Insane amount of Competitive Points

I had 900 in overwatch 1 and when logged in i still got 900 wtf

You are such an idiot

Sour grapes or not, their friends aren’t the only ones who glitched, everyone else who got the competitive points unfairly shouldn’t have them. You sound triggered by the fact that someone is looking for fairness in a competitive game.


Looks like my guess is right. Blizzard doesn’t care in the slightest and are going to brush it off as a minor mistake. Guess that’s that. Congratulations to those that won the lucky wheel.


I submitted a ticket to Blizzard about this almost 2 weeks ago and finally got a response today, but it was a generic, “automated” message they just said they’re working on all known issues currently and sent a link to the main forum post. Didn’t even acknowledge the specific issue, so it seems like they’re ignoring it.

The comp points have nothing to do with the battlepass they are earned from winning comp matches, the should take them back.

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We will see how long Overwatch can sustain itself, not fixing the glitch that gave random people a ton of comp points without earning them and them not doing anything to rectifying it hurts the integrity of the game. I think once the “finally an OW update” and oh look “Overwatch is free” wears off the game will dwindle. The whole model of OW went from playing to get cool stuff to only being able to pay $$$ to get cool stuff., stats are still screwed up, people have gold guns they didn’t earn, ect.

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Bluntly insulting me for wanting fair treatment throughout all players is not me being a bad friend nor being a 12 year old. I just would rather the whole player base be allowed to have the same treatment as other players because its unfair for some of us to not get extra un-earned comp points while some get like 20x what we actually grinded for. I’m saying revoke OR COMPENSATE, never said just revoke so don’t act like I’m the bad guy for wanting some type of compensation for the amount of gold guns that would take us YEARS to get. And you blatantly assuming I’m a 12 year old for having decent values just shows the type of person you are, sure call me a 12 year old for wanting fairness lol and have a good day ;D


Very late to this, but my prediction is that this is getting fixed BUT they won’t be removing the gold guns/points that was glitchedly giving to some of the players just cause I feel like they would have to have a points reset OR it’ll be harder finding those players out of all of the millions of players that are in the game. So I understand that it was unfair and I was pissed as well that some people worked hard to get these points and others got 10 free gold guns while i still haven’t got my first gold gun but I don’t think they’ll make a big deal out of this and probably fixed this during the sidelines, maybe this was them gifting some people for waiting or whatever?

I lost 1000 CPs i was Ranked 2x Plat and 2x Gold and only got 500 CPs instad of 1500 CPs. Anyone elese got this glitch?

After Season 1 in Overwatch 2

Any news to at least increase points from CP? Because you need 125 wins for a golden weapon.

this topic makes you frustrated to oblivion. People got insane amounts out of nowhere for nothing and you give now 25 per win. Not considering if you lose, you will never get points.

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I put your thread under: Competitive Points Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.