Is buffing Mercy the solution for DPS comps? šŸ‡ØšŸ‡­

I was just saying that it didnā€™t completely ruin her old playstyle or anything. It slowed it down a little. She was never a super-fast healer, you always needed several seconds to heal a target, particularly with a lot of health.

But in truth Iā€™m not hugely against a small healing buff, like 55 hp/s, if Moira is also improved.

Enough to drop her like a rotten egg from the meta and all the dps she enabled with her.

Because itā€™s not a problem in 222. There is not too much healing. Healers are primarily utilized for their secondary abilites, and the strongest heals in the game is the one least used.

Itā€™s only an issue in GOATs, and even then would not be an issue if it werenā€™t for the additional sources of damage mitigation of the tanks.

This is why the strongest version of that comp has the least healing.


I really donā€™t think 60 hp/s would bring back Mercy and defeat Goats. The hero who replaced Mercy, Ana, was likewise replaced by a comp that uses the three off healers together.

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The more important change is to resurrect, in that smaller health pool heroes will be an easier res target. The goal isnā€™t for moth meta to return and eliminate 3-3, but make them more even in terms of viability

Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t think any of these changes would help against Goats at all.

They would make Mercy better against standard comps (in fact so much better I bet Ana would be ruined immediately) but it would do nothing against Goats.

I think the rez change would make her must pick again.

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Perhaps sheā€™ll have a high pick rate for DPS oriented comps, but will likely not be preferred in a 3-3 comp

Honestly when it comes to Mercy hate, I say its kinda split. There are DPS players who would rather have Ana because shes the pique of a ā€˜skilledā€™ healer due to her aim, while there are supports who dislike playing Mercy because they find her uninteresting and Moth meta left a bad aftertaste.

Youre also not wrong with the Ana main part, Ive seen a LOT of Ana mains bashing Mercy.

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Dps comp will replace GOATs, and sheā€™d be the center piece and thus number one again.

I donā€™t have a problem with that but with that powerful of an advantage, I donā€™t see others being able to replace her in it. And that WOULD be an issue.

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Indeed. I generalized a bit too much. It is a lot of different people for different reasons. You hit the nail on the head.

Welcome to the OW forums. :joy:

HPS buff is fine.

Rez doesnā€™t need a buff. That buff you offered makes her way too OP. Please never do that Blizzard. Rez is already dangerously close to busted, even with the 1.75 sec cast time.

Sincerely, a 700 hour GM Mercy main who wants to see her buffed, but in a BALANCED way.


There are GM players who main her currently with considerable successā€¦so I would say Mercy is currently viable at that tier

This is something most players donā€™t understand. You need tanks to get the most value out of Ana (Moira as well.). Sheā€™s not good in 4-5 DPS comps even with 70%+ accuracy.

This is why you see support players with 300+ hours on Mercy in QP since players rarely form a proper team comp.


I donā€™t want to see a buff to Mercy because then she will become overpowered, and when they eventually nerf Mercy again theyā€™ll do so with no consideration of the enjoyment of Mercyā€™s playstyle, and sheā€™ll ultimately become even worse to play.

Leave Mercy as she is until such point when they are ready to scrap or significantly rework Valkyrie to either have a significantly shorter duration, or more active and engaging gameplay where everything isnā€™t done for you by the ultimate.

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Yes, Iā€™m quite aware of that, but I feel like they need to be told repeatedly to realize their dream will stay what is isā€¦ a dream.


We just somehow had to find a way to get this idea into the devs head. Also to the anti mercy players head.

Itā€™s an irony currently to see that the guys that want dps-based comps to thrive (because ā€œmuh skillzā€ and they said goats is no skill) are the ones that also prefers mercy to keep being in an off healer state.

Maybe itā€™s as QuizzyBunny said, they want ana to be compatible with DPS based comps, meanwhile the truth is it is mercy who enables DPS based comps.

By removing mercy from the main healer slot the devs effectively made tank heavy comps prevalent.


So, it would be faster to rez, because when you do so, you are actually rezzing a 150 HP character?

Youā€™d think thatā€™d be somewhat obvious given that Mercy has damage boost (obviously good for DPS) and Rez, which offsets the lower health pool on DPS heroesā€¦ also she keeps up with mobility better, which is good for DPS heroes which tend to be faster than tanks. But, I guess not.

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