Is buffing Mercy the solution for DPS comps? šŸ‡ØšŸ‡­

Some guys just refuse to accept a ā€œno brain no skill press M1 to win healerā€ to outplay them in the game. Thatā€™s is what clouded them to the truth. If mercy isnā€™t at the same spot as ana and the others, tank heavy comps will always be the meta.

For the guys that persistently donā€™t want mercy to be changed, i can only say: enjoy goats in pro play :kissing_smiling_eyes:


It needs more nudge in that direction to really removes goats from the meta. Goats is still the most rewarding meta because other comps isnt rewarding enough with the same effort given. There are two ways we could do this:

  1. Change mercy so DPS comps can get more reward vs goats

  2. Deploy a crippling nerf to goats enabler so the reward earned by running goats is diminished greatly, and at the same time make the enabler enter F-tier.

I prefer to not to trash nerf any character. Some guys are already looking to nerf lucio.

We shouldnā€™t have to buff one hero to counter a meta, but multiple. To have one hero counter a whole meta, we need a hero to be oppresive to the meta enablers.

And making an oppresive hero just means another Brigitte, another meta. Which would just end in Mercy getting nerfed to the ground and hated even further.

However, if you mean slightly buffing her together with other goat counters, as well as adding certain balance features to make goats less desirable thatā€™d be fine.
I could imagine mercyā€™s damage boost empowering allies into causing a small healing debuff with their shots.

The main point is, how much buff are applied. Mercy changes doesnā€™t need to hard counter goats which in return could make her a must pick again, but changed in a way that raises the effectivity of dps comps in general. Thats where the balance team capability is tested. Itā€™s their job to find the right composition.

If they just do a lazy job like the one that they did to reaper, then mercy is doomed.

Iā€™m not sure I missed the entire point, but one should avoid making balance decisions that could end in must picks. Surely there are better ways.

Fighting must picks with must picks? Please, letā€™s not.

Thatā€™s what iā€™m saying, its up to the balance team to find the right composition so mercy isnt a must pick meanwhile goats is reduced by raising the effectivity of DPS based comps. Itā€™s their main job to find the balance in that.

And yet they buffed reapers lifesteal of all things instead of his real issue which is his e being useless half the time.

ā€œIf everything is OP, Nothing is OP.ā€

Some guy with a name starting with J

Never said that was the right decision.
Never asked for a single hero to be buffed to counter a whole meta.

And this is the same, I donā€™t want her buffed to counter a whole meta. It wont end well. This is coming from a Mercy main, itā€™s not healthy balancing.

Then buff all the heroes that donā€™t work in/against GOATs, not one.

The hard truth is when that hero is nerfed, goats become prevalent. Devs already wrecking their brain out on how to stop goats and all we got is blanket armor nerf and OP reaper in low ranks.
I rather not take risk trashing the game further with blanket nerfs/buff.

  1. Buff 76, Pharah, Junk, and DF

The healer that enabled the most varied comps is Mercy, but somehow her being meta would be a travesty. :woman_shrugging:t6:


Great point! I firmly believe that this kind of buff to Mercy will lead to the most varied meta possible, especially since the nerfs to her healing output came out at the same time as buffs to the other supports, which prompted a 3-3 meta. For what itā€™s worth, we havenā€™t gotten to see what it would be like to have 60HPS Mercy in the mix of things, and in terms of the Res change, I really feel that it would change things in the way many players want since it benefits DPS comps more than anything else. I like this idea because itā€™s a bit more elegant of a solution which forgoes the many reworks to existing heroes that people are suggesting

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Honestly that is probably the biggest design flaw of Ana, her darts just donā€™t work well with dps heroes, sheā€™s made to pump darts into big targets.

No. Sheā€™s a healer no one cares about her pistol.

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Thatā€™s a lot more time than I have :slight_smile: I would love to hear your suggestions!

Every healer has a way of killing flankers and defending themselves. Mercyā€™s pistol is unreliable and it would benefit non mercy players if it was buffed. I personally never use her pistol, as thereā€™s really no reason to if you use her mobility effectively but thereā€™s way too many people who donā€™t know how to move around the map like veteran mercy players and need a way to defend themselves when cornered.
Mercy is the default for players who donā€™t really play healer so for them to be in a 1v1 as mercy, itā€™s better to use the pistol for a second to kill the enemy and continue healing than to walk back from spawn watching your team die.
Giving a small buff to her pea shooter would help those players out.
5 extra ammo or a small increase in the projectile size would do wonders.

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As the ā€œDPS enablerā€, an hps buff seems redundant. Iā€™d rather she not step on Anas toes (Or Moiraā€™s, but sheā€™s not exactly great).

Wouldnā€™t mind an ā€œeā€ change (either a removal of rez, or restricting it to her ult etc). I think the idea of diminishing returns on your rez based on the health pool is certainly more geared toward her desired niche, but it would probably be way too complex for the dev team to want to implement. Donā€™t forget, they said putting rez on a resource meter was too difficult for them (though to be honest, I wonder if they just didnā€™t want to bother trying it)

Yeah, some people just hate her so much that they would prefer goats prevalent rather than bringing her on the same level as other supports.


You need that pistol for two scenarios:

  • you messed up and got caught with enemy without chance to fly away;
  • your team is healed and with ults, so you can have some shooting, if you want;

And it wonā€™t even make her OP, since multiple resurrect charges are long gone. Though resurrect should be switched with Valkyrie - it doesnā€™t have ways to balance it as ability, other than making it frustrating to use.

ok I havenā€™t read the other replies but Baby can gets her ult as soon as sheā€™s resā€™d so youā€™d get a like lets assume 1 second short res since sheā€™s only 150hp but she gets her ult asap so would she be the full 1.75 or the assuming 1 second cast time? If itā€™s gonna be 1sec would they nerf d.vaā€™s insta mecha?

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