That’s not the Mercy raid though….
Nope it’s just another example of mercy players flagging anything they don’t agree with/anything that talks about nerfing mercy.
Are you talking about the one that called Mercy a “parasite” and had 75% of the comments devolve down to insulting Mercy players(as most Mercy posts do at this point)?
That’s not “disagreeing” lol.
I mean if they insult the players it’s against the CoC soooooo
Why should he get flagged for calling a controversial hero a parasite?
Literally nothing wrong with that…
He’s calling the hero a parasite not the players.
Because when a post starts like that(the content of the post was also negative as well and had a few parts that insulted Mercy players iirc), then the comments will just become a flame war with nothing productive.
Which they did. The most productive comment was a semantic argument about what a parasite is vs a symbiote.
Personally, I don’t like pocketing but think blue beam is fine for the most part. I’ve never seen anyone come up with something to replace it that wouldn’t change what makes her fun entirely or properly fill the job that blue beam has. So I would rather stick with this and work pocketing out of her kit in other ways.
And I’m sure plenty of other mercy players disagree with me, because we are not a hivemind
He said the hero was a parasite in his op not the players.
(To my knowledge I haven’t checked it in a while)
Oh so he did insult the players so yeah against CoC got it
My question I pose is how do you know it’s Mercy mains in the first place? Or how do you know that there isn’t some other reason why a thread was flagged?
I’ve seen a few threads of course get wrongly flagged, some have gotten unflagged imo and others taken down. A lot of threads I see where someone wonders why a thread criticizing a character was taken down, only for them to (perhaps not always intentionally) go on about their post and reveal they were either insulting other players or ultimately using language in a way that isn’t conducive for discussion.
Which is something that a lot of people dislike on a discussion board regardless of the character.
So if he’s not insulting any players in his op why flag it??? Lmao this is why people insult you guys and get angry with you when completely innocent posts about the ACTUAL hero not the players gets mass flagged for expressing his opinion on the hero.
Like I said, I’m pretty sure he did.
““You guys””
I didn’t flag it. Again, you’re just grouping people together because of who they like playing. Stop this LARPy bs.
But if I made a post that painted Doom players in a negative light while calling Doom a parasite, and all the comments turned into insults towards Doom players, do you think that would be a productive post?
I don’t.
We’ve been through this before. Quick, better change accounts and reply to yourself to make it sound like you’re not the only one who thinks what you think.
Cause Moth PTSD has made every answer as “Mercy bad”. Like people actively saying it’s Mercy’s fault for Genji nerfs when it was with Nano and not her.
But “Mercy bad”.
Doom players get lumped in just like mercy players lol this isn’t something new.
He didn’t he just called the hero a parasite and advocated for changes.
I think this is what a lot of these threads ultimately boil down to. Whether it was PTSD from moth meta, a general dislike of how the character plays, pharmercy, etc. Some people don’t like the character and would rather them be deleted. This is probably true of most characters though I think I notice it more with Mercy
I also think a lot of people are just really bad at discussion in general to be completely frank. I think a lot of people like to post how they might talk to friends about a character, rather than making sure their ultimate point is getting across in a way that can foster healthy discussion (whether it’s agreeing or disagreeing).
Quick, keep your profile private so you can continue to lie about being high masters!
Open it, open it, open it
Nothing to hide right?
TBF OWL kinda did support the Mercy hate after Valk was busted. So I think seeing that the actual like Pro scene (and that Blizz still has it up) kinda is like “yeah we hate this character too so don’t worry”.
It could be part of it. I think it made it obvious how broken the rework was for awhile too. I’m just not sure how much of an impact that has on today’s hate for her, though I’m certain there are people out there who are still afraid of moth meta haha.
I do think a lot of people believe in stereotypes (regardless if it is based in a kernal of truth or not) and end up blowing things out of proportion too. Combine that with maybe struggling against good mercys or just struggling against her in general, and you have this feedback loop of hate that is justified by the stereotypes.
It “is” weird but usually not entirely off base.
There’s “some” credence to the fact that certain personality types choose certain heroes.