Inconsistency in "one trick" policy

The worst teammates to have are the people that think like this.


That i’m afraid is not true! Seen it multiple times were a one trick Genji or a one trick Reinhardt weren’t talked to but the one trick Symmetra was literally attacked by almost everyone! Unacceptable!

Give them a chance!!!


Except that you don’t know if the hero is truly bad in that situation because you haven’t spent the time to learn that hero as much as they did. You’re going to put so much weight into your own assumption before even considering that they may know how to play that hero in this situation? Perhaps that’s something you need to work on as a player and a person.


Add to the inconsistency:
If you get whitelisted like KaJak did he gets reported plenty for being a torb/sym two trick but now gets to ignore all 12 suspensions he would have gotten since he did get whitelisted(his own words).

Good for him, but what about everyone else?

A. K. A if he gets whitelisted so is trusted and would’ve gotten suspended 12 times since, there is CLEARLY an issue with the reporting system… Right?


If I could I’d upvote you!

The rework should have moved her from troll to playable and fixed the bans. It failed.

I believe the developers need to stand up for their changes and throw support behind symmetra if they think she is in a good place, because the changes alone weren’t enough to fix her troll status, it seems.

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The problem happens mostly from diamond and above. I don’t know your rank, but people from platinum and below are more prone to just rage instead of reporting people for their hero picks. But on Masters and above is where you meet people who will see your off-meta pick and instantly report you before you even have a chance to leave the hero select screen.

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Here’s my last game with Sombra, on King’s Row which is one of the best Sombra maps :

Duo of Reinhardt and Zarya instantly complain when i pick her.
When i try to communicate X is hacked, i’m going to EMP, in fact as soon as i talk about anything exclusively related to the current game, they immediately cut me off by repeating “shut the f up” over and over.

When i land my first EMP (5hits) and kill the enemy zen, our Zarya fails her grav and gets only one person in, our entire team then dies.
They proceed to call me out about how bad my EMP was.

Finally i leave voice chat because there is no point, and the two of them including another party member asks the enemy team to report me.

Blizzard, this is only my last game with Sombra. 2/3 of my games with her are like this. I peaked at 55% winrate only to have all of this stolen by consecutive incredibly stupid players like these and on top of it i have to deal with the fear that all the abusive reports get through eventually.

This is not a good game experience.

When you get a team willing to cooperate, Sombra is a great character, even after the rework. Unfortunately most of the time you won’t, and you have to deal with extreme stupidity.


Buddy, I made that statement as a point that it isn’t like you get instant banned for one tricking sum. People are making it out to be that if you play her consistently you get banned very quickly.

Take your high horse and shove it.

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You can get banned for one tricking? I hope nobody looks at my profile then

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blizzard will never respond, they will have to either admit failure or hundreds if not thousands of false suspensions


The worst thing is about all this, is the inconsistency. It’s not just about who gets banned or not banned. But the fact that someone could one trick X character. Never get a ban. Regardless of WR. But a Sym or a Torb will get auto banned. I’ve been on a team that literately did that in front of me.

I played two matches with a Sym one trick. Everyone just harassed the person basically the whole time. No one gave them a single chance. She stuck with the character and we did win all the rounds. I purposefully protected her the most, as Zarya. So that she would die the least. Yet people still reported her. While I’m a one trick Zarya. No one batted an eye, at me. Half the time I’ve been called a smurf. I’ve never been banned or reported period.

You report a one trick. Weather they win or lose. YOU REPORT THEM ALL, OR YOU DON’T. Including God plays. Don’t cherry pick them. Because they fill the role you want them to fill. Or if they won and was the carry of the team. You have to be consistent for this nonsense to be fair. Including any high rank one trick.

You ban a Sym for one tricking. Stevo gets banned, regardless. Or is everyone gonna start to make up random lines. Where said person is a one trick or not. Due to X time on this character VS X time on others. He only one tricks every other month, but he’s fine.


You’ve obviously not played a lot of Sym. You don’t have to say a single thing, the moment you lock Sym in someone quite often starts having fits. The worst ones (well not truly the worst ones because those are the ones making threats of attacks in real life) will then start calling you a thrower and trying to convince the team to report you… sometimes before the doors even open for the first time and without you even needing to say a word.

It is not even reacting to the people that can get you banned due to how badly setup this system is. I once solo queue’d and got placed into a match with a 5 man premade. I never even had said anything or done anything when suddenly one of them on match chat asked the other team to report me claiming that I had said I intended to throw. (I’ve never said that at any time, much less on that match.) Then another chimed in also asking them to do the same. Then a third said “I agree that this guy is a douche but we shouldn’t tell the other team.” as if to cement the idea to the other team that it was all true. Soon the other team was agreeing to report me taking their word for it.

That is how bad this community reacts to Sym. Mind you the experience I describe above was with Sym 2.0 not 3.0, but I’ve seen the threads on 3.0 users getting unfair punishments. I suspect a few may have behaved poorly, but I also strongly suspect some are just scapegoats like I was there.


My alt with semi-flex but main Doomfist got banned without a warning for 3 days.

I stayed between 65%-70% win rate but stats doesn’t matter.

This community have an horrible bad designed and abusable tool called report system..

Why there is not a limit about how many reports you can do per day? Dota 2 a 6-7 years old game have this to prevent people to SPAM false reports over and over. Right now join a game and start false reporting everyone over and over and next day you will have plenty of messages saying that someone got punished for your reports.

Many trolls/griefers use this tool to sabotage other people account because Blizzard doesn’t have a support staff, 0, everything is automated that’s why only extremely popular streamers can do something about it, I remember fuey for example a top500 torbjorn who constantly got banned over and over.


You can get banned for one tricking unliked heroes. If you one trick a popular hero, like Zenyatta in your case, then all is fine in the minds of the toxic OW community.


You can get banned for whatever.

The Sabotage and Inactivity reports are the one who triggers the auto-ban for your account.

Someone didn’t join voice chat? reported for sabotage/inactivity.
Someone joins voice chat but doesn’t talk? reported for sabotage/inactivity.
Someone picks X character? reported for sabotage/inactivity.
Someone made a mistake? reported for sabotage/inactivity.
Someone played poorly but still won the game? reported for sabotage/inactivity.

and so on, people already now this and abuse the report system every day , every match.


Not even close

Toxic players are far worse

Players who throw are far worse

Players who are zero tricks (dont know how to play any of the characters) are far worse

those three for starters just off the top of my head

so no, you’re wrong here

Lets say you feel that the player should pick Reinhardt instead of the player they have picked, because Reinhardt is the best pick (in your opinion, mind you) for the situation

Lets then say the player has never played Reinhardt

So will the one trick player contribute more with the character they chose and are competent playing, or Reinhardt, who they dont know how to play at all?

Yes, there is defending it.

I just did so

You dont get the control other players picks. You control you. Only you.

Your expectation that other players do as YOU say and what YOU want them to do is the problem here


Youve played her for less than a week–not even onetrick, just “main”–and u think ur the onetrick expert now lol.

No one is saying you get instabanned for picking Sym. We are contesting the fact that we get banned AT ALL based on false reports that accuse us of throwing despite all evidence to the contrary.

And these bans are upheld, because the customer service team doesnt want or isnt able to fully investigate claims of false reports, even when they are presented with hard evidence such as gameplay footage.


She’s solid at the moment and only her primary needs to be looked at. Other then that she’s awesome

The community on the other hand could do with a rework!


Never claimed to be an expert lol. Just saying, if you main a hero and do well with them in most matches to the point where people give you recognition, you will not get suspended for playing that hero.

I don’t one trick sym because one tricking makes you a POS.

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