Is Ashe useless in game?

To off set the reload times she should def be buffed in the aim down sight damage, that being said, buff her and shes better than cass, don’t buff her shes not worth picking over cass.

Ashe is pretty good, damage, range, semi-useful ult. Reloading can be a little annoying if you wait until your mag is empty. Also, her head is truly humongous. Gotta be careful, because you will be catching crits left and right.

She is great. She is the damage spam hitscan version of junkrat.

You just throw oppressive damage down range against any team dumb enough to run without a shield.

Plus she can actually pick people off with precision aim (junk can’t).

And BOB timed well is a pretty decent ultimate.

She is good on certain maps and not others.

People run into trouble trying to force her on every map.

Her weapon is almost autosniper. Switch between primary and secondary fire while firing. You will get broken fire rate.