Inconsistency in "one trick" policy

I got two warnings for gameplay sabotage on two different accounts for playing mostly Doomfist, Sym and Sombra. Thanks Blizzard :ok_hand:


Nope, people will flame you from the very first second of the game and will tell you to switch or that they are going to report you. Sometimes some people even throw because you pick an off meta hero, like “Oh you pick Sym, I’m going to pick Sombra to troll you even more hahahaha!”


That quote doesn’t relate to what I said. I agree the rules should be clear. I am skeptical that people are only getting banned because of their picks.

I have quite a few games where picking Sym at the start results in 4 dps instalocks. It sucks but whatever, I also have quite a few games where a team works with me and we stomp the enemy with TP strats.

I think eventually people will stop the negative mentality towards Sym, but a lot of that mentality comes from the fact that most Sym players are one tricks who don’t communicate or bring anything to the table for their team. Most of them are people the average player does not want to play with because they have bad attitudes.

So I don’t blame people for assuming I’m throwing when I instalock Sym. I blame them when I’m putting in work, and they still refuse to acknowledge that. They make me the scapegoat for why we lose because they don’t want to actually think about why they lost. It’s easy to blame the Sym.


I don’t play sym in comp, no. I do have people on my team who play sym/torb depending on the map, but my teammates don’t give them anything for it. Not saying it doesn’t happen, as I said in my original response. But it would be nice if somebody produced verifiable proof that they weren’t toxic and actually tried to help their team out and therefore being banned for it.

I just can’t go on somebody’s word alone, a lot of posts here complain about unjust punishments.

Again, definitely not saying anybody is lying about it. I do think the rules should be explicit and then followed exactly.


I am whitelisted by Jeff from the report system after multiple bans for playing off meta heroes. A clear indication of policy.

GM told me I have 2600 lifetime reports. No more bans after being whitelisted. A lot of bans prevented as I cycle through the warning message a lot. A Grand master builder trick


They have given direct answers: they said one tricking is allowed.

However, their customer service is not on the same page. You can talk to 6 different game moderators and they’ll all tell you completely contradicting things. One will unban you, one will tell you it was justified, a different one will tell you something entirely different and so on.

Their report system is also automated and will ban you regardless of innocence based off sheer report amount alone.

So one tricking is allowed, but people can and will report abuse you for it to get you automatically suspended. And if you try to go to Blizzard’s customer service to appeal it they’re not updated on the situation for some awful reason so you can expect to not be unbanned.

One tricking is effectively bannable right now through report abuse


Hey! Good to see you’re still out there building.

The true sad part in all of this is that a lot of these issue could be avoided with simple adjustments to the report system, like denying access to the system during a match and limiting the number of times you can report someone.

While I don’t think 1 tricking by itself is bannable, playing something like hero x when you’re getting countered so hard by y and/or z and not switching is just bad teamwork and game sense which I believe is bannable.

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I think I remember you making a thread way back in the day about the auto-suspensions

Good on ya mate for overcoming those saltybois reporting you. Keep up the good fight


why are we not white listed? my smurf got suspended for a 3rd time for playing mostly (emphasize mostly) Symmetra. I have 50% of my symm play time between other heroes and well over 60% winrate wih Symm.

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I would think you might have a point, except 99.9% of this community has zero clue when someone is actually being countered. The mere presence of a counter pick on the enemy team doesn’t mean you need to switch. Far too many people think that way unfortunately.


Right, I think KaJak is as close as one can get to verifiable proof.

I just find it extremely distasteful they whitelist some, or those with enough of a following to cause some negative PR, yet won’t tell GM’s to follow the rules, and not their own opinions on the situation.

Or even worse, they might tell their GM’s to uphold suspensions regardless and only “fix” it for those with the necesary backing.

Who knows.

I like innocent until proven guilty over guilty until proven innocent, because in most cases proving your innocence is MUCH harder if not impossible compared to proving guilt.


But that’s the thing though, it’s just right now the report system isn’t clear. That’s where I agree with this topic… they need to get on the same page and be forthcoming about what is bannable and what isn’t. I have been called a one-trick Moira before (LOL I’m not…) and I wasn’t banned. Maybe I wasn’t reported? Idk. But there has to be some way for mods and the rules to be explicit.

Also, I don’t really know of a way for reporting on games/forums could be “innocent until guilty” in the way that I’m thinking of (the court system in the US/UK.) They would have to verify every single report. I guess they could create jobs for people to do that, but it just isn’t possible, I don’t think anyway.

It isn’t

There are players without game sense

There are players who play suboptimally

There are players who dont even know you CAN switch in-game

Kajak made a thread that got massive and was personally looked into by Blizzard

Unless we get a thread with 1,000+ replies and get our accounts personally looked into by Blizzard, we aint getting white listed

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Besides Symmetra being even more troll pick than before, I think her TP is a big part of the problem. One missclick and your TP is somewhere where it shouldn’t be and everyone reports you for Troll TP.

Except it’s a reasonable assumption that you did claim to be an expert. Instead of boasting your point of view about something you know nothing about, you can acknowledge that you’re ignorant on the topic, and educate yourself. Yes, with your amount of experience, we can see how you’d have your point of view. It’s not going to change unless you play for a few more hours of experience.

How is the Blizzard CSS person explicitly admitting that hero choice can be bannable not indication that players are getting banned for just this? Nowhere in the message did it say “You were banned because of toxic communication” or even “The reports were for inactivity.”

The message was very clear that Blizzard considers picking a hero your team dislikes gameplay sabotage worthy of a ban.

Besides, you can always write off any report of this kind of thing with “I’m skeptical” and I admit that was my response early on. However, it’s becoming a really scary trend.

Then should I report people for gameplay sabotage when they continually charge into battle while their teammates are in spawn, and ignore any requests to group up? That way, we can get people who continually do this banned so they stop sabotaging this team game by acting selfishly on their own?

No, she isn’t. Her win rate is strong (just lower than her old, crazy high win rate). Her kit is being used to great effect by many people. She has fewer counters, can work better with more team comps, and most importantly, her contribution to the fight is no longer invisible.


This is very vague to me, as when I read it, I read it as: player was negatively impacting the game in such a way that they were banned/suspended for it due to toxic behavior. But like I said, it is awfully vague and I completely agree with you that the rules should be explicit. None of this should be debatable, it should be cut and dry.

Yeah I agree, I want everyone to have a good time, even the people who aren’t very good/don’t pick the typical characters people expect in comp. Having fun should be the main goal in this game, but I see a lot of people not having fun because of vague rules, feeding the enemy team, not playing as a team and coordinating with other players… it can get really frustrating to play the same match over and over because of that.