Is bronze supposed to be this wicked or?

It isn’t moot though if 99% of the OW population don’t experience rigging… And 1% does… It suggests one of two things…

You are mistaken, or you are special and Blizzard is targeting you, so which one is it?

When I say ‘you’ I am referring to the small number of people that think Blizz is holding them back BTW. Not you personally.

And if your comeback is, ‘im talking about rigging a 50% win rate, not holding me back’ - then the fact other people can freely climb/fall DOES overwrite that point of view. Because it proves a forced 50% win rate doesn’t exist.


Quite unintelligible.

Though not unusual for receipts.


Well firstly I see you’re another one for the block list given you just want to put the blame on me rather than realize this is a team game and you in fact need a team effort to win. But keep thinking its an individual’s fault. When I get matched with a team that has players that literally do not want nor care to win but instead just want to goof off with someone on the enemy team that they have been matched with 5 times in a row, yes I will believe that I was unfairly matched with a team that does not have the same goals in mind as me. You’re quick to disregard things like this and go for the easy answer of putting the blame on one person. Comp needs a more strict filter. Plain and simple.

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So you are one of those “You disagree with me, you get blocked” type of people. Get over yourself, you are in this rank because that’s what your skills are at.

Its a team game, so work as a team. Improving your skills means a higher chance for you to win, but yeah, you will probably ignore this advice and keep flaming teammates every single game

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This is simply false. Some percentage of the people on your team and the opposing will be at your skill level (others will not), and those percentages vary wildly from match to match.

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Did you read my full post? Smurfs hackers and throwers aside.

If there is a player in your game that is not at the correct rank they will gain or lose SR depending on their skill level until they reach a 50% win rate. It’s just logic.


I had a set of bad placements on an account recently, stupidly did two roles on a Sunday afternoon. Big mistake.

I will tell you there is some strange stuff going on around the 1200-1500 range. I have seen stacks of clearly non-Silver players messing with players, trolling by players clearly picking throw picks and not doing anything (they know, they are not new - they sit in voice and listen to people rage) then leave halfway through ruining matches.

So yes, the advice to pair up now or greater stacks is the only way now to climb with the reduced playerbase for most players unless you are like three tiers higher. I guarantee you that many current Gold/Plat players could not get out of high bronze now, the games are actually easier now in Gold/Plat.