Is bronze supposed to be this wicked or?

I am currently helping my girlfriend out of bronze and back to silver and hopefully back to gold as a support main.

Basically I’m encouraging a mix of DPS and healbot (moira is her main). She doesn’t care about high ranks, she just wants to play with me and our friend group.

Her biggest fault is not being aggressive enough or not being a ‘playmaker’.

I’m basically just letting her know when to go aggressive and when to chill and when to aggro with coal. If you time it right you can flank and just clap both support cheeks in one go on moira in bronze. Just ignore the ‘dps moira lol’ chirps. If it wins games it wins games. She has gone from bronze (700ish sr) to silver (1250ish) in a week.

On to your case.

Your biggest handicap right now is probably your choice of mains. Bronze players tend to focus on what is in front of them. You need to learn to take off angles and remember this is very different from flanking.

Soldier is so good right now against lazy/uncoordinated teams it’s crazy. Take off angles, make use of sneaky sight lines, rockets are so impactful on your burst damage and they are on a short cooldown too. Most of all you are self sufficient. You have your biotic field and if you position well a mini/mega should always be close by. Flank high ground visor is also just too good against unaware teams.

Practice your tracking before every session in a custom game for a little bit just to get warmed up. If you end up switching to another hero later on that’s fine because tracking aim will translate well to many other heroes.

Another thing not spoken about often enough is pressure. On heroes like Soldier you should have as little down time as possible shoot the barrier, shoot the corner they are going to be coming around, shoot the spawn entrance…

You need to make them feel pressured. The more pressured they are, the more likely they are to make a mistake or use key cooldown you would normally want to bait out. If a Rein is walking forwards then shoot the barrier non stop. don’t wait for something to happen. You can also apply pressure from multiple high ground angles easily with his sprint.

Maybe I’m pushing soldier a little too much here but he is just such an easy character to pick up and be impactful with without too much effort.

This coming from a sad Hanzo main btw… Even though I don’t play him as often any more.


Let me give you a SLOW GOLF CLAP.


Maybe three years ago you could claw your way out of Bronze after falling there from gold thanks to a combination of playing solo queue, while tilted, on a six year old laptop that got 10 FPS on a good day.

(Yes, that’s what happened to me. Don’t be me, kids. I put in the effort to try once I got a new system and a better understanding of the game and managed to get back to Silver but by that point, it was too late, and the damage was done. Now I’ve fallen back down for the singular reason that the ratio of effort vs. reward isn’t worth it.)

But at this point, since there’s no community management and no content, people have started slumming it in Bronze to the point that the games are basically smurf vs. smurf and who is deciding to throw today. Yes, really. I’ve had multiple ones recognize each other from higher ranks and from throwing groups together.

Bronze is a lost cause. Buy a new account, stop playing comp entirely, or just do placements to farm gold points like the rest of the tired pride while the hyenas squabble over the scraps they’ve got left.


You will need to play heros that doesn’t need a lot of resources. For dps, that means, soldier, tracer, doomfist(if you know how to play him) Anything that need a lot of heal like mccree or require space created by teammate such as widow will not be enjoyable with low bronze teammates. You are unlikely to perform your true potential on those heros. Mccree can work, if you can find a pocket mercy tho😂, but in that case, pharah is even better.


bro, i need the juice you are drinking, should have taken the blue pill


Why, OH WHY…. Didn’t I take the blue pill??

  • Cypher

I made it put of bronze in tank solo que. Ignore your team and take charge.
Sigma and dva I went from 745sr to 1600sr in 3 days. That was last year though


Nice work

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My experience is that whatever rank you’re in, your matches are going to be tough. This is to be expected if the whole 40-60% chance of winning thing is true. Overwatch hand picks your those around you based on YOU, rather than a random selection process where you should expect to win well above 40-60% (if you’re better than average for your skill tier).


Envy is never very becoming. But when one has no other great achievements in life, I could imagine being a successful Overwatch player could be enticing.


Unless you’re an OWL player earning good money I wouldn’t see anything to be envious about. As those skills have little value outside of Overwatch.

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Nor would I. But it seems people can’t help but to let toxicity ooze from their veins. I love the taste of hardstuck bronze. Reminds me every time why it’s my favorite rank to troll.


buy a new accnt.
it’s exactly wut the rigging patents call for.

the queues are too long to get reliable practice session per night
it’s lowpop and they poorly host.
and the matches too rigged with trolls
and dps not so much impact in bronze compared to afk tank or healer which wins bcuz of they balance around inclusiveness and accessibility.

so u wont get consistent rank-equivalent experience.

once u come into bronze u 9/10 dont leave
besides it’s the best rank anyway/
solo q will have more blown matches than legit ones
we’ve seen gms not be able to solo q out
until mod/agent/dev realized they were streaming
and whitelisted them into actual bronze matches.
they dump a few matches and mmr/pbsr their way out fast.


Solo que high silver seems tougher than bronze to me .

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listen for footsteps, be more aware of who is looking to attack you


hasnt worked for you so far

if the matchmaking was rigged, im sure you would be a GM player


i have 50/50 accounts all over the ladder from bronze to dia/mast
my friends and i are proof it rigs for close matches.
tryhard sweat and i can make gains climb somewhat.
but it’s nowhere near ez dom all the way up.
it will match us vs. boosters on the way up bcuz hidden mmr
add them find out they’re on ur mains flist in dia
ah yep im in silver fighting other dia smurfs
and we r basically forced into wintrading all night by the riggedmaker.

just look at recent streamer bronze to GM attempt
the bronze matches are completely broken
rigged with ladder friction to increase grind, engagement, and retention
to force hardcores into more effort and to let the casuals have a turn no matter what.

that, and it’s a total swamp
if the easiest rank doesn’t have the easiest games
all bets r off

stop thinking ur gud or ur ranks mean anything
until they full reset, 1accnt per player, and ship randomly by sr without mmr rig
then u finally have an esport.

do u even read patents or math?
it’s rigged bro

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My teammates always accuse me of throwing

Show evidence or you are just capping =]

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i dont read patents for fun, because i have better things to do with my time than believe its a conspiracy that its a rigged system.

i do math on a daily basis

do you even lift bro?