Inconsistency in "one trick" policy

Maybe they are being reported for a reason?

This is coming from someone who used to onetrick Widow on their smurf. I would pick Widow into Dive comp and not care if I fed my butt off because I just wanted to practice aim.

It was terrible behavior, and one tricks need to either broaden their hero pool or gtfo competitive mode. It’s not competitive to play one hero in a game with counters. It’s ruining the experience for other players and makes them want to quit the game.

Experience of the team > experience of the one trick


Seagull is hardly representative of the Overwatch community. To be quite honest, I bet very few people get banned by poor reports due to playing unpopular heroes in GM/Top 500. I didn’t even see any significant toxicity while he was streaming, and he most definitely wasn’t swapping, so that’s not why. The vast majority of players are not some recognizable face, and aren’t playing at that super high level.

And regardless, the critical issue here is that the message here is completely inconsistent. In some places, they say one tricking isn’t bannable. In other places they say it is. I just want consistency, even if that consistency is “Yes, this can get you banned if your inflexibility ruins the experience of your team.”

"It’s terrible behavior, and tricklers need to either learn to group up or gtfo competitive mode. It’s not competitive to run in alone and stagger yourself in a team game. It’s ruining the experience for other players and makes them want to quit the game.

Experience of the team > experience of the trickler."

Is this okay to say? Because trickling is objectively 100% wrong and bad in all situations. Meanwhile, picking an off-meta hero can actually work, even if it can also put you at a disadvantage. It’s strange to me that the latter can get you banned, yet the former can’t.


Actually seagull did receive toxicity, most from the Frenchmen as a joke but did receive some.
But it being seagull I don’t think is the reason, I think its the strange thing all the sym players I come across do is Leave voice and don’t work with their team.

When seagull received hate for playing sym, he didn’t leave voice like many sym 1 tricks do, he HARDCORE worked with the team, trying to joke and get some great coordination going, I feel that if sym players did that, then they would receive less toxicity and may end up with better overwatch experiences.


Slight correction done for you. I wish it wasn’t true.

It’s really easy to do that when you’re one tricking is something fun you’re doing for a few days. It’s a lot harder to continually do that every single game for your entire Overwatch career…

Yeah… I don’t think I’ve ever heard a story of someone appealing a ban and one of the CS folks saying “Oh, okay. It looks like these reports were bad reports. Let me unban you.” You’d think we’d at least see this on occasion if it happens at all.

I supersize with the thought process, but come on. People on each side need to stop inferring things like OTPs are ‘always’ throwing or that forcing them off their hero is ‘always’ throwing.
It’s not throwing. It’s a bad idea. But it’s not throwing. Let’s try to not intentionally use terms like “throwing” partially subjectively just to push our arguments, and instead try to view things more objectively.


It has happened… but only once or twice, and only top 500 streamers like Stevoo. Even they only get overruled if the publicity is explicitly bad for Blizzard.

Think of it like the way Airlines used to handle baggage. Huge runaround, mouth service at best, claims that the customer didn’t properly handle their own bags, etc. Then one day they did it to a relatively minor musician. Who proceeded to create a song called “United Breaks Guitars” and almost overnight became a viral sensation and a horrible PR disaster for United Airlines. Suddenly they were bending over backwards to help him.

If you’re someone who can generate bad publicity for a false report banning you will get overturned and whitelisted. For anyone else, I hope you have extremely good luck with your customer support ticker handler being one of the few non rule-ignorers.

Gotta love how Blizzard says in writing “gameplay sabotage is not refusing to switch characters” yet they uphold these false report bans anyway.


Agreed. A huge part of this problem is that people equate doing something that’s less than optimal to throwing. They’re not the same, especially since there is no universal agreement on what is actually optimal.

There’s even plenty of info out there about how people worry too much about swapping, and it hurting their game. Yet many people think swapping is the be-all-end-all of Overwatch and can’t even conceive of altering their play to get around a counter instead of swapping.


Why we have contradictions

Onetricking is supposed to be a handicap and people should give it up voluntarily for SR. And if they dont want to win that should also be cool.
However, Overwatch is too Team work concentrated. So that makes a contradiction. Your pick isnt your own problem in reality. And blizzard and many people doesnt want it to be forced in anyway but they also want to force others.

IMO if the team calls someone out for feeding and they continue to do so, I report them for game play sabotage all in the same regardless of their hero choice

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I agree that the rules should be more explicit. It has to be clear in order for everyone to be on the same page.

However, I am very skeptical about people getting banned solely for picking Sym and Sym alone (or whatever hero.) Sometimes, people are toxic and they do disrupt the game for others, and they do deserve a ban. That doesn’t mean it was because of the hero selection, but toxic behavior + one trick? I mean, that deserves some sort of negative feedback.

I don’t frequent reddit, but maybe I’m just not seeing viable proof of people getting banned for just that one thing, I’d have to actually see the game in question and go from there. I can’t say that I won’t change my mind if I saw it.

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Here’s a quote from earlier in the thread:

It’s not something common on the main subreddit (mostly because I think most Symmetra players ignore that subreddit, since it’s usually very aggressive towards Sym players). But it’s almost daily that someone posts a new story about being banned, and their appeal being denied because them playing Symmetra despite their team’s requests is apparently a violation of the ToS.

