Is a new golden age on the rise?

Except Sigma, Orisa, Brigitte, Baptiste, Mei, Bastion…

Hey, i never said it was perfect.

Things are slowly but surely getting better by the patch though!

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Except that now we have at least 6 and really about 12 or so dead heroes right now, when in the past we had two at worst (Sombra and Bastion).

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There are 6 heroes I would never play under any circumstances. They are:

And there are at least 6 or more others that are just a really bad idea to play. Like D- tier if not F.


Roadhog is not D tier D:< I’d say C lol

Roadhog’s winrate took a nosedive after his nerf. Pickrate’s still pretty high but he’s got the lowest tank winrate.

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True, he did drop but I don’t think he’s too far off atm, I think such fluctuations are reasonable to be expected after a major nerf and players adjust to this currently very flexible tank meta. Hogs my main so I’ve been fine after the pull change for my perspective. I also consider that for the week, if we include all hero win rates and compare to some heroes considered meta at diamond-GM/pro play, he’s still having a solid win rate than the likes of a Sombra, Moira, and competitive win rates with the hitscan heroes. Once we get to like gold and lower, that’s where he’s really starting to really suffer, but I think he always did perform poorly for these brackets as a big feed/ult battery. I think we’ll have to wait another 2 weeks to really gauge if he sucks more so, but I don’t think he’s that rated low for the player that has a solid aim and knows how to cycle his abilities.

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Theres a few outliers who need to be brought into the middle of the pack (A few too far above, a few too far behind, and they exist in every category)- But “its getting there”.

But who knows- Honestly, I havent had much faith in the balance team as of lately- Its going to take more than 1-2 patches that takes baby steps in the right direction to change my mind.

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… Mei…


that being said I’ve always had fun playing the game.

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Thanks for a link to a thread which… doesn’t really support or discredit what I’m saying?

Yes, you can climb with any hero nearly regardless of balance unless that hero is rendered nigh-unplayable. This is a product of rank distribution–a 4050 playing a 4100 represents a much smaller skill gap than a 2650 playing a 2700. In short, even with an apparently similar skill ranking, you’re not actually all that similar to people in mid ranks, so overcoming differences in hero viability isn’t as big a deal. It’s a lot easier to climb when you’re in a skill band covering 23% of players than 1% of players. This is simple math, and would be true of GM if it covered 23% of the playerbase.

But this is where I take issue with your viewpoint. Hero viability shouldn’t be an impediment or a contribution to climbing. That’s balance–when your choice of hero is neutral to your actual ability to improve. It neither helps nor hurts. This is ostensibly what you’re talking about in the first part of your post, but subsequently, you claim that we should therefore balance around GM–yet this is a contradiction because, in practice, we see that balancing around GM (or OWL or whatever) produces considerable disparity in hero viability outside of GM, even as high as Master’s. In short, it leads hero viability to become an impediment or a contribution, thus hampering accurate reflection of skill progression. It’s like when Reaper got megabuffed–he was “balanced” in high tiers, but if you think for a second that produced a balanced, let a lone competitive, experience below GM, you’ve got another thing coming. It was completely anti-competitive for anyone not in GM, because it introduced a major factor that confounded proper assessment of skill.

This is why, as many other activities rightly do, Blizzard needs to consider divvying up balance. Disregarding that they for some reason insist on applying competitive balancing to all gamemodes, which is itself asinine, the reality is that what produces a fair and balanced and competitive experience for one echelon of play does not do so for another. This has been abundantly apparent throughout Overwatch’s history, and it’s again reflective of my point about the excess focus on high-end gameplay as the standard as to whether or not the game is “balanced.” The view that imbalance in lower ranks is unimportant because they can “overcome” imbalance, as long as top ranks are balanced, is not only short-sighted for obvious reasons, it’s categorically anti-competitive.

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I was going to reply with the longest post but I think I prefer just having a discussion with you. You seem like a very respectful nice person so why not.
Would you be up for that? I’m open to changing my mind.

Tanks are still miserable. It’s hard to make an impact if your DPS are bad. Healers are mostly fine (Brigitte needs buffs). DPS are mostly fine.

I’m laughing at this, not because I disagree, because I actually agree. I think GOATs was great for every rank below GM.

But because EVERYONE even the Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc… during that time were calling it the worst era of OW and were saying that GOATs was killing the game, etc…

It’s always “This is the worst Meta” every time a new Meta comes along, and then “I wish insert previous Meta didn’t go away!”

The community cannot be satisfied.

Ye sure, you can play almost all characters now if you just stay low SR. Feels great just dont try anything special.

tbh, its been more than that and we still dont have a meta (we had hog one but it lasted only couple of weeks then he got nerfed) and after that the tank pickrates r mostly good with only Sigma and Orisa being meh picks. Support role also got balanced pickrates. The only role left to 100% balance is dps role, but Sym and Bastion need complete reworks and have their role changed or just a rework to make them more fun/balanced.

widow dmg is too much, half of healers are a secured lost, symetra is garbage, reaper is underpowered too ( not bad as sym)
so i cant agree yet.
oh i almost forgot mei. she is pretty bad too.

Reaper is literally GM / proplay worthy, but not good enough for u?

I dont know, i dont want to get my hopes up too much lmao

Fair, fair…
I’ve been disappointed my fair share of times.
Can’t help but feel optimistic with the last couple of balance patches though… Things are getting better by the patch. The game is by no means perfect, but it’s been a long, long time since i could last pick and play this many characters and do well with so many of them.