Is anyone else seeing Hog in almost every game?

I just don’t understand why a tank has a risk free one-shot ability.


This kind of attitude comes from me playing exclusively tanks due to queue times on DPS. I don’t like playing DPS - but it’s the only role I can have any fun playing as! And when you, as a TANK, get knocked around all the time, steamrolled and can’t even fight back most of the time - it really, really gets boring all the time.
I used to play Supports - but they get nerfed and tanks don’t protect me. I used to play Orisa and Sigma - but they got nerfed and aren’t even half as good at doing their job! And DPS queue are the only fun, where you can have at least some effect on the game, yet they’re long, so of course I’m angry at your suggestion. You’re basically suggesting to improve the quality of QP games by putting the tank players (who are already suffering from dull, ineffective gameplay loop and constant nerfs) into a blender, making a smoothie out of them and feeding it all to whiny babies DPS genjis.

I still don’t know how people can say he is super weak when he is in every round one shotting half of the lobby and getting out of the fight without dying


I play Hog surprisingly better when transformed as Echo

Unless I’m in tank queue, I’m seeing almost entirely Hog, Hammond, D.Va in quick play (PS4). Gets really old but sometimes at least the enemy team is also playing double offtank.


well, almost half the player base like to play solo more than playing with the team

Imagine that. A tank needing focus fire to take out…

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What year is this? A hog OP thread? Hog is not in a great position and hasn’t been for a while. He feeds ult like nothing else, only Dva has him beat on that lately but still. That’s the huge drawback of having him be so agressive. You get your ult like every teamfight going against one.

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I’d like to see the damage reduction on his breather removed.
That being said, after the Zarya damage nerfs, Hog is the last character that keeps non-Tank players playing Tank. :woman_shrugging:

Hog is that selfish players that gives no f’s about anyone but himself. He is self-centered and his ego is big. That is Hog players. They just love the satisfaction of hooking and one shotting a hero. It’s exciting.

Also add to the fact that Hog is FUN to play (which most tanks are not specifically shield tanks.) And Hog doesn’t need a damn nerf. He’s weak in the widespread of things.


Orisa isn’t under powered, she is still used in the OWL.

However she is the most unrewarding tank to play. Her gun is just a spray cannon and your job is to spam shields so the rest of the team can have fun.

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yea most of the time this is how players play him, been thinking about maining reaper a bit more now since there are hogs all over the place… need some tips tho for reaper vs hog

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Blame Blizzard for being unable to get people to want to play actual tanks.

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No Hogs in Masters or low GM that I’ve seen.

tbh he’s picked a lot because tanks mains are just fed up :rofl:

People like me only play hog ,ball,zen cause dps queues are too long , ham is the most fun tank next to hog ,one can coven entire maps and annoy the f out of enemy and one is a bruiser dps , both are lone wolves

I think tanks play him when their team needs extra firepower

DPS play him to get a quicker DPS queue (since hog doesn’t really have to Tank at all)

I don’t know if support players like him.

It isn’t really because of his survivability. Though it helps. Its because he’s a tank who can really put a hurt on the enemy without a harsh downside.

Try to do that with Rein and you’re likely going to feed and die. Regardless of what the forums say, Rein doesn’t usually last long by himself.

You physically can’t do what hog (or Rein) does as Orisa and Sigma; their M1s just aren’t up to the task. They seem more suited for defending against attacks IMO unlike Rein who can switch up and Hog who’s an all out assault.

Winston Ball and Dva fit into their own roles that other Tanks can’t do, so they’d need to be examined differently.

People aren’t playing him because he’s OP. They’re playing him because he’s fun. To me, it’s a good thing if the other team chooses him, because that means I won’t have to deal with double-shield :+1:

I imagine people are only playing him because they enjoy him. He sucks. Works for me because it’s usually an easy win, the enemy team has 1 less tank.

He is meta though…