Honestly, I don’t know why they leave these unpopular heroes in the game if they’re going to ban people for playing them…


They won’t. Blizzard’s like Trump. Always a dodger.

I really think the issue is way simpler than being about optimalness.
One-tricks usually say they’re perfect and aren’t the problem at all and always the victims and it’s others ruining their gameplay.
Others say they’re perfect and aren’t the problem and always the victims and it’s one-tricks ruining their gameplay.

None of us is perfect. None of us are being victimized. It’s just me me me me me me me me. That’s why both sides jump through hopes to defend themselves and their groups and try to act innocent. We’re all guilty here. None of us is a victim. Everyone refuses to accept any blame. Including Blizzard.

There is zero attempt to actually improve the health of the game objectively. Even Blizzard outright refuses to assist players in reform.
No one’s interested in making the game better for all. All they’re interested in is making the game better for themselves because they don’t care about others.
So when the two major opposing sides of this argument both act like that, it’s really hard for either group to have any sympathy for the other.


Well, some people are literally being banned from the game for doing something the game says won’t get you banned. Call it what you will, but it’s definitely unfair and feels incredibly dishonest.

This is a slight tangent, but do you know how we do this? Focus. On. Play. Not one aspect of playing Overwatch. Everything. If something is going wrong, think about and discuss the problems and consider whether you need to push differently, change your target priority, group up better, or swap heroes.

Don’t focus on one area of play over others. One tricks ignore hero choice and players who hate them seem to ignore everything else. Both sides need to look at the game as a whole, and consider all aspects of play.

Back to the actual topic, regardless of what the stance is, it should be clear and consistent. That’s my main complaint here. If a blue post popped up saying “Yes, we do ban people based on reports about not swapping in certain circumstances. We do think that one tricking can and does ruin games enough that we should take action against it when enough players are frustrated with it,” then problem solved.

But when forum posts say one thing, the game says another, CSS says something different, and the ToS are vague (probably so they can go either way), it just feels like a big, jumbled mess, and no one is happy.


I never was a Symmetra OTP, but I main her since season 4. I like talking about the game, and I like developing plans and strategies with my team. I immediately join voice chat since the game launched, and I still got enough toxicity that I was forced to play Overwatch from season 7 onward with voice chat off for my own mental health.

I never was suspended, I never received a single warning about people avoiding me, or reporting me, but after a few months, everyone blaming everything wrong that happens solely on you, it gets tiring. Then it becomes frustrating.

Stuff like Pharah demolishing our team, and its somehow my fault on Symmetra even if our Soldier keep shooting at Reinhardt shield instead of taking her down. Our Genji is jumping half mile ahead of the team, and when he eventually dies, it’s my fault. And of course, since “Symmetra is not working”, it’s perfectly acceptable that the whole team swaps to heroes they have zero experience playing and abysmal winrates because the match is “already lost anyway”.

If it was just people being directly toxic, I had no problem muting and reporting them. It’s the hundreds of small nudges that gets under my skin, and the only way to avoid that is simply never meeting it in the first place.


Theres a MASSIVE difference between a Sym onetrick w 70% winrate and a widow who uses comp to practice


I’ve been maining sym the last few days and I don’t believe those players for a second. When I do well the team notices and compliments me. When I do poorly the team notices and flames me, and I usually swap at this point. I can maintain a positive winrate and avoid getting mass reported, while playing Sym in 95% of my comp matches.

They must be doing something to actively agitate their team, or they aren’t noticing when they’re being ineffective and not doing anything about it like switching up their playstyle or what have you.

When I see Pharah I dedicate my turrets to making her life hell. When there’s a Widow I go on flanks and teleport up next to her with turrets and a charged orb. I get enemy teams saying to me after games, “hey moist your sym is really annoying to play against.” and that’s huge for me because it means I’m doing my job on the hero.

I don’t support anyone who receives a ban for playing certain heroes because there’s no way, if they’re playing like me, that they will get enough reports for a ban. They MUST be doing something else, like not joining voice or not communicating when they want the team to use TP.


“ive been maining Sym for the last few days and …”

LMAO. Sit down henny. You know nothing.

I didnt get my first suspension until i had 700 hours on Sym, at which point i was Playing her in 80% of my matches. 60% winrate, silver to diamond.

I started onetricking her at the start of season 11. Figured if Im gonna get suspended for being a onetrick, might as well do it.

I got suspended 2 weeks ago for 1 day. Ive just come off my second suspension (2day long).

The more u play an offmeta hero, the more u get reported. Its a simple correlation.

Funnily enough when i first started playing this game in season 2 I was a Mercy onetrick. In 50 hours i never got reported once, even tho i was awful for at least the first 25 hours.

But 30 hours into Sym onetrick w 55% winrate and Im banned.

Funny that.


One tricks are the worst teammates you can ever have. They refuse to swap even if their hero pick is the literal worst hero they could possibly choose in that situation.

There’s no defending that level of selfishness in a game where your play and hero pick directly affects your five teammates.