Is brig nerfed enough?

I just want Brig to feel better to play. And no, this doesn’t mean I want her overpowered or an easy way to rank up or anything like that.

Just at the moment she plays more of a backline peeler.
And she’s in a weird spot where she’s not so good at lower ranks. But really good at the highest of ranks.


Makes sense because it’s intuitive for a character that has a melee weapon and a barrier on the mouse buttons.

Mouse abilities are always the most active / interactive abilities a hero has.

A less Brawly Brig plays more passive, she waits enemies to come to her range. While she is not using her Mouse abilities, what’s there for her to do? She just walks around and uses Shift and E, which usually are less active / fast interactive abilities.

She basically heals like Mercy, automatically, but through her E, and shoot a projectile every 4s, with Shift, to keep healing automatically on her AoE.

Occasionally some enemy comes close and she engages if she’s focus firing with her team, or else she would be running away or bashing away not to die.


I’d be happy if they removed repair pack completely at this point and keep her only heals to inspire. That way you’d kind of need to buff her durability up a little so she’s able to keep it up more. And you’d get more of that brawly play style


The problem with that is not having some sort of healing always available.
That’s bad for a support playing an attack map and her team receiving a lot of spam damage through a choke point.


EFR do you have that brig rework thread you made? I’m gonna make a brig rework in workshop rn and I want to try out your brig rework/power shift proposal

Which one? I made more than one.

Let me edit here to add the links below:

Let Brigitte W+M1- Inspire Rework

Is this a bad idea for Brigitte? - Single Target Pocket Off-Healer


That is true. Repair pack either needs changing or a new ability completely

Thanks! I was talking about the first one (the one I commented on), I’ll send you the workshop code soon, it shouldn’t take too long.

Tho I won’t add “patching up”, just half her inspire heals for herself.

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Ok, no problem, do it how you think would be good.

Brig should be dumpstered forever reeeeeeeeeeeeeee - TracerGod2002


Feels horrible right now. If only 1% of the playerbase can make a character work well that speaks volumes for the state of the hero.


Since when did giving her +25hp make her grossly overpowered anyway?


No. She likely needs either her self heal nipped a bit more or her shield bumped down 25 hp.

But it’s not some atrocious issue as long as ana gets to sit pretty free healing the world from everywhere while shutting down her enemies for free.

Apparently Bapt is causing double shield so looks like the blame has shifted.

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The last thing I heard was samito was targeting… you wouldn’t believe who :laughing:

click here



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Here’s the code! A7QNF
So I didn’t completely do your rework idea, but used a few ideas.
Health increased to 250

Shield health increased to 300 (313 in workshop)

Bash CD increased to 10s

Bash DMG increased from 5 to 45 (so she’s a better peeler)

Repair pack range reduced to 15m
Repair pack charges reduced from 3 to 1
Repair pack otherwise stays the same

Inspire self heals for only 7.5hps, down from 15hps.

Overall, this leans her more into a peeler support, rather than a healer peeler.
What are your thoughts?
(btw I just changed it so bash dmg does only 45 dmg now, so I’d change that whenever you want to use the code because it was originally 50)


I thought he quit and went to another game for a bit after his …unranked to gm with brig wasn’t working…idk what even happened with that

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I’m at work, when I get home I will test it.
Thank you.

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Although you know it would be easiest to just make her a Durable Healer with weak Peeling.

And would also give her the highest overall pickrate with all skill tiers combined.

Also bypasses the “Why do Tanks get 9 heroes, but Healers only get 6???!1”

Mostly the high ranked players thought that, she is good in the high ranks so that buff made her too strong up there.