Is buffing Mercy the solution for DPS comps? 🇨🇭

I can see where you’re coming from, but no role really is “viable on their own”, as Overwatch is a team oriented game, plus Mercy’s whole playstyle is based on pocketing the right player at the right time, so maybe Mercy isn’t the character for them. The idea isn’t to extinguish the role of characters like Ana, who would still be stellar when paired with tanks or board wiping ult like Genji, but to see more viable comps be played

Didn’t somebody post this exact thing yesterday? Anyway, no, this is a terrible idea. All the weak dps have reasons why they are weak that many players are aware of. Instead of making those heroes Mercy’s slaves, they should be made viable the right way, by fixing the issues we know they have.

I think what they mean is that synergy is what enables comps.

For example, who would benefit more with Ana on their team, especially through burst healing, fast paced heroes like Genji/Tracer that have slim hitboxes or tanks like Rein or Zarya who are easier to hit and benefit more thanks to their large healthpools. And with GOATS, tanks reap a LOT of benefit thanks to Lucio’s speedboost by negating their inherent slow movement along with his AoE healing.

Same could be said about Mercy. Who benefits more from Mercy’s healing and damage boost especially? Tanks that are already hard to heal because she lacks burst healing like Moira and Ana, or squishier targets like Pharah,Widow, Hanzo or even Junkrat.

Its a hard reality but, comps are enabled by supports. All heroes should be viable on their own and your sentiment of DPS being viable on their own is valid, but what people are talking about is about how comps are enabled.

We see GOATS because they are enabled through burst healing and AoE healing. Which is why we dont see a lot of Mercy as shes not really particularly good at healing tanks. For main healers, Mercy enables DPS while Ana and Moira enables tank heavy comps.


I mean DPs players hate her with a passion despite being the only support on the roster that enables DPs and cannot enable tank comps.

She is the only one with the mobility to rush to teammates on different parts of the map and death balls actually limit her options.

And yet the DPs players rather sit and be obsolete and whine about tanks than bring back the only support that helps them and DPs heavy comps in general. GO FIGURE


Nope! This is just me brainstorming :slight_smile: And I like to think that there are no weak DPS, but ones that are supported better by different comps. Tanks are the same way, Reinhardt and Zarya weren’t seen as good for a while until Brigitte was released and 3-3 became a thing because those tanks finally has the support they needed vs dive comps.

The Moth meta was the most diverse of all the metas because she enables the largest cast in Overwatch which is the damage category. More heroes were viable during moth than GOATs or standard Dive


The final incarnations of Goats have no burst healer, unless you consider Zenyatta via his ult.

Mercy being weak is certainly a reason for GOATs, and she’s never been a boon for 3x3. It’s because that comp clips her wings.

On console, where Mercy is still one of the top healers, GOATs has not been a thing for months. It never really was a thing.

In addition, while GOATs was a thing on PC, it was not THE meta until the support patch that rendered Mercy weak.

Mercy should be a main healer again so that she once again synergizes with Zenyatta and can help more spread out comps thrive.


But ever since her release Reinhardt has been a shell of himself. He was much more fun to play in dive, when he wasn’t so dependent on other heroes to be viable.

Buffing Mercy isn’t going to make 76 half as good as Hanzo, its not going to fix Pharah’s issues keeping her from seeing play, its not going to fix Junkrat’s grenades.

Besides, Mercy already enables dps just fine, if dps need more support, a new healer should be made to fill that niche like how Moira is an even more tank oriented version of Ana.

We have too much healing in the game already, don’t need this.

Interesting change, indeed.
Mildly interesting.


Which is hard to do when you have to waste 5 seconds healing a single target. She is supposed to be able to zip around but she can’t cuz her healing isn’t burst, it’s gradual and slow.

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The strongest version of GOATs is the one with the least healing.


That would be really good. Making it to where resurrecting DPS heroes are faster than tanks. I would bet that Tracer would be the fastest hero to resurrect since her HP base is 150.

Idk why are you bringing goats into this.

Way too much healing is a general problem, not just a problem with goats.

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Nah, I tried defending Mercy plenty as a DPS player and definitely want her return. I saw more hate from other supports than DPS, especially Ana mains that were tired of being low tier and wanted to go back to pocketing tanks again. Like, what DPS are you even talking about? Because Genji and Tracer mains were the Brig haters and the rest of us were conflated into that despite most of her counters being DPS.

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Considering how much health each support hero distributes it wouldn’t make that much of a difference if it’s either 55 or 60 ot bring back the Mercy meta.

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It’s 5/6 of what it used to be.

If it was 5 seconds before, it would be 6 now. Or if it’s 5 now, it would have been 4 and change before. It’s not like the time needed to heal a target tripled or something.

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She takes around 4 to 5 seconds to heal a 200 HP hero who is in critical health and that in a situation where they are no longer taking damage, keep in mind that the avverage TTK in overwatch is 2 seconds. If it’s in the middle of a fight then good luck. Her single target beam heals for as much as Moiras tickle beam damages (both 50).

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Let’s assume 1 hp to 200 hp.

Now: 4 seconds.
Before: 3.3 seconds.

I mean, that’s better… but it’s not like it was instant before.

Uhm, I said it was better for sustaining comps not made them immortal, that extra second I take to heal adds up in the long run. I mean, if you don’t think it’s a big deal then why are you even fighting me on this 60 hps buff >.>