Incoming "Mass-Rez was not overpowered" threads

You’re not, those were there. But in each of those threads the OP claimed that Mass Rez was Overpowered. People started calling for changes only due to a hero being “unfun” after mercy got changed and the devs used it as an excuse, not before.

You didn’t imagine them. There were both “mass rez is unfun” and “Mercy/mass rez is OP” threads at the time. Half of the threads I saw said mass rez was unfun because it was too OP for a “no skill hero”.

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Explain why a competitive game, where the object is to get better, should ignore the game state when you actually do get good.


Sym only got her rework after a full year, Torb will only be getting his rework now. And Bastion has been in the dumpster since his, over a year and months ago.

I’m not failing to take into account nothing. Your point?

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Because Mercy is a entry level hero, you should naturally gravitate towards the higher skill based heroes as you get higher.
Or at least they should start to outperform them.

Was it?

I don’t really get what your point was in the reply…
Torb/Sym/Bastion all have taken FAR TOO LONG (typical blizzard) to do anything about.
As an entry level hero she “belongs” in low ranks, as people get better they should switch to higher skilled based heroes (Ana currently being the only one)

And Ana did. Why did you think Mercy was not seen in higher ranks? We should go back to that dinamic, problem is, apperently, ‘‘mAsS rEz WaS oP’’.

The contridiction hurts.


Because the higher ranks had the skill to “counter” the Mercy by “click her head lawwwl 4head”
Its not that she wasn’t a good healer, its that Ana (as she rightfully should) was the better option.
That wasn’t a bad thing.

Mass res was OP/unfun in the sense that it didn’t belong in the game in the first place.
It was unhealthy and should never come back.

Ok, so let’s revert her then, right?

Here we go again, with the OP/unfun nonsense. Look man, I don’t enjoy dying to a Rip-Tire my team most of the time doesn’t even know where It’s coming from, or Genji just OHKO me with dash and slash combo from his Dragon Blade. I think these are the most unfun ultimates in the game, but you don’t see me complaining and asking for it to me removed from the game, do you?

‘‘uNheAlThY’’ lmao, you don’t like it, so It’s obviously BAD.


You folks still talk about this? lol

Didn’t realize it was your right to determine what does or doesn’t belong in a game created by NOT you lul


Nope. Saw the unfun excuse long before the devs changed. After they used I started seeing more people use it either sarcastically or to get a hero they didn’t like changed.

And the threads I saw were just saying mass rez was unfun. It’s only recently that people started calling it OP.

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I think they removed Mass res more because it was bad design and unhealthy for this kind of game.
Yes, it may have been unfun but many things are unfun which you don’t balance around fun. Don’t get me wrong things NEED to be fun but not at the expense of the game.
Personally, in my opinion, mass res was removed because it was UNHEALTHY for the game and people are just using the ‘‘they changed it because it was unfum’’ and forgetting how it negatively impacted the game as a whole.

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So unhealthy it stayed in the game for almost 2 full years, went past multiple beta stages.

What negatively impacted the game was this rework, and there is no denying that.


Was I was the one who removed it?
Oh it was the developers you say?
I wonder why…
They just removed it for giggles hehehe

I believe that aimbots, wall hacks and invisibility are unhealthy for the game. :slight_smile: Can we remove them please?


If the developers feel so, sure (I for one don’t like stealth)
But they don’t (so far)

Gotta keep fighting, y’all! Scream it to the world, while Blizzard ignores you (I should say us, but eh) all!!! DEMOCRACY, BOOIIIISSSSS!!! Lmao I like memes. Can we get more memes pls?

I wouldn’t exactly say it was unhealthy for the game, but more so for the players. That is undeniable. Statistically, Mass Res was not broken or unhealthy, but for the players it was. :slight_smile: