Is a new golden age on the rise?

just buff baps fire rate and we gucci.

Nerf Widow and the game will be perfect.

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Yes nerf her, and then make it so people can’t report widowmaker players for not switching. This would be fair.

Symmetra wants to know where you live.


Yeah, Sym is one of those heroes that need some love :sweat_smile:
Baptiste and Orisa as well. Bastion probably needs an entire rework to function.

Looks at Roadhog, Sigma and Sombra

One day…one day… :pensive:

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Imo only baptiste and symmetra need some serious buffs.Orisa is mostly fine imo after recent buffs which feel amazing.Maybe 150 more hp on a barrier and lower cooldown and she could be perfect.

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I know Hog and Sigma are kinda mediocre atm (an Orisa buff would go a long way there) but Sombra is doing pretty well at top level play atm.

They are hard to balance(sombra and sigma)
How to buff a hero that can make some heroes unplayable(ball,doom,genji pretty much get hard hard countered) it sucks but i wish every hero is good,not god tier but good.

True, but in terms of gameplay Sombra has always mostly been used at top level. Shes just…boring (Then again I’ve played her for like 4 years so its understandable burn out happens). I just wish her kit was more engaging rather than sit in a corner with invis, pop EMP, then tele out

I agree - they’re hard to balance unless you’ve poured a substantial amount of hours into them and understand the hero inside out a wee bit

I actually have a few rework ideas that shape them to be something more or less better versions of themselves while chipping away from the annoying elements that make them hated

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For average players she’s just on Doom or Ball duty for the most part, yeah. I’d probably buff her reload speed personally, to make her a bit more effective at backdooring. I don’t know if it’s just me, but i often find myself just within an inch of killing someone right as i have to reload. And her reload is pretty long (1.5 seconds) so that’s often long enough for them to get away haha. Automatic reloads during stealth would be a welcome change too. (Similar to how Reaper’s guns reload while Wraithing or Torb’s gun reloads when he has his hammer out)

Buffs that make her more accessible to the general populus without breaking her at the higher brackets.

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with 90% of people who played during the golden age gone then no i dont think there is any golden age happening


The issue with goats era to me was how many heroes were completely left out

if people sat back and stopped flipping out and being overly energetic about every piece and part of the game and just played a video game it would have been a golden age the entire time.

video games are almost as bad as politics now. i guess im an old timer but i miss the days of yesteryear where you’d boot up your console or pc and play and just enjoy it. now im subjected to everyone’s “professional opinion” on why games are good or bad.


yes yes yes sombra definitely needs automatic reload in stealth. hammond has it, too!
so its really not a rarity nowadays. and while we are at it, give it to mei too if she stays in the ice block for the whole duration.

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When shields are less dominant, everything is possible.


Yeah, i’ve noticed this as well.

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…why don’t you play him?

If you are in low ranks it doesn’t matter what you play, just play him and be good and climb with him. He’s not a bad hero he’s just not meta because bunker isn’t meta.

If you are in high ranks you can still get away with him if you are good, it’s just not as easy.

Edit: Oh you’re low diamond/high plat, just play Bap lol

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Bap is still a sleeper. I’ve won many times with a Bap on my team when they go Lucio-Moira

I’m not saying he’s the best, but he’s not bad. There’s just better options

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As an Ana main, i can fully understand why you wouldn’t play Bap in todays climate. For the most part he’s kinda just an inferior Ana. Both need to shoot their allies to heal them but ana has hitscan heals. Both can deal hitscan damage but Ana ignores armour had has no damage falloff, and an actual ability to confirm kills with as well as an ability to set up kills with. I guess Bap does have vertical mobility which isn’t that great on most maps, and immortality field, but that’s really it. You play him for his vertical mobility and/or immortality field or you’re not playing him outside of bunker.