Increase Penalty for Leavers

Call for increase penalty response for leaver penalties beyond a few minute “suspension” and loss of SR. I don’t care if you’re internet is bad, you had to go to the bathroom, the kids are barking, or the delivery person is there. You signed up for a role and need to see through that commitment. There was a time and austerity in Comp where if you didn’t play the right toon set, follow strategy, turn on your mic, or play a class/toon you were able to prove your skills in…oh my goodness they’d have that person shaking in their boots. Comp today feels very casual, it feels like modern Quick Play and Quick Play feels like Skirmish.

-Remove option to leave from game in Comp
-Increase timed suspension to 1-12hr based on severity or occurence
-Increase SR loss
-Ban from Comp for season only based on severity or occurence

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The leaver penalty does not need to be increased, especially not when you stop to consider that not everyone who leaves does so intentionally.

It’s already unfair to penalise players who get disconnected due to circumstances beyond their control (eg power blackouts, unscheduled internet service interruptions, hardware failures, etc).

Making said penalty more severe is not the answer.

Backfill for Competitive is the only viable solution for the leaver problem, and it would also help reduce queue times because the game wouldn’t be sending 11 players back to the queue if someone disconnects in the first minute.