot. Instead of nerfing the damage to shields and fixing the buggy shot to the feet. They removed it. Beyond lazy change and all we got in return was legolas mcree storm arrow crap. I still hate them for taking away his identity to this day.

They removed scatter arrow because it frustrating to play against.

looks at Doomfist

I am sure Genji went like 3 years without a buff, but I agree he is in desperate need for one

It’s one thing to remove an ability, another thing to remove an entire hero

I love how users like you antognize others for speaking the truth but when the tables are turned you cry like little girls

bastion got a tighter spread on his reccon, he heals more, stuns no longer prevent his transformation, a tighter spread on his sentry. need i go on?

I’m bookmarking this


Okay Smartass, I too am a Baptiste main with an open profile come at me. I’ve seen sso many clips of doomfist sliding off of rooftops and punching across walls to install kill a squishy. Where is their counterplay? I guess u’re just supposed to ignore the teamfight and constantly be looking in the sky for Doom huh? But If I tell someone"yo just shoot immor, what u want shoot it? it only takes 150hp to break" they’ll get triggered. Now do u see how stupid u sound?

Your truth is pretty damn subjective. The actual truth is that doom is ez to counter and you’re just bad if you can’t do that

Where’s the counterplay? Literally the entire set up time and basic awareness and positioning. If the doom gets you in a combo, you should be dead. If he’s waiting for you to use your cooldowns to engage, you should have already won the 5v6.

Use your eyes and ears man.

And please, point out where I

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They removed it because it was an ability that literally required the user to aim at the floor with enough potential damage to kill a tank.

He was a bad hero with a broken mechanic holding him back so they reworked him into something that had more potential in the hands of a skilled user while being worse for people who could only hit shots by aiming at the feet

Doom is different because he’s just weak with no blatantly busted ability. People like you hate him because he takes advantage of match ups and lack of awareness. That’s not doom being strong or anything, just the player being bad or in a bad situation

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Doomfist could and still can aim in a general direction of the enemy and 1 shot them.

That’s frustrating to play against.

So avoid it by playing corners and saving mobility cooldowns. Is that seriously your biggest issue with him? His “4 second oneshot” that’s used for mobility the vast majority of the time. If you are being constantly punched, that is entirely on you. It can not one shot unless he’s had time to charge it up, letting you know where exactly he is and giving you time to react.

Not to mention he has to launch himself at you to do this.

It’s frustrating to die at all in this game. Not a reason to deny the balance of a hero.

Not my biggest issue, but you’re saying scatter arrow was removed for one shotting people and that being a frustrating game mechanic.

One shorting tanks without even aiming at the player. It literally oneshot zarya and orisa.

Yeah and Doomfist can one shot 4/6 players