Is Ashe useless in game?

Anyone else feel like Ashe just doesn’t have a use case over the other characters? Want a long-range hitscan? Play widow. Want a mid-range hitscan? Play soldier. It just feels like she is designed to do the roles of both, but worse.


Not useless it’s just in certain matchups against armored tanks why pick her when McCree melts them faster.

She’s still got value on the sniper maps. If you can’t play Widow or want to run double snipers


Widow :poop: on her on sniper maps tho. I mean she gets one headshot across the map you’re dead.

Yeah, that’s why I said IF you can’t play Widow.

A lot of people can’t. Or just learning as you can see and hear those multiple misses whizz by the red team on QP.

Ashe is the warm up more forgiving sniper for beginner to intermediate skill level

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Ashe has more area of effect damage than soldier and widow, more damage at range than soldier, and an ult with more utility than both. She’s one of the best damage characters for applying the dps passive. She has tons of use

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Yes, she feels pretty useless when Soldier exists, also, if you have super-ultra-mega aim skill, then still there isnt a reason to play Ashe, just pick Widow in that situtation. (But Ashe ult still is better than Widow)

(Yes, I usually play Soldier when I get DMG role)

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Other than Mccree, Ashe is the most played dps i see next to widow

Yeah, I see her a ton, especially with a Mercy pocket. She’s realistically going to put out a lot more damage than Widow. She’s also harder to dive since she’s more effective than Widow up close.

Ashe is more versatile? Better grenade? Less damage but faster fire rate? And Bob.

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Ashe is one of the strongest heroes in the game still.

Just because she does have a bad match-up against a single hitscan sniper doesnt mean she is bad lmao


She’s just a generic B tier hitscan character, so outshined by cass and widow atm.
Not bad not really great either.


She could use a couple more ammo, or a reload speed increase, other than that i think shes in a pretty good spot

I think she’s okay on sniper maps. She just lacks mobility.

Imo, she’s a great middle ground. She feels easier to aim and control, plus her abilities are unique and provide good utility.

It’s not even a super bad matchup outside of sniper maps either

Shes a discount Cass

I had her as my main for awhile but have got tired of being killed easily by forces popping behind me. A good Bob toss has won a few games in a crutial point but unless you have a pocket healer I find too many cases where i need one or two more bullets to get that final hit.

I would be happy with an quick reload or don’t stop re-load when I zoom in to view. Also would be great it we got a 2.5x head shot bonus that widow gets. Our dmg already is lower at distance so we get penalized twice. Just once I would love to get a 1 hit headshot kill.

So switched to pharah recently. A lot less skill but easier dmg overall.

Dora is terrible on push maps IMO, don’t know how may times I am hacked and killed before I can even react etc

Yea the reload speed isn’t worth the extra distance. I can just roll as Cass and be done with it.

Bob! Do something!!!

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