Interesting and ironic how

I’ve compiled just a few “ridiculous takes” for you to laugh at. Enjoy. You may even know the person who wrote all this.


Honestly I’m still in the belief that some of his season one nerfs should have partial reverts since the old passive that made him be so good isn’t a thing anymore.

They’re never bringing DPS Doom back, cope :sob: :skull:

Ill bite. I think as long as tech is good for the game it should stay. Id rather Blizzard stopped messing with tech or officially implementing it (Like Mercy) period. That includes Mercy, Ball, and Doom. The reality is, regardless of its a bug like Mercys or not, tech adds depth to the game. Depth is good for longevity.

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Oh look it’s the resident support defender!
Remember when you said launch kiriko was completely balanced :see_no_evil:
“All supports should be like her” hahaha


I remember the mercy main raids.

Yes they are. They absolutely are. Anyone who has a different opinion…does not exist lol. They would main somebody else otherwise.

Like Lucio. His mains are the few respectable support mains.


Salty support main refusing to accept that their role needs a global nerf

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Other heroes don’t fundamentally break the game the way pocket bot does.

A majority of bad balance changes are a result of Blue Beam.

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I just feel the need to repeat, not all Mercy mains agree on everything. I would imagine quite a few other mercy mains probably would disagree with a lot of my own opinions on things like damage boost for instance.

Or that most characters in the game are harder to play at high ranks than they are really given credit for. I don’t play the game to just play one character.

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I have been on the forums long enough to know that mercy mains are a hivemind. Other support mains are just people who broke away from the hive.

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You’re just trolling at this point dude.

No, I’m just right. Tired of kow-towing to the role whose mains have a perpetual victim complex and need to be direct upgrades to every single role in all situations


How did you reach that conclusion?

Stereotyping players based on their “main” in a game where you can freely swap to other heroes in the same role mid game doesn’t seem really reasonable to me is all I’m saying.


I have yet to see a Mercy main who thinks that pocketing is unhealthy for the game and blue beam should be removed.


Thank god someone’s saying it.
It’s not a hive mind? Interesting how lots of mercy nerf posts get mass flagged but sureeee it’s not a hive mind.

It’s so weird how so many people attribute personalities and character traits to others based on who they find fun in a video game…


I mean, if you go back far enough in my posts you could actually find me advocating for the removal of damage boost in favor of some other form if small damage / utility back near the start of Season 3 until it became clear they were all in on the rather wild healing changes.

I would rather have more self sufficient ways to make plays. The glock is nice for finishing a kill off now and again or out playing someone but I think there could be more done that doesn’t result in design issues with potential future characters / abilities. I think damage boost isn’t an unsolvable problem, but one the Devs have forgotten about on multiple occasions and thought it was an opportunity to have that addressed in a more positive manner.

That unfortunately isn’t what Blizz did.

You mean the AriaRose raids….that barely lasted an hour and ever other Mercy player (EeveeA, Niandra, Star2D2, and so on) said “don’t do this it’s dumb”.

Like it was a flash in the pan and the mods deleted every post before it got even like 3 replies.

Hilarious to watch but still think it’s now gotten urban legend levels of exaggeration


Bro there’s literally a recent thread made by jimlahey that got mass flagged and hidden for wanting to nerf mercy.

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It has, because I remember at the time thinking that the “raid” as really dumb too lol

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