- hes bad
- meta just doesnt work for him
- you just prefer to use something else
- hes boring
i ask because i looked at my profile and as someone who actively tries to rotate through the entire roster (my character profile is almost even across the board in terms of play time) i noticed that i also have him as the lowest played character (outside of sigma but he doesnt really count as most recent hero released)…
and so i thought about why that is for me specifically and to be honest its not that i dont find him useful…i dont ever feel like im being a detriment to the team…im sure if i could check my win rate it would be fine (why blizz?)…the more i think about it its because i find him boring: sit and wait…and because skill requirement isnt that high given the generous spread and firing rate, hes kinda easy to play compared to others
in terms of bad its going to be the lack of any/all mobility…but i feel like thats the one skill check he does have (knowing when its time to move and where to go)…but even if you move around youre still just getting ready to sit and wait…like i rather just play someone else…
and so i pose the question to you guys…how many of you guys dont use him because hes actually bad and how many of you dont because of other reasons (boring, rather use someone else, one trick something else)…you always hear the “hes terrible/bad” part about him…but i wonder how much of the other part weighs on him as well
edit - and yes i know he can be easily countered…but so can many other heroes yet you dont see the avoidance there like you see with him