Is doom the hero who has gone longest without a buff?

Doomfist hasn’t received ANY sort of buff since GOATS at the very beginning of 2019; I think every hero has had some sort of buff since then. Some minor ones like pharah, some huge like McCree or rein. But someone let me know if I’m mistaken, but I think he is officially the hero who has gone the longest without any buff

Now I personally think at most he should just get an uppercut revert, past that he should be reworked or power shifted.


If you count buffs that were basically immediately reverted or compensation nerfs that resulted in a net nerf… The list is probably larger.


Keep him trash, I’m still traumatised from two years ago.

Until he is fundamentally changed at kit level, he shouldn’t be buffed.

He is the epitome of anti fun to play against but insanely fun for the person playing him.


Doomfist is a mess. The most badly handled character in the game.

Released with crippling bugs that prevent his abilities from working that still are not fixed.

Inexplicably a berzerking DPS that screams and pinballs around the map despite that clashing with his entire character ethos and not fitting his model design at all.

Rejected utterly by pro players. All but absent from league play.

Ignored by streamers.

Literally NOBODY can get him to work. The BEST players in the world do more work on Genji on a bad day.

Labelled “OP” by people who can’t even get kills with him.

But Blizzard wont admit they screwed him up or stop screwing him over and they wont fix him.
He’s the design team’s dirty shame.


If you or a loved one have struggled against a doomfist, call 696-969-6969 for potential compensation!

You may be entitled to a doomfist counter kit; this includes turning on your monitor, along with your headphones, and the ability to move your crosshairs in his general direction!

You will git gud; GUARENTEED!


There’s always more nuance to a hero being OP/frustrating to play against than “if you aim and shoot him, he will die”

Saying otherwise, like you just did, is disingenuous.


when was the last time bastion was buffed ? i lost track tbh feels like a million years ago those two were tuned some way or another

Do you main bap? Private profile and bap icon so I assume yes.

Literally stay I. Your back line or with your team and time your jump properly. You just hard countered him. If u can, play low ground so u can jump to a high ground. Or play high ground so u can fall to low ground. You just denied his entire engage using movement keys.


I don’t main Bap, I use his icon because I like the way it looks. Orange is my favourite color :slight_smile:

We’re not talking about Baptiste here though, we’re talking about Doomfist.


hmm there was a seismic slam buff in a 2020 patch it was minor but did directly affect gameplay, like controlling the direction people were moved in slam as well as a couple qol changes ontop of that actually thinking about it one of those qol things directly affected its speed and reliability

though im not sure if you would count it

and I’d have to check all the patch notes of all heroes to see which one has had the largest period without a buff, unless you mean like longest up until now, but going by the first one i think it’d be Widowmaker who’s last buff was in 2018

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I could be wrong but didn’t they buff widows ammo last year?

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I mean technically yes it was buffed by 5 but it was so they could reduce her sniper shots from 10 to 7 per clip, the 5 extra ammo for smg was incidental

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Wait here’s the test to see if you’re trolling or not, what’s worse outta widows one shot and dooms one shot?

Player hater of the year award goes to all you people who don’t like doomfist


can we have a medal please ? :1st_place_medal:


Its very conflicting.

Against :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
As :star_struck:

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Does it count as trolling if I hate Dooms more because the animation is disorienting? :joy::joy:

Legit the way his animation works is the only reason Doomfist annoys me. If the rocket punched didnt launch you into a wall, stand up for .00001 second like nothing happened, then get jolted dead it would be so much better.


Bastion got like 2 or 3 buffs last year in may I think

Is that worse than being clipped from across the map in your eyes?

he got 2 flat buffs and a power shift last year yes