Is anyone else seeing Hog in almost every game?

hes not that good a tank. if youre playing dps just focus him and watch out for his obvious hook. or you know just swap to deal with him. it just takes 1-2 players and 3 seconds of attention to shut down any hog

nope, tank players are allowed to punish bad enemies out of position. especially with forced 222 where tank players have to make up for terrible dps everywhere

That combined with what op said is why his design is atrocious.

He is allowed to be an unkillable (exaggeration ok) oneshotting machine who does almost nothing to tank other then be fat. He is a dps who is allowed to effortlessly kill any other dps because of his massive hp pool. However, he simultaneously feeds because of this and fails to perform his role as a tank making your team 1-3-2 instead of 2-2-2.


The main point I was trying to make is that Hog may be a little OP in mid ranks. On both of my accounts (1 gold, 1 plat) i’m seeing someone play Hog in at least 80% of matches.

Maybe a small nerf or rework would be a positive change for the game. When his healing used to require him to stand still to heal, it was a small but balanced way for him to be able to have to carefully punish an enemy out of position. Now it feels like he just throws his combo out on almost anything the second he has all his cooldowns without being punished most of the time. I cant think of any other hero that can blow all their abilities like that with minimal risk.

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Console plat is just hog all game.


Can confirm, that is all we play on console in plat.

Yeah, then its either a ball who’s LT is broke or a Reinhardt who charges off the map constantly without even getting anyone.

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90% of my games are Hog Zarya on my team and meta on the enemy team. No joke.

It is usually a game of chicken to see which team caves and goes Rein first. My team has a 50% lower chance of doing that… :pig:

Not really, I feel like I see Zarya, Torb and Junk lol

Yes, but…

I don’t think people are playing for this reason.

I think a lot of them are playing hog, because he’s a popular non-shield Tank Hero. If you want to just play a fat DPS, For whatever reason, you go Hog.

But, popularity doesn’t necessarily mean the hero is overpowered. I mean, look at Mercy, she’s one of the most popular heroes in the game, and a lot of people agree that she needs/needed buffs.

and, personally, I think a lot of hog players are just DPS looking to dodge Q times. Or, at the very least, tank players that are sick of being strong armed into playing shield and just say screw it and go Hog. One of the two, I would imagine.

I don’t see why wouldn’t anyone pick him. He is tank… Oh sorry i made a mistake, I mean he is TANKY DPS who is can oneshot enemies.
Why not have him in team.

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at the same time he has a very big hitbox. I charge my ult off of him, and he doesn’t synergizes well with the other tanks, unless it’s Orisa. I think he’s useless, but I think his design was supposed to be like that. He’s supposed to be this solo tank/dps

See the real issue is that hogs one shot it’s way better than dooms.

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Can fully confirm this lol. If I lock zarya or dva it’s almost certain the next person will pick hog. >.>

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I never start as Hog, but after my team invariably shows they’re terrible and have zero awareness or interest in teamwork or winning, I swap to Hog.

At least I can take care of myself and have some carry potential, which none of the other tanks can do.

Edit: WB can also carry. If you see Hog/WB line up, those are some tanks with zero faith in their team


Many of you are talking about dps players playing Hog. But actually are you one of them? Do you know any?

Hog doesn’t have attractive mechanics for dps player. His mobility is low, his gun doesn’t require much aim, his ult is meh. What fun could Widow/Hanzo/Genji/Tracer/McCree player find in Hog? Hook is on cooldown, rather one dimensional.

I think Hog players ARE tank players who does not want to Rein/Orisa/Sigma for various reasons - Rein is Hardt to play and needs good supports and Orisa too boring for some reason.

I think dps players queuing for picking Hog is a myth. Prove me wrong.

Hog has a self heal. Only reason he is picked. Figure out the actual problem from there…

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Maybe they should fix the queue problem?

Almost like people would play Tank more, if they still get to shoot stuff.
They might even play BarrierTank, if they had some offtank tier lethality in shooting stuff.

For instance:


  • Orisa/Sigma = 350hp, Stronger barrier, 14% more firepower, Weaker fortify/grasp
  • Rein = 400hp, Stronger barrier, 7% more firepower, 14% more barriered mobility
  • Mei = Tank, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall
    • So she can’t Peel for DoubleBarrier.
  • Off Tanks and Winston = 1sec less on a cooldown
    ✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

I know that Hog may be annyoing to play with, because people like to play shield reliant dps like McCree, but honestly Hog can do a lot of work if he is good. You need good timing if you want to climb as hog against other meta comps like Rein Zarya or Sigma Orisa. Double shield is way harder to counter imo, because Sigma can eat your ult and block hooks reliably. But it is possible to hook Orisa just when shield is broking and that’s how you carry yourself as Hog. Good flanking, good timing on throwing hooks just when shield is dying, so enemy doesn’t just hide in time.

And vs Zarya just wait for any overextends. Watch for bubbles and go in, when Zarya has use it. Also look at Rein and throw hooks when he is firestriking. Those are uncounterable, and you can steamroll teamfights just with one ability. Allthough I don’t see many decent Hog players in my masters games. I would rather play him myself, since I have the most experience on him from all off tanks. But that’s how it is with every hero - you play more, you become better. I think that just most of Hog players doesn’t utilize his potential fully, and just flank and feed.