Is brig nerfed enough?

Here’s the code! A7QNF
So I didn’t completely do your rework idea, but used a few ideas.
Health increased to 250

Shield health increased to 300 (313 in workshop)

Bash CD increased to 10s

Bash DMG increased from 5 to 45 (so she’s a better peeler)

Repair pack range reduced to 15m
Repair pack charges reduced from 3 to 1
Repair pack otherwise stays the same

Inspire self heals for only 7.5hps, down from 15hps.

Overall, this leans her more into a peeler support, rather than a healer peeler.
What are your thoughts?
(btw I just changed it so bash dmg does only 45 dmg now, so I’d change that whenever you want to use the code because it was originally 50)


I thought he quit and went to another game for a bit after his …unranked to gm with brig wasn’t working…idk what even happened with that

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I’m at work, when I get home I will test it.
Thank you.

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Although you know it would be easiest to just make her a Durable Healer with weak Peeling.

And would also give her the highest overall pickrate with all skill tiers combined.

Also bypasses the “Why do Tanks get 9 heroes, but Healers only get 6???!1”

Mostly the high ranked players thought that, she is good in the high ranks so that buff made her too strong up there.

Okay, and you know about high ranks?
I don’t think so Mr.know-it-all level 50. :unamused:

I figure it’s a given that almost all high rank players have alt accounts.

Maybe so, but I don’t trust him. I think he might just be repeating what some other guy said

Symmetra 1.0 and 2.0 says hi

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I miss 2.0… I never even got to try it :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


She does everything you can think of. You can’t balance that, you either keep em garbage or overpowered.

Choose one blizzard. Or mabye a rework?

I just knew YOU would come to my post eventually…

I am.

Your profile is closed, so I don’t believe you

I meant, i am repeated something something someone else said.

I think people like a lot more her “peeling” aspect rather than her healing aspect though.

the thing with brig is that right now she can just be so good at healing she can take other healers roles. making her a durable peeler with a little bit of heals makes her more of a unique support rather than another mercy.

Btw sorry I was being rude to you the other day, i get grumpy a lot sadly.


I think hardly anybody plays her across the total playerbase,

and she only seems to have a large perception of pickrate because she’s used in the top 1% of players.

Where as her Platinum and below pickrate would skyrocket with a “Durable Healer with weak Peels”.
I.e. The other +90% of the playerbase.


let me introduse a brig:
Aoe heal (lucio)
directional heal (mercy)
megasustain terminator ult + speed (lucio), nobody dies (can not be oneshotted), better than tranc mid fight
boop (lucio)
shieldBash mobility
Support btw
It is like hanzo with 80 dmg storm arrow + scatter arrow in one + faster projectile speed.

Uptime is around 30-40%


yes she gives speed, no she dosen’t have a protective ult

wow! hit your shift more if that 30-40% would be not enough, nice flex ability!

yes (55 x 3 rep pack)

Rally is the best protective ult in a game rn.
Your rank is irrelevant to argue wiht me, get off pls.