Interesting and ironic how

Oh I know that! Every time Mercy is even “decent” people scream that it’s a new Moth Meta.

Or like when she got bumped up to 55hps from 50.

Or when they fixed her Valk bug to go through shields and people said she was going to be the must pick for double shields.

Neither of which happened

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Can we just collectively move on from grouping people together like that?

“Mercy players” this, “Doom players” that. No playerbase of a hero is a monolith. :person_shrugging: Mercy players are a larger portion of a playerbase of support players, like Genji is for DPS players. It just doesn’t help any discussion when wording implicates they are a monolith and a hivemind.

The whole point of the thread is calling out some irony, while admittedly leaving out some context as to why this it’s happening, that people will defend Mercy’s movement while criticizing DPS Doom’s. And when the context isn’t presented by the former, of course it’s going to seem ironic and hypocritical.

But I don’t think grouping and going back and forth with, “you Mercy players” and “you salty Doom players” does anything for anyone. It simply doesn’t need to be a back and forth like this lol


Man I just want ow2 to be deleted

Just for you btw, just to show my sincerity from the earlier post I made in response to this.

More to the post and I have actually talked quite a bit about damage boost specifically, and how I think it could be outright replaced.

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Same, at times and frankly, at most times.

I think it’s unfair how people who miss DPS Doom are so violently criticized when it’s just fundamental that a hero changing roles and having their kit fundamentally shifted is going to suck for some people and it’s not wrong to dislike that move.

It’s akin to Symmetra moving from Support to DPS. Some people miss the Support Symm. And that’s fine to be upset about that.

It feels like we’re afraid to just call a Spade a Spade lol. I dunno, man, it feels like people make fiction about a playerbase of a hero they can’t see their side of, so they just dismiss it as cheese.

And shoot, I was one. I used to think Doom as DPS was cheesy. Then I tried playing him and LMAOOOOO hell no, it’s not cheesy. If anything, it’s harder because of how buggy he was, and :sparkles: currently is :sparkles: .


I don’t think the OP is wrong for being upset about what happened to their favorite character. I do think the stereotypes that they decided to base this thread and arguments on are honestly foolish though.

If this were about frustrations with the changes to Doomfist and not what they believe are Mercy players being hypocritical, I think more of their OP would be focusing on that discussion rather than what the OP did choose to focus on.

Edit: Also I apologize, I apparently entirely missed your prior post oops!


Eh idk man I’ve seen a lot of mercy players who used to bash dooms rollout style.

I think a lot of people did regardless of who they played.

I used to play Mercy a lot more, and I never found Doom to be cheesy or unbalanced. Just annoying as heck, like a Genji or Tracer.

Which also, isn’t Doom’s fault. In OW2, it’s more that I’m getting placed against tank players who are higher than my freaking rank in the same lobby. Matchmaking sucking isn’t helping lol

But to me, it was always “This hero’s annoying. And that’s okay.”


I’m certain there probably are some who do / did. Personally, I think it’s a bit silly but to each their own I guess.


I think we all just miss ow1 :sob:


I’ve been listening to a lot of tank players lately from all ranks. It’s just…this fundamental shift to putting all your stock on the tank role on one person is inherently frustrating and there’s no remedy to this.

They either have to counter-swap like mad or RIP you’re screwed, or the tank hero is unbalanced and they have to be mirrored.

It just…sucks. A lot. I liked the shift in 5v5 at first, but man…these balance problems are becoming more and more blatant and undeniable.


Thank you!

I’m getting super tired of it and you can’t escape it anywhere in gaming. It’s always an us vs them mentality based on literally anything you can divide people on.


I just wanted OW2 to BE OW2. Instead of half baked only some heroes reworked others not and with nearly a breaking bug every patch.


Legit the main reason I playtank less frequently these days. Too frustrating having all of the pressure on just me.

I like it for one game or two, but after that it’s just…nah. I’m done.

I’m an Ana main and god I hate going against an Ana. Sometimes I just wanna play Rein without having to worry about a death sentence between 2 different cooldowns she has. :confused:

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Support victim mains being completely hypocritical?!?!?

Not in MY Overwatch!!!@@


Ayyyy no more generalizing. :triumph:

There’s a lot of self-aware support players (myself included) that realize the double standard and there’s a lot of context that was ignored here. We’re not a hivemind!


They just removed my post for upsetting the parasite mains. Becareful.


You sure it wasn’t because, you know…you’re being pretty crude about Mercy players? i.e., calling them parasite mains?

Cause I dunno, man, this is giving, “what do you mean I can’t insult people without consequences?” vibes.


Sad how they say the quiet part out loud and expect not to get called out on it.

